>>> STRANGE FORMATTING but TOP Search Keywords leading to this blog today. J.E. Kenan is my grandfather:
joel miller bethlehem ga pentagon publishing
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joseph emerson kenan
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gerry flynn bethlehem ga
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lee gosney alcoholics 8
All highlighted YELLOW are current employees (if Lee is still alive), of www.pentagon-usa.com, my former employer. See more: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/06/now-confronting-pentagon-pubishing-incs.html as well as here: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/04/evidence-against-patrick-stansbury-of.html .
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A HUGE "UH-oh", mostly for Republicans, but MOSTLY for Mr. Obama, who got TWICE what the top Republican got in POLITICAL DONATIONS from AMGEN!!.
OH WAIT!!! Mr. Obama IS the top Republican!!!
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ADDED to yesterday's main posting: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/01/my-voicemail-left-this-evening-for-john.html :
Saturday, January 19, 2013
My Voicemail Left This Evening for John Eastman of Eastman & Eastman in NYC!!!

ADDED Sunday Jan. 20 after Blogger/CIA/Google RETREATED and began allowing me to paste photos in again!!!
Left to right: Typical Paul McCartney fan, Paul McCartney, Babe-Licious, Bah-Bah Wah-Wah (the aunt of Babe-Licious, Paul's current wife), Mrs. & Mr. John Eastman (John the only living prime conspirator in Tennessee Williams' and John Lennon's MURDERS!!!)
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Scott Kenan shared a link.
The Obama children CLEARLY are more vulnerable than the average child, so SHOULD get extra protection. Best would be that THIS man walk through urban areas of impoverished minorities at about two AM unarmed.
I, a white guy, 61 years old, ...never have fear or a problem doing this because I relate to people simply as people (same way I related to my former boss Tennessee Williams and Jackie Kennedy Onassis as well as Ronald Reagan when I met THEM).
Just be yourself and treat others with repect (at least) or love and you are ALWAYS fine!!!
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