Friday, October 26, 2018

RP: Is Jonathan Deputy the "Donald Trump of Wilmington, North Carolina"??? Given His INTIMIDATION of My Landlady to EVICT ME, I say -- RESOUNDINGLY -- Yes!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

>>> AND AT LEAST ONE LOCAL POLITICIAN KNOWS I'M ONTO SOMETHING -- in this thread, I referred Harper Peterson to my LAST blog posting -- and then Harper LIKED IT
Thank you to everyone who has come out tonight to vote at CFCC! #EarlyVoting

Jim Poe I’ve already voted for you Harper.



Scott Kenan Me too -- and if you didn't get the email I sent this afternoon of my latest blog posting, you should google up my blog and read it for some SERIOUS ENTERTAINMENT!!! 
Go Harper Peterson for NC Senate!!!

Where are the Taliban demolition experts who blew up the Bamian buddhas?

Work to be done, y'all!

About this website

The carving of three civil war leaders who fought to defend slavery is a huge tourist attraction featuring a laser light show. Some Georgia residents say it’s time to remove it, others insist it be protected

Scott Kenan Oded Haber: I lived in Stone Mountain, GA 1988 - 2010 and the Abrams/Kemp fight is ACTUALLY between Abrams, who long sat on Kenan Institute for Ethics and Kemp who is funded by the Christian Kenans who own Exxon, Bank of America, the Republican Party, "Clinton Democrats", etc. Here is what I got to Head Counsel at Episcopal Church USA, who with Kenans MURDERED my old boss Tennessee Williams. I am NOW working on a piece on Abrams vs. Kemp:

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Janice Gould wonder when they will make Robert E LEE a superhero. He made his choice to be a general in the north or not. He chose not to side with the end was forced to surrender. To this day, today the 'old' south' still acts like they have left the union and continues on in racism and voter purging of people of color. And no our highest court is going to back them

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Adam Woodward Of course you're a white supremacist

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Scott Kenan Gerard Siero: Why WHAT??? (after I BLOCKED Mr. Siero, who works for the Australian form of the Church of England, his simple question of "Why?" and his later EXCUSES for his White Supremacy no longer show.) Why remove monuments to Traitors??? I notice you work for the Church of England in the Australian form -- and it looks like in Charity Work, and I salute you for that. HOWEVER, the US Episcopal Church was BANNED from voting with the Anglican Communion for three years that will end in a few months -- for their CRIMES!!! The ONLY Church more evil than my native Roman Catholic Church is the Anglican/Episcopal Church which murdered my boss, Tennessee Williams, and stole his estate from Harvard (it now worth $2/3 BILLION USD). You are NOT a US Citizen, so the likelihood of your having a well-informed opinion about our society is less than most, but I recommend you read THIS that I got into the hands of the Chief Legal Counsel of the Episcopal Church, USA just two days ago:

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Oded Haber OK, that DID IT!
New Contest:See More

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Scott Kenan Gerard Siero: I'm actually with you about NOT destroying Art, and the Stone Mountain carving is about as large as you can get. Living nearly UNDER it 1988 - 2010, and getting exercise daily in that park, I STILL don't know if I support removing it, and the Confederate Memorial in Wilmington, NC, in front of what I call the "Kenan Cathedral to White Supremacy and Drug Trafficking" (First Presbyterian -- which with Elder William R. Kenan, Sr. led the only successful coup d'etat in US History murdering blacks, stealing their property, etc. ), is actually a GORGEOUS monument with a poetic message that works -- but only IF you divorce it from White Supremacy. It should be MOVED to a less prominent position!!!

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Oded Haber My FB page hasn't been this much fun
since I was 
pantsed in 7th grade.

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Scott Kenan Gerard Siero: Making errors or being corrupt in the now long-ago past is no reason to have MONUMENTS SUPPORTING CRIMES!!! I DO agree that it is human nature to have polluted organizations. As you know from postings I've put on this thread, the American branch of your Church murdered my old boss Tennessee Williams, and the Episcopal Church, USA now has to HIDE its symbol of Power on Earth kept at University of the South. You now opine most glibly that this is ACCEPTABLE to you. Therefore, YOU are not acceptable to ME, so I will now block you to keep myself civil.
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>>> INTERESTING DIAGNOSIS OF ME AS HAVING "COMPLICATED PTSD" -- common to those seriously ABUSED by parents and others -- EXACTLY my case, and I checked most of this out and it will be GREAT THERAPY for me (without drugs)!!!
Should we be worried?

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Tom Bunce Say what?

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Marc Lingle No cause ur not funny

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Paul Gaither That's funny. Wait. Uh oh.

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Ken Jopp I think we're toast.


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Jeff Thompson With a Dickensian childhood, I must have been demented all my life.

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Carolyn Kerce I think we're all bozos on this bus!


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Scott Kenan Jeff Thompson: I also had a Dickensian childhood, my parents identified to me by top Jews in Atlanta in 1990 as American's TOP NAZIS and the top Republicans today were their closest friends. This letter I got -- two days ago -- into the hands the TOP Lawyer for the Episcopal Church USA (who murdered my old boss, playwright Tennessee Williams -- just like Jackie Onassis told us they would do)

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Jeff Thompson You might want to check if you've got C-PTSD from that childhood. This video can get you started, and if it applies, start near the bottom of his youtube channel. He starts by teaching from's book C-PTSD From Surviving to Thriving. It can change your life.

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Scott Kenan Thanks Jeff -- I've always believed I do and see it manifest when people unknowingly punch my "buttons", but I've lessened it by smoking pot late at night. I'll read this carefully!!!


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Jeff Thompson Scott Kenan Start with that video from Richard Grannon Spartan Life Coach with that video link at the bottom. It will explain a lot, and give you insight into malware programmed into you as a kid, so you can name your demons and tame them. He's got both a youtube channel as well as a website, with hundreds of free videos, as well as paid courses for step-by-step. Wish I'd known this a lifetime ago, but even mid-sixties it's a lifesaver.

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Scott Kenan Jeff Thompson: I have already watched ten minutes of this and will complete it later today. It makes perfect sense, and I did not mention before, that I studied eight years under Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz at Atlanta Church of Religious Science (Science of Mind) in the 1980s, while Ken was President of Religious Science, Int'l., as well as under Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross!!! This helped me more than the pot, and I am a trained Practitioner, as is my good friend Jonathan Reiner, whose first cousin, Rob Reiner I now work with in Politics, even having his Admin's number on speed dial. I will plug this on my Political Blog, and more importantly share it with my three younger siblings who are MOSTLY in denial of it all, but my mother Headed Procter & Gamble's Skin Research Labs when they got Dr. Josef Mengele's data from Concentration Camp experiments, Mom heading the CIA and Catholic Church's further development of his Mind Control experiments. My last overnight date, two years ago, was with George Bush's cousin and we discussed the crimes of our two families together over many decades. ALSO, Homosexuality was removed from the DSM in 1973 while TWO of my blood Kenan cousins under different surnames were President of the American Psychiatric Association and the one who collated the studies to decide that. It was a Canadian Hard-Drug Trafficker who held me hostage in Puerto Vallarta in 2010, who LOVED my Kenan Family genealogy books who found that -- LOL!!! So I DO always land on my feet, and having been Tennessee Williams's last assistant, learned how to handle a lot of DRAMA. I KNOW I am actually fine, and will "behave better" as I continue to learn more of how these things work. REALLY, my hat is TOTALLY OFF TO YOU!!!


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