Wednesday, October 10, 2018

RP: Donald Trump Gives Thomas S. Kenan III and Betty (Price) Kenan a BIG BONUS!!! / Robert James McKinney (from the front apartment), Demands to Know WHEN I will Apologize to Speed-Addict Allie Ryan -- LOL!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Ethanol takes more energy to refine than gasoline -- almost always via burning carbon energy -- then it releases LESS ENERGY when burned in a car's engine than the gas it replaces. Gasoline with Ethanol has ALWAYS polluted more than straight gasoline for that reason (and gasoline diluted with Ethanol give less power). My Kenan Family that controls Exxon-MobilBank of America, etc., and put Donald Trump into power will BENEFIT most because Kenans ALSO control the World's LARGEST Distributor of Ethanol -- Kenan Advantage Group (the company that has had the exclusive contract with Costco to fill their gas stations with gasoline in the 48 contiguous states since about 2002)!!!

About this website

One Day After Catastrophic UN Climate Report, Trump Removes Restrictions on Ethanol Gasoline

"Of COURSE we Kenans support the Ku Klux Klan and the neo-NAZIS -- we are DEVOUT EPISCOPALIANS", Betty (in center, Tom with his perpetual drink), might have said. 

The LARGEST TRUCKING COMPANY in the USACANADA, and MEXICO, mostly hauling Petroleum Products.

Federal Police keep back Native American Protesters so that Kenan Advantage Group can enter the Sovereign Territory of the Natives in Oregon -- BREAKING US TREATIES -- about four months ago -- and ONLY the Internet Press reported it!!!

In 2011, I knew TWO Kenan truck drivers who were FIRED for refusing to dump all the sludge in the bottom of their trucks into Tidal Wetlands in New Hanover and Pender Counties (Wilmington, NC area).

FUNNY that today in Walmart (buying just a few needed things in case Hurricane Michael causes us MORE TROUBLE than is now expected), I ran into a woman who is a senior at UNCW studying advanced mathematics and scientific application of that (she recently back from a year studying in Scandinavia and is SHOCKED how much more BARBARIC the USA had become in her absence).

I filled her in on how TOTALLY COMMITTED to the Ku Klux Klan and NAZI Party -- in conjunction with many Christian Churches -- from Catholic and Episcopal to Mainstream Protestant and Evangelical -- my wealthy Kenan Family that has so endowed her school is.

She offered to treat me to lunch (but I'd just eaten a HUGE late breakfast), and I begged off on that, but she wanted my blog's address and went there in front of me. I had checked blog hits for today just before going to Walmart, so spoke to one other and got HIM to go to my blog as well.

When I got home, I re-checked Blog Statistics, and found NO NEW HITS REGISTERED!!!

Longtime Readers know that in late 2012 when hits were only a few hundred fewer than 100,000, and I was getting about 300 - 400 hits on normal days, I next checked twelve hours later to see if I'd crossed that threshold, and the total hits since inception had been ROLLED BACK to about 80,000!!!

ALREADY knew that Facebook and Google were REALLY slaves of the Christian CIA -- and NOW also major tools of Vladimir Putin -- whose Oil Reserves the Kenans lust after to profit from developing-- and WHY they put Donald Trump into POWER!!!

FYI: Yesterday's blog posting that was LOADED with good stuff was SHUNNED by those in the USA -- yet very POPULAR in foreign countries -- ESPECIALLY RUSSIA, and then Germany and Mexico: 

And here are the latest SEARCH TERMS that led people to this blog -- LOL!!!:

I had the BEST discussion with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh, today. I pointed out what I've told her MANY TIMES but she never before heard -- that I have contributed to THREE CHARITIES in recent years -- Sister Mary Isaac Koenig's Tileston Charities at St. Mary's Catholic here in Wilmington (and I was HOMELESS most of that time, PANHANDLING to ADD to the Tithe from royalties from my memoir -- while still sold on 

And ALSO, to the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University:

As well as a Catholic Charity supporting a HOMELESS SHELTER and HOSPICE in Atlanta (where a former friend, gay drag queen -- ACTUALLY, Atlanta's FIRST well-known drag queen who was a US Army Vet, and performed at least occasionally until about 2002 -- was living, but soon died totally broke and of an incurable cancer) -- and after contributing, I checked its Board of Directors and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' was ON IT!!!

Everyone knows of my Strategic Political Association with Gen. Honore' -- whom I LOVE seeing all over CNN and MSNBC during these Hurricanes, Florence and now Michael!!!

So Mom FINALLY GETS IT that I have NO PROBLEM with Catholic Values and those who follow Jesus's Teachings -- I just have a problem with SWASTIKA LOVERS (which Mom now denies she ever was -- DESPITE raising us with Swastikas on the dinner china).

As my Psychiatrist at New Hanover Behavioral Health HospitalJulia Triggs, MD, told me -- while I was committed on LIES by Jonathan Deputy -- "She's obviously TOO OLD, and very SET IN HER WAYS. Just IGNORE what your mother says." 

But she STILL is my MOTHERso I just try to relate to her best.


FINALLY got my Malwarebytes Software to WORK AGAIN -- and then I found a setting that I CHANGED so that NO ONE can change my settings on it WITHOUT MY PASSWORD.

I can't believe I had never noticed that option BEFORE!!!

And my OLD PHONE that crapped out during Hurricane Florence, I was able to CHARGE ENOUGH to open its CONTACTS DIRECTORY, so got back all of my PHONE CONTACTS.

But I STILL cannot answer ANY incoming calls -- except those from FOREIGN COUNTRIES!!!

And after a couple of days break, Rob came down to take a CRAP in my toilet, and tried to sell me some "medical-quality 'Kush'", that he planned to buy a LOT OF today -- and wanted to share a sample. I took only ONE HIT and got higher than smoking a WHOLE BOWL!!!

I wasn't interested in anything that strong regardless -- it must have been full of "SHATTER" -- as seen here:

Anyway, after telling me his full name is Robert James McKinney, Rob said I still need to apologize to Allie Ryan -- which I TOTALLY LAUGHED OFF -- and told him the Landlady wants Allie and Pete OUT of these apartments.

I asked him if he has heard ANYTHING from Jonathan Deputy, the alleged Property Manager, and he said NO -- not in many months, and that Deputy has NOT returned his last three calls.

Rob also said his FATHER pays all his bills -- but NOT WATERwhich he does NOT NEED.

And he plans to live here INDEFINITELY and has NOT looked for a place to move to.

So for what it's worth, I FOUND his father on Facebook:

And JUST NOW, I find I am BLOCKED from his father James McKinney's Facebook page -- and can't even google up the info on him like I did four hours ago -- oh WELL!!!

Here is what I wrote to Rob's occasional roommate's, Aaron Gallimore's, Dad:


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