Thursday, October 25, 2018

RP: My Letter to Jonathan Deputy, Just Sent by Email -- and Copied to Many in Wilmington, NC Press, Law Enforcement, Etc.:

RE-PRINTED from here

Jonathan Deputy of

>>> ADDED: When I emailed this to about 73 people, I had to FORCE REBOOT because (or "The Hackers")refused TWICE to send it -- and ten minutes later when I tried it again, the TITLE was corrupted to: 

"Including lawyer Oliver Carter III -- since he is P" 

-- "P"???


Jonathan Deputy: Please be sure to see whom I copied in local Press and Law Enforcement -- as well as Gold Walker:

To reservations, goldwalker

Cc wilmjourn, ben, benjamin.r.david, newsroom, kimberly.n.overton, breakingnews, breakingnews, council, scott

October 25, 2018

Dear Mr. Deputy,

I had not intended to EVER contact you again (or for that matter, to blog about you) – now that you have resigned as Apartment Manager of 1210 Spofford Circle, and according to Landlady Gold Walker, you and she have NO continuing business relationship, including over her condo at Carolina Beach that you had sometimes rented for her. However, both Tom Purdy and Gold absolutely INSISTED a couple of things to me that made no rational sense under those circumstances, and since they had to get those “talking points” from YOU – and clearly actually believed them – I decided the only responsible thing to do is to write you to set a few things straight that you appear to misunderstand.

And I ALSO have no idea why you and I don’t get along – I’ve followed you on Facebook, and like me you can’t STAND Donald Trump or many nefarious Republican Party tactics. You once told me that only the STUPIDEST people voted for Trump (and I HATED voting for Hillary Clinton), and as you know, Gold is a Democrat who voted for Trump, and at least until recently, she thinks he is a CHRISTIAN and good for the USA!!! She may have changed her mind since then and not told me that. And as you told me, NO ONE who lives at Walker World is a Christian, including Gold’s son Allen and Tom Purdy.

Both Tom and Gold absolutely INSISTED that you will PROSECUTE GOLD if I ever blogged mentioning you again after this past Monday, when they told me. If they did NOT make this up – and I don’t believe they did – for WHAT CRIME would you prosecute GOLD, when you are upset with ME???

Charging me with Libel/Slander would be appropriate – if you can show I LIED, but you only ridicule me and my blog as if you were Donald Trump itself – rather than point out my errors to me so I can correct them, which I have a long history of doing – as well as formally apologizing to anyone I have told significant untruths about. I even changed my misinformation of your encounter in the Baja Peninsula with an offer to buy prescription drugs.

So, if you are making FALSE CLAIMS to Gold and or Tom, please just knock it off.

Gold INSISTED to me that you did NOT commit me to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital in March 2018, yet Judge J.H. Corpening released my commitment papers to me, which include your notes of your false claims and your signature – and you appear to have done that alone, without others making any claims. The charge of Cyberstalking which I took out against you the day before you did this, was LOST in the D.A.’s office while I was in the nut-house, but I was easily able to immediately re-charge you, you not served for months, and then in Court – after D.A. Ben David assigned NC Special Prosecutor Kimberly Overton (now married and also Spahos), we agreed not to prosecute you, as I did NOT bring my best evidence, expecting you to have a lawyer and we would schedule the trial for a later date.

Presiding Judge Chad Hogston had most seriously violated my rights in 2011, and NEVER apologized for that, so I did NOT want him presiding, but only the Defendant can ask a Judge to recuse himself – and fellow Republican Judges Sandra Alice Ray (then also Criner, then in 2011), and Lindsey McKee/Luther in 2015, violated my Rights most egregiously, Criner to protect the then biggest CRACK supplier to Wilmington, Gerald Austin-Wynn, and McKee/Luther protecting Jennifer McCracken of Carolina Apartments, who proved TOTALLY connected to the Puerto Vallarta Drug Mafias -- and claimed her brother was HIGH in Sheriff McMahon’s force here, as well as the CIA – to PROTECT Drug Mafia.

Jennifer knew the details of how our Writers Group Leader, and retired star of BBC Radio and TV, Colin Stuart Hamilton, was murdered by the CIA and his body found five hours away, south of Guadalajara – but the CIA forced authorities RELEASE HIM, after he led them to the body -- in a town lived in by a Gringo Trafficker I had known two years before that, who worked with the Governor of Nayarit State and the Episcopal Church, USA – and Kenan-controlled agents of Exxon-Mobil partnered with the CIA.

Anyway, as I previously wrote you, Prosecutor Overton-Spahos got me in touch with NC Justice officials to give THEM all my evidence, and she thought it was SUPER-FUNNY that after committing me to a NUT HOUSE because I might SHOOT YOU WITH A GUN, you told her I am an IDEAL TENANT!!! That right in front of lawyer Oliver Carter III!!!

Both Gold and Tom also seem to believe your claims that I have TERRORIZED YOU and your FAMILY, which I have come nowhere near doing. If we can’t just leave each other alone, and Gold said if I (and at this point it is “since I”), blogged your name since last Monday, that she will be FORCED TO EVICT ME, then we will go to Jury Trial if she has a way to do that (I know, my lease will soon run out – but I can still appeal), I will have to subpoena Democrat NC State Representative Deb Butler to testify WHY she told me this past June that she does a lot of Drug Trafficking with you – and I’ll bring out your record renting to Drug Traffickers here on Spofford Circle (at least two long-time homeowners here have said they will back me in Court about Allie Ryan and Pete and the Adderall Addict Rob McKinney) – but I hope not to bring up Gold’s record with Sa’ant Samuel Celia, Jr. – who admitted to me his supplying many with LSD from his lab, including Dr. Timothy Leary’s former lover, Theodore Druch, who was in my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group and an Episcopal Church/CIA Drug Trafficker with the Gov. of Nayarit, etc., and then Denise Renee Wood, “The Perfect Painter”, actually Sam Celia’s sublet, but at least she’s moved out.

I was very pleased to see you have what appears to be an intelligent and attractive (and yes, shapely), wife and healthy son. As Magistrates have already stated when a fool (George Cutter, owner of Carolina Apartments, specifically), claimed my publishing a photo of his house with address and phone number was somehow improper. Years ago, the Magistrate said, it was determined by High Courts that to republish ANYTHING that can be found on the internet, Facebook, etc. – even things on closed groups that require passwords – is NOT ILLEGAL nor a THREAT, per se, and neither Mr. Cutter nor your family have been harassed since I did that some time ago.

So, in closing, if this can all just be dropped now and we all go on with our lives, I will NOT prosecute you for a number of crimes and the pattern of harassment of you and your other two tenants here – nor will I prosecute Gold, whom John Gray Hunter, Richard and others across the street, all claim has gotten a bit senile in recent years – or confused, possibly from copious “herbal medication”, that even Prosecutor Overton-Spahos told me NO ONE in Law Enforcement cares about anymore. The False Commitment cost me not just ten days, but even after Social Security paid most of it and I got the Hospital and Doctors’ offices to FORGIVE most of the rest, I paid about $500.00 out of pocket, that by rights -- you now owe me.

Others – especially D.A. Ben David (running unopposed as a Dem this year, but the Dem Party REFUSED to list Ben as one of their Candidates this year) – have stolen FAR MORE from me than that, and I’ve been forced to forgive them too. More than one Democrat in this county running for State Office agrees with me and they, too, don’t trust Deb Butler.

So, CHEERS to a less antagonistic future, and you can contact me if you want to “negotiate” anything – or need it further explained.

All best,

Scott David Kenan


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