Thursday, October 18, 2018

RP: Michael Winnem Fuglesang is a TOTAL FAKE -- but Yesterday's CHICKEN Was REAL, and Is Still Here Today!!! / Getting STRAIGHT with My Immediate Family on a Few Things That I HOPE They Can Handle:

RE-PRINTED from here

'Distracted boyfriend' meme is sexist, says Swedish ad watchdog

By Rob Picheta, CNN

Updated 7:40 AM ET, Fri September 28, 2018

FUNNIEST about this photo is how it has been PHOTO-SHOPPED to make the point of the example I'll put in comments below:

This morning, Rob McKinney stopped by to use my toilet for his "morning constitutional", and excitedly exclaimed that his WATER is being turned on at 3:00 PM, today. He said he has SAVED UP (despite working no more than two weeks of this time), for these two+ months he's had no water, and paid them CASH, which had to come to something near $200.00 -- given the required deposit, etc. -- and then he said he has a place -- not yet definite -- that he is MOVING TO on November 6 or 7.


I trust my Readers can understand why I fantasize that I have THIS bathroom to offer him, he ALSO offering to share a bowl of marijuana -- LOL!!!

And then at 11:30, Tom Purdy stopped by to measure before buying me a new stove, and said that the Water Company had better come armed with CHAIN SAWS -- because where they have to turn on the water is COVERED in chopped-up trees and limbs from Hurricane Florence -- LOL!!!

Well, Good Morning All (immediate family and a friend or two) -- and thanks for the support I received this morning.

I just began a 6.5 hour fast (no water allowed, even) -- a writer without COFFEE -- YIKES!!! 

I'm having an ultrasound scan of an aneurysm in my abdomen which could be life-threatening, but if BAD, will be surgically removed, if not, watched for its development that might never be a problem.

This morning, the chicken I blogged about yesterday is STILL running around the walking trail, and a neighbor told me that three near here have chicken coops -- something I've never seen in Wilmington, but they are here.

I did NOT go to a HUGE lecture last night at UNCW on Confederate Monuments, because I knew I was too emotionally worked-up from writing yesterday's posting, and could easily have gotten into too much arguing with some people there, but I intend to write the scholar who was giving it, today.

The UNCW College of Arts and Sciences is hosting the Sherman Emerging Scholar Lecture Series and Dean’s Lecture Series in the Humanities on Oct. 17 and Oct. 18, respectively. Farah Peterson, a legal…

That guy who claimed to be a journalist (and his claims of the publication when he contacted me he had worked for was truly impressive), but I became suspicious, he not wanting to know more of what happened -- or at least my take on it, so I INTUITIVELY wrote that last line to him about being CIA, and then soon thought of his signing off with "love" -- entirely unprofessional, I had NOT let him know I thought he looked hot. 

Then, this morning, I discovered he had viewed my LINKED-IN profile before contacting me, and checking HIS, he was NEVER a journalist, and is in fact the CEO of a big CHEMICAL FIRM -- HA!!!

This is JUST LIKE Kevin Maurer, who wrote No Easy Day to give the CIA's claims about the assassination of Bin Laden (ordered by Obama so that Osama could not testify in Court of his long business relationship with the Bush and Cheney Families and their planning 9/11 together), and interviewing me by phone from his desk as Head of City Desk at the Wilmington Star News to write a big article about me for the paper, but like the Star News, Kevin was ONLY protecting the Hard-Drug Trafficking FOR the Christian CIA.

Kevin Maurer at his Star News desk -- with his assistant Shelby -- in 2012, when all of this happened.

Also it was just like Salvador Fuentes, who in 2010 showed up with his mother's friend in Conchas Chinas, Mexico right below Puerto Vallarta, Sal claiming to be my close Kenan cousin, and the friend of his mother's and he had been sent by Thomas S. Kenan III to get my story for 60 Minutes, and then claiming they would do at least TWO segments on my story on 60 Minutes TV

Sal Fuentes and Luis Melgoza in their booth in a weekly GRINGO SALES FESTIVAL in Puerto Vallarta. Now that Luis has been ASSASSINATED, I assume Sal is who runs it alone, now.

I bought that one for nearly TWO YEARS, and I lived then in rogue US Special Forces Benjamin Shields's property, Ben OWNING all the VILE "Obama-Hater" websites that CNN TV had reported on -- and claimed no one could determine who owned them

Ben Shields's apartment house where he soon held me HOSTAGE, stealing my car keys to use it for his METH DELIVERIES (Ben having a Lab), also had stone cairns covering the stinking cut-up flesh of humans the Drug Mafia had executed, and I had to sneak away, and got the Police Chief of Puerto Vallarta to help me get my belongings and car back.

And YES, this is where I was hostage when my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, talked often and at length with Ben Shields to tell him HOW to keep me CAPTIVE!!!

Ben spent at least twenty minutes three times on the phone with Mom, she telling him how to control me. So did "Sonny", the Colombian Cartel BUTCHER who cut up bodies like happened to that journalist in Turkey recently, was convicted in the USA, sentenced to 25 years in TOP SECURITY US PRISONS, but released by the CIA after only 11 years to kill to protect the CIA Drug Trade in Mexico.

Sonny (his actual legal name is Jimmy Humberto Montano Prieto)

For the record, I can't imagine that Tom Kenan knew ANYTHING about that scam.

Sal Fuentes's business partner, Luis Melgoza, who had placed a lot of corruption on my computers he worked on, was murdered on an operating table by Mexican Patriots two years ago in Guadalajara -- I had traced his "Lumel Company" to HQ in a small bungalow in Virginia near CIA HQ. He really HAD been the top Lawyer for the PRI Party of Mexico -- before losing his Law Licence -- LOL!!!

So THANK GOD, it is I who have had to endure all of this -- not YOU!!!

One touchy subject, is that as every shrink I've talked to agrees, men -- in their actual attractions -- are on a sliding scale from straight to gay, most somewhere in the middle. I have NO PROBLEM with men who are Bi and decide to choose to marry a woman and raise a "natural" family. But unlike even conservative Trump supporters here in Wilmington who nearly universally can kid around and acknowledge having complicated sexual attractions, Connor -- KNOWING I've been Out Gay since 1969, could NOT take ribbing about never showing he dates women for any period of time nor claiming a girlfriend on social media by the end of his twenties. Connor even said to me that calling someone GAY was the WORST THING anyone could say about another -- in other words, I am the WORST THING!!!

Mike never rebutted that, so I suspect that came from his upbringing -- and THAT was pressured not just by Swastka-loving Ruth Anne, but probably by Gail's father Larry Godley, who is the most RABID RACIST I've ever known somewhat well in my life. His comments on Obama were on par with Benjamin Shields' websites -- the HATRED of Christians is unfathomable to me, but Politics will hopefully cool down after the upcoming election which is now quite near.

And for THAT, I thank GOD!!!

And I ALSO think it is DIVINE JUSTICE that Larry Godley's son Andy -- an Evangelical Missionary in the Yucatan Peninsula -- KNOCKED UP a Mexican woman, married her, brought her BACK to the USA, so TODAY he has a HALF-MEXICAN GRAND-DAUGHTER!!!

Love and Thanks,



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