Friday, April 27, 2012

Constructive Use of the Past

North Carolina State Legislature


Hi Angela,

I hope you are doing well and all is well again at SLCA!!!

I loved the Troward quote, the first thing I saw in this email. In fact, it is this very principle that has led me through "a very dark valley" to my place of being respected by my former adversaries today. I've never had an enemy (other than my own wrong thinking), but those who cannot for whatever reason see that I mean them no harm, I call adversaries -- a TEMPORARY position.

I fully realize that my writings and many of my claims appear "insane" to many, but that has never been MY problem. People who do not have access to my experience or what I've been able to discover CANNOT imagine what it is like to be the eldest child of the top Nazis in the US -- although all can grasp that such a position likely exists, that it would cause the person in it fairly severe difficulties, and that such a person -- should he or she "know too much" while being raised to be fundamentally ignorant of his parents' work, and then feel a moral obligation to expose his parents' and their associates' crimes -- would be targeted to be killed, "quarantined", or medicated into a postion too confused for anyone to believe his or her claims.

Thus has been my astonishing journey, and as I -- despite my expressed outrages and concerns about certain historical events at SLCA -- wrap up my voyage of discovery and reporting of both what I have learned (some of which, certainly, is still in error) and my experience during that journey, I want all to know that it has only been my RIGOROUS adherence to Science of Mind principles that has led me forward safely through some of the most UNSAFE experiences that were FAR WORSE I could possibly have in my former naive state imagined, and my LAPSES in consciousness that have taken me on temporary difficult detours -- thought the Grace of This Thing We Call God, those were all swiftly self-correcting.

So I apologize if I have unfairly ruffled any feathers at SLCA, but once again affirm that the GIST (at least) of my claims about it are true. Not being there nor an active member for at least two years now, I am in NO position to know the spiritual, financial, or other condition of the Center currently is -- I just know that you, Angela, are one person I always saw as being very warm and loving as well as living In Principle, and that you and those like you will be faithful stewards of the organization Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz built to serve the spiritual needs of those honestly seeking Truth in Atlanta.

For the record, I have reconciled with my immediate family, who despite all "grievances" I have right to lodge against them, acted PERFECTLY to give me the challenges that in my working through them I found not only truth, but developed the muscular spiritual strength to deal with the far more REAL threats to my well-being and safety that came from misguided prosecutors, judges, cops, Public Defenders, press, "spiritual advisors", friends, politicians, and just plain citizens. I bear no ill will toward ANY of them. I have endured and am now, once again, prospering -- and they, although they might feel embarrassment or if still in denial OUTRAGE, are doing just fine as well. I hope we ALL continue to do well.

That said -- with the understanding that suing or charging people and organizations, especially "after the fact" is GENERALLY a violation of Principle in that it keeps one enslaved to the past and if one is "owed" some kind of compensation for anything, NO ONE has the right to demand it come through any particular channel (in this instance court awards and/or imprisonment of law breakers), I have decided I MUST press on with lawsuits against certain organizations and individuals who have been most egregious in violating my rights -- BECAUSE THEY SYSTEMATICALLY VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF THOSE WHO ARE WEAKER THAN ME.

I am not doing this for personal gain -- in fact it is more like a personal sacrifice of my time and energy to do it. I am NOT attached to any rewards, although I've been led to believe by counsel that I could fairly easily receive high financial compensation through the courts. If that happens, I will give nearly all of it away -- and I will be PROUD to share some of it with SLCA.

My motivation is to "BITCH-SLAP" individuals and organizations who routinely violate the rights of others and who have, so far, run roughshod, trampling the rights of the innocent and even at times taking their lives -- as they took the life of my business-partner-designate Evan Fish who knew too much about the heroin and cocaine operation of the local District Attorney and his allied -- by psychologically forcing Evan to jump off a seven-story parking deck -- releasing the ONE person (a former girlfriend who was addicted to the money and lifestyle Even had provided in his former life that he desperately sought to leave behind him as a top cocaine distributor in Maine) who could make him feel he had "no way out" to whisper in his ear when the negotiator became confident that Evan was NOT going to jump to his death). Thus was the fate of a 22-year-old man who was mostly grounded in Principle, but too young and inexperienced to see how he had been manipulated.

I hope to have the Courts REMOVE a good deal of their money -- and money is God in Action, although it is up to US to decide if we use currency to fry an egg for breakfast -- or fry a man (fairly or not) for alleged crimes. These people and organizations have PROVEN they do NOT have the Consciousness to accurately fulfill the obligations of their positions, and so many being even NOW still in denial, I will present "God" the opportunity to work through humankind and the courts to relieve these entities of money and power if that is appropriate -- or to further "bedevil" me, should THAT be my just due.

Having now said my peace, I am going to copy this response to your kind request (which I will honor for you and the others at SLCA -- anyone who wants to follow my continuing story can check it on my blog: ), and as I often do with "communications of significance" also post it on the blog.

All best to you and everyone at SLCA (and THANKS for the memories!!!),

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Angela Harmon wrote:

Please delete this email;

Carpe Diem/Have a Wow day!

"When the end is held firmly enough in consciousness, the means to bring it about has already been set in motion." Thomas Troward


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