Thursday, October 11, 2018

RP: The Press FINALLY Begins to Recognize the Kenan/Trump/NAZI/Klan/"Christians" Are in a PLANNED COUP D'ETAT -- LED, Again, by My Kenan Family -- Like Kenans LED the ONLY Successful Coup d'Etat (of 1898) in the USA!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Published in the Wilmington Messenger on November 9, 1898.

Despite what much of the Press and many History Books have reported, this was LED by William Rand Kenan, Sr., but the Kenans even then had enough money to keep the Kenan name out of most History books.

And TODAY, at least the Internet Press is declaring that the Trump/Christians/Republicans are in a SLOW- MOTION Coup d'Etat -- and AGAIN, it is led by my Kenan Family (that part NOT reported by any Press -- except in this blog):

Danielle Paul It’s time to start calling this what is it: a coupan authoritarian takeover

Scott Kenan shared a post.

THANK YOU!!! Because I know too much about the crimes of BOTH the Republican Party and the "Clinton Democrats" -- and would STILL vote for Hillary over Trump today -- if forced to that horrible choice -- many on BOTH sides get angry with me, but that does not CHANGE that my Kenan Family that controls Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America and -- for more -- put Trump into power to profit from Russia's Oil Reserves development -- AND my wealthy Kenan relatives are all Klan members or sympathizers, except my Catholic branch, and we had Swastikas on our dinner china growing up. In 1898, here in Wilmington where I now live, William Rand Kenan, Sr. -- who was the only Confederate credited with taking a shot at Lincoln in DC during the Civil War, with First Presbyterian where he was an Elder (and other white Christian Churches), caused the ONLY successful coup d'etat in US History after killing blacks, stealing their Political Offices, Businesses, and other property killing hundreds and chasing many more out of town. My Kenan Family with Donald Trump are hoping to pull off a SIMILAR coup -- of the WHOLE United States. Google my name to find my blog.

Read every word of the great and invaluable Frank Rich in his colloquy-as-column at New York magazine. In it he refers to Senator Susan Collins as a "narcissistic moral fraud," and goes on to say this: “So let’s stop pretending that there is another GOP than the Trump GOP. Let’s stop declaring that Trump is suddenly sounding ‘presidential’ just because he waits a few days before publicly trashing Blasey Ford. Let’s stop maintaining the fiction that Collins, Jeff Flake, Ben Sasse, Bob Corker, and their fellow Vichy Republicans, including Gary Cohn and Steve Mnuchin, are not onboard with what’s going on. And let’s not give credit to Republican politicians when they pay lip service to treating sexual-assault victims with ‘respect’ or when they say, as the epically disingenuous Collins did, that they believe both Ford and Kavanaugh. When Collins says that she believes that the perpetrator of the attempted rape of Christine Blasey Ford was someone other than the man she elevated to the Supreme Court, she sounds like O.J. in search of the real killer of Nicole Brown Simpson.”

Read every word below.

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He has been delegitimized in the eyes of many Americans. That will diminish the moral authority of his decisions.

LOL!!! So Stacey Abrams is ALSO a "Romance Novelist" -- HA!!! She also sat for YEARS on the Board of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University!!!

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Democrat Stacey Abrams' other career as a romance novelist may win over this critical demographic, Roy Wood Jr. reports.


Normally -- for the last five or more years -- I would have at least a dozen hits, but today -- like the LAST TWO DAYS -- I have NO HITS so far, as explained in yesterday's posting: 

But the GOOD NEWS is that my blog in general had MORE HITS today at 11:00 AM than ALL OF YESTERDAY, and while yesterday it was mostly FOREIGN HITS and few from the USAtoday, it is nearly ALL from the USA.

ONLY these RECENT anti-CIA/Kenan/Trump/NAZI/Klan postings are getting few hits.

"At one point, “SNL” creator Lorne Michaels ordered writers not to vilify Trump, who was then a presidential candidate. Michaels, Killam claimed, told the show’s writers to make Trump appear 'likable.'

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“I was like, what is happening? What is going on?" Taran Killam recalled in a podcast this week.
Today marks the 30th anniversary of National Coming Out Day, celebrated annually on October 11.

Every year on October 11 we celebrate coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or as an ally.

It has NEVER been a secret that my distant cousin Thomas S. Kenan III is gay -- and his college roommate, basketball star Lee Shaffer (whom I met in Kenan Oil HQ in Chapel Hill in 1990), was probably Tom's lover

Lee went on to HEAD Kenan Advantage, and make it the LARGEST TRUCKER in the USA, Canada, and Mexico!!!

Lee Shaffer, recently, at KAG (center).

In 1985, I dated Curtis "Robbie" Anderson (seen today, he now in Music Ministry at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church on Market Street), who had been Thomas S. Kenan III's longtime lover. We dated while BLUE VELVET was being filmed using Kenan-built Carolina Apartments (as "Deep River" Apartments), and Robbie lived there -- HA!!!

AND, William Rand Kenan, JUNIOR, who built those apartments as a HOTEL that opened in 1905, was married to a "horsey woman", who died young with NO ISSUE. Will Kenan  immediately moved in with his LIFELONG MALE SECRETARYSchuyler Beatty, and lived with him many years -- until death:


As a REMINDER to my Readers, it was TWO blood Kenans, bearing OTHER surnames, most responsible for REMOVING Homosexuality from the list of Mental Illnesses (the DSM), in 1973

One was the Head of the American Psychiatric Association then, and the other was in charge of collating all the studies that the decision was then based on. 

Pete Townshend: ‘I Remember Mick Jagger’s Penis Being Huge and Extremely Tasty’

And we ALSO have this JOKER, who LOST HIS GAY CRED when he performed at Kenan-owned The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach at Drug-Rush Limbaugh's FOURTH SERIAL WEDDING!!!


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