Benjamin R. David -- a closet homosexual, blackmailed (Dem.) and his IDENTICAL TWIN BROTHER Jon David (Rep.) are District Attorneys in S.E. North Carolina -- PROTECTING NARCO-TRAFFICKING FOR Republican State Senator Thom Goolsby, whose Republican Party profits from it (as well as the CIA and the Episcopal Church, USA only).
>>> THIS JUST IN!!! IN WIKIPEDIA, THREE of the references to me of being Tennessee Williams' ASSISTANT have recently DISAPPEARED ENTIRELY, and the reference to me on Tennessee Williams' MAIN ENTRY has changed so that I am now listed as his FRIEND, and no longer as his assistant. WORSE, it was recently CHANGED to agree with the CHANGED-TO-LIES original Murdock-owned NEW YORK POST article from last 2009, claiming I said someone in the Coroner's Office MADE UP THE proved-medically-impossible cause of death by chocking on a medicine bottle cap. I NEVER, EVER said that!!! Why WOULD I -- when John Uecker was originally quoted saying that -- and then John told ME that he told the Coroner to claim that (which the cononer did originally -- until he changed it quietly to "sudden intolerance" to Seconal -- ANOTHER LIE!!!
I intuitively credit John Uecker who MURDERED Tennessee by smothering him with a pillow with doing this. Apparently SOMEONE has told John Uecker that AGAIN they expect to kill ME soon. Don't hold yer breath, folks. LOL!!!
And NOW, I just checked to see the play production of IN MASKS OUTRAGEOUS AND AUSTERE'S website where I was credited as Tom's assistant during the time he worked on the play intensely in 1981 and 1982 -- and also gave me credit as the inspiration for the character Mac, a looming, tall, black, silent man (even John Uecker told me this character is based on me).
No WONDER Victor Syrmis , "Joe E. Jeffreys Dramaturg" , and Carl Rumbaugh , the three principals who PRETENDED TO BE FRIENDLY leading UP to the production and during it emailed me asking to get NO MORE EMAILS about Tennessee Williams -- AND, before opening, I found email addresses of ALL the top production people and actors except two, and emailed them individually offering free copies of my Williams memoir and to discuss anything about the play's development that I might be able to answer.
Yes, another FUCK SCOTT job by Sewanee (University of the South), partnered with its parent, the Episcopal Arch-Diocese of Atlanta (both Sewanee and the ATL Archdiocese are HEAVILY ENDOWED by my distant Kenan Relatives -- as often noted in this blog), as well as the Republican Party and the CIA also getting funds -- and they share the NARCO-TRAFFICKING profits as well!!! -- much as Jackie Kennedy Onassis told Tennessee Williams and me at Jean Stein and George Plimpton's party for Tom on January 11, 1982.
I'm just SHOCKED that they thought they would get away with this, still. MORE TERROR PHONE CALLS TOMORROW. HA!!!
* * *
I had planned to post a laudatory comment I posted elsewhere regarding Patrick Martin, MD, head of THE OAKS Mental Health Center at New Hanover County Medical Center -- BUT MY COMMENT THERE HAS ALREADY DISAPPEARED FROM THE INTERNET(S)!!!
I left Dr. Martin a voicemail about it which was QUITE SPECIFIC. I hope the HACKERS don't remove it before he hears it -- like they used to do to ALL my voicemails left for Teri at BENEFITS MANAGEMENT in Wilmington.
See, I TOLD you they think they will RUB ME OUT TOTALLY VERY SOON!!!
* * *
After posting the most recent post earlier today, I suddenly felt unsafe because there were so many cars and people coming and going BOTH at Villa Loco Upstairs and at the Harbor Master's house next door. Since Oregon Joel (Jolene or Popeye some places in this blog), had told me when he BEAT ME IN MY APARTMENT KITCHEN -- see: -- and I was SCREAMING WHAT HE WAS DOING WHILE HE DID IT AT THE TOP OF MY MASSIVE LUNGS, the Harbor Master being home at the time and NO ONE on the street responded or looked up from what they were doing, I BELIEVE now Joel's claim that EVERYONE who lives near Villa Loco Upstairs is PART OF HIS CIA NARCO-TRAFFICKING ORGANIZATION!!!
While the Harbor Master's wife remains friendly and full of humor about EVERYTHING (always a good sign), and his son and HIS wife, Lena/Elena -- a Russian orphan raised in the USA -- are ALWAYS friendly toward me, I have passed the Harbormaster TWICE in the last two days AND HE REFUSES TO EVEN NOD HIS HEAD TO ME, let alone return my "Buen Dia, Senor!!!"
I guess with fishing and business in general off some, he has to be CAREFUL to whom he is friendly!!! LOL!!! Corruption runs DEEP!!! (somewhere, here).
Anyway, I met with some Federale Officers in a routine traffic stop near Las Penitas, and filled THEM in on a lot of details about this situation in Chacala and METH TRAFFICKING that I will not detail here -- some things are best kept close.
In Sayulita, I talked to dozens of people about many things I recently have blogged about. Results: Americans were split 50/50 in their reactions to me -- but by GENDER, women who accompanied men ALL GOT ANGRY -- while their men were interested (until the women told me in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS to go to hell -- I was KICKED OUT OF THREE WHITE-GRINGO-OWNED businesses!!! -- if not all were always believing my stories.
Five Canadian groups ASKED ME for my blog's URL. Mexican police laughed as I got some WHITE GRINGOS yelling at me several times -- and they all said they KNEW former Mayor of Puerto Vallarta is in NARCO-TRAFFICKING with the Chicago Drug Mafia (led by Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama -- with assist from Mayor Villaraigosa of Los Angeles).
On returning to Chacala before dusk, I found MIZ Villa's candy store CLOSED -- just as it had been when I left town about 2:00 PM. Maybe the rich crowd who were there two days ago have ABANDONED HER!!! I had hoped to pay rent -- due today.
But then, I found some Villas in their quarters here at Villa Loco Upstairs -- BUT FOR THE ONLY TIME EVER, their front "Catholic Door" was not only LOCKED NORMALLY, but had a HEAVY metal chain with HEAVY padlock on it with several of them HOME, no less!!!
Diego-the-unlawfully-husband came out, I counted out the 3,000 pesos (which seemed to surprise him that it was not 4,000 -- as I had planned to up it when I expected they would honor their promise to rent to me for a year. But he said OK, counted it himself, and RE-LOCKED HIMSELF IN!!!
I found this new SUPER-LOCKING to be too sad to take a picture of (and I STILL am prevented from adding pictures from my computer to this blog, anyway -- one week of this CIA/Carlos Slim Helu HACKING or CIA/Google harassment).
I'll be glad to be gone in a month.

Gavin Newsom shared The White House's photo.
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