Monday, October 22, 2018

RP: Patriot Cynthia McKinney REPLIED (very quickly, last night) / Jonathan Deputy RESIGNS as Property Manager Here -- and THREATENS the Landlady with LEGAL ACTION if I Blog about THAT -- LOL!!!

RE-PRINTED from here:

Apparently, this is the ONLY thing Christian Drug Traffickers believe I should be allowed to blog about -- HA!!!

Cynthia McKinney was apparently SURPRISED (like she was here)when she got my messages last night!!!

Re: <Contact Cynthia> : I forgot to mention my Letter received last night by John Boehner and Rob Reiner/David Frum:

To hq2600
Cc scott
Bcc bojones, jkenan02, mikekenan, kenan5, duffyjr3, connor.kenan, ben, editor, editorial, scoops, breakingnews, breakingnews, council, harperpetersonncsenate9

Thank you, Cynthia -- YES!!! And God blessed me with the wherewithal to eventually figure all of this out. I serve what I call "Universal Mind powered by Infinite Love", and came to realize I knew enough to BLOCK the Nazification of the USA -- and make way for TRUE IDEAS.

Well, it's now out all over the internet and getting good hits -- worldwide!!!



-----Original Message-----

From: HQ <>
To: scottdkenan <>
Sent: Sun, Oct 21, 2018 8:30 pm
Subject: Re: <Contact Cynthia> : I forgot to mention my Letter received last night by John Boehner and Rob Reiner/David Frum:

Wow! this is a lot to digest; I'll get back to it after my day job.

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 6:57 PM Scott David Kenan <> wrote:

From: Scott David Kenan <>
Subject: I forgot to mention my Letter received last night by John Boehner and Rob Reiner/David Frum:

Message Body:

And this is going sort of viral!!!: 


This e-mail was sent from 'Contact Cynthia Form' on All Things Cynthia McKinney (

>>> JUST THE BARE MINIMUM ABOUT JONATHAN DEPUTY'S DEPARTURE -- because the EMOTIONS this morning of both Property Maintenance Supervisor Tom Purdy and Property Owner Gold Walker are currently so HIGH: 

First, I heard this from Tom Purdy, who had come to my door to check my stove's electric receptacle so he can match it in a new stove, and then on a fairly long phone call with Gold Walker:

Mr. Deputy has RESIGNED as Property Manager here, and Gold Walker has NO continuing business association with him. Mr. Deputy also threatened Gold with SERIOUS LEGAL ACTION if she does NOT PREVENT ME FROM BLOGGING ANYTHING ABOUT HIM -- HA!!!

1. Trying to SHUT ME UP by scaring the property owner into EVICTING ME (and Gold said she would HAVE TO evict me if I blog about this -- which would land us ALL in Court when I sued them BOTH), but I told Gold to RELAX, I'm after BIGGER JERKS THAN JON DEPUTYhis harassing mespreading that I'm a child molesterNEVER KNEW Tennessee Williams, and that he could/would STEAL copyright to any NEW books I write -- just like District Attorney Benjamin R. David did in 2013 -- with Fox News, Chicago and a major Drug Trafficker for Rahm Emauel of Chicago then, Jamie Lee Sutherland, had stolen copyright to my Tennessee Williams memoir

Mr. Deputy's emails BEFORE he committed me on LIES to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital the DAY AFTER I filed Cyberstalking Charge against him, included those things, and in COURT, I was paired with North Carolina Special Prosecutor Kimberly Overton Spahos:

And while we were able to AVOID pressing my charge, Mr. Deputy told Ms. Overton/Spahos, that I was an IDEAL TENANT!!!

And since THEN, I have sent all I know to NC Prosecutors and the FBI -- like I PROMISED Chief District Court Judge JH Corpening -- before HE released all my COMMITMENT PAPERS so I could see that IN FACT, Jonathan Deputy had committed me on LIES!!!

Judge Corpening

2. NO LANDLORD is responsible for the writings of a JOURNALIST who rents from him or her an apartment!!! Let Jon Deputy THREATEN the Head Editor of the Wilmington Star News with legal action because he doesn't like what Kevin Maurer or any other of her writers writes!!!

Anyway, Gold had NOT read my emails I've sent her this past weekend, so Mr. Deputy just loaded her up with BULL SHIT -- HA!!!

See the center of this posting:, and then last night I sent them what I had sent both John Boehner and Cynthia McKinney. 

And when Gold READS THEM, they should have the effect of:

Scott Kenan shared a post.

Although this story is a year old, it makes so much sense to me. It was Imran Anwar, "Father of the Internet in Pakistan" who told me that while he was a talking head on both Fox News and CNN in 2001, that "everyone" at those two networks knew at the time that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. had PLANNED 9/11 with the Bush Family's longtime business partners the Bin Laden and Saudi Royal Families. Imran ALSO said it was a SHAME that Americans are too CHRISTIAN to give a damn about truth -- WHY the Bush Family Traitors would get away with it. My own Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was DRUMMED OUT of Congress for filing Articles of Impeachment against these same people -- and it was by the "Clinton" Democrats in her own Party, specifically Denise Majette, who a year later RESIGNED under corruption charges!!!
(S) Just a little reminder who Trump is providing cover for.

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Fresh evidence submitted in a major 9/11 lawsuit moving forward against the Saudi Arabian government reveals its embassy in Washington may have funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by …

Scott Kenan See bottom part of this posting right under the hot naked guy with my face covering his swinging richard:

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Scott Kenan And just NOW, I've sent a detailed message to Cynthia McKinney, PhD about what I've learned since we LAST communicated about four years ago!!! And I will blog about all of this soon.


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