CORRECTION: It was Diane Lane and Anne Bancroft (Diane played her young, Anne played her old) who played my great-grandmother, NOT Faye Dunaway! I should have looked it up earlier. My apologies.
Just thought I’d let you know that I have made some peace with former agent Cindy, and what I’d said about you. Everything is going great for me now, except that I’m still beyond broke – but I’ve got a near full-time job with an arborist, perfect non-career job for someone like me, who is also a writer and will be on the paid talk circuit soon – and could stand to get back physically fit after losing 80 pounds while homeless for five months (three in Puerto Vallarta – one of those while literally kidnapped and held in a crack house with Baby Azteca, former top killer for the top Mexican drug gang in Los Angeles, who threatened me with blades and once beat me near senseless, for one of those months).
Can you imagine the money I’ll make from my story? Half MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL, half Dan Brown. I’m going to outsell both of them. The Kenans trace their blood person-by-person from Pepin, first King of Italy, through his grandson Charlemagne, and eventually from Robert the Bruce (Braveheart) through the entire Stuart line in Scotland. And then there is the story of the Kenans in America – my distant relatives inherited nearly all of Henry Flagler’s wealth. He invented the multi-state corporation and then founded Standard Oil. Originally, Flagler, his father-in-law (Harkness), and Rockefeller owned equal thirds, although Flagler controlled two of them. Then of course he opened Florida with his railroad, left everything to Mary Lily Kenan Flagler (later Bingham of Louisville). She left virtually everything to her Kenan relatives.
I am now the only Kenan-surnamed person living in Wilmington, and even though I tell everyone I’m only shirt-tail related to the money, I DID share a boyfriend in the mid 1980s with Thomas S. Kenan III, who controls the biggest chunk of it, and Tom really did send 60 MINUTES to Puerto Vallarta to interview me and say they Want to do at least two segments on my story once it is politically possible. The interviewer flagged me down as I walked the street. She was with a descendant of my great-grandmother, Julia Pridgen Kenan—longest surviving Confederate Widow in NC, whose life was memorialized in a fictionalized way by Alan Gurganus (a by-marriage relative) in his book OLDEST CONFEDERATE WIDOW TELLS ALL. The late 1980s TV movie won Emmys. Faye Dunaway played my great-grandmother, Donald Sutherland, my great-grandfather. Also, the last survivor of the Titanic was my blood relative, so Kate Winslet played my relative in TITANIC.
It goes on and on. The last survivor of the Lusitania to die was Owen Kenan, personal physician to Henry Flagler.
I’ll never forget how, despite the peculiarities, my association with you was so important to my moving forward. Should you have any ideas of who might want to buy my Williams memoir and/or the next book about what I learned and what happened to me after Alyson canceled my book, I would certainly want to make it worth your while. I have a fun fantasy of surprising others who helped me with a chunk of change some day. After all, they all went to hell and back too
And I WILL look you up next time I’m in your area.
All best,
From: Scott Kenan [mailto:scottdkenan@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 9:07 AM
To: 'Cynthia Zigmund'
Subject: RE: Hi Cindy and Rick!
Thank you, Cindy:
I met a couple of people here in town yesterday at the Azalea Festival who have siblings in the movie industry here and they are excited to make some contacts for me re: selling to movies. Wilmington was recently officially designated Hollywood East, and movies and TV shows slated to be filmed here this year are up ten times over last year. You see film production trucks all over the historic district, which I live on the edge of.
Best of all, your response makes me feel some closure and healing, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that.
I hope some day I can send a writer (some writers?) to you, or in some other way, contribute to your success.
All best
From: Cynthia Zigmund
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 5:30 PM
To: scottdkenan@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Hi Cindy and Rick!
Hi Scott:
I did follow up with Scott Rudin Productions but never received a response. It's not unusual for editors and producers to not respond (unless they're interested).
I appreciate your kind words, and wish you only success in finding a publisher.
Cynthia A. Zigmund
From: Scott Kenan [mailto:scottdkenan@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 9:10 PM
To: Cindy
Subject: Hi Cindy and Rick!
I hope you don’t mind my contacting you, but it would be helpful to know a couple of things. First, to be clear, I’m not going to ask about the things that became unpleasant. They will sort themselves out eventually, and for a writer, they sure make for a GREAT story, so I really am mad at absolutely no one – not even the deliberate actors (I do not believe you are one of them) – who I feel certain include Thomas Keith and Christal Presley. Christal’s best friend since college is the wife of Sean Hannity of Fox News, and behind my back, she had been in communication with my sister Jane (a dupe), my mother, my former employer Patrick Stansbury, who was importing drugs and is now out on bail – his company now collapsed, in part due to info I sent the FBI by secure server, and part of the largest drug bust in Georgia history – over 100 arrested in the sting. Christal also was in contact with others, including American Express, who reduced my credit limit by $20,000.00 ten minutes after I first let her know I was on to her. And that happened after 10:00 PM on a Sunday night when I’d not yet had a single late payment to anyone since 1990. Later, AMEX caused me additional problems in collusion with SunTrust bank. I’ve let them know I’m suing them both.
You know, John Willig is a huge fan of yours, and during a phone conversation with him a couple of months ago, I realized that he knew you better than I did, and so you, like so many including myself, had just been duped and manipulated. John wants me to meet him for a drink next time I’m in South Jersey. I did NOT try to tell him my fears about you, and our conversation changed my mind about you.
Here is my question: Did you ever hear anything back from Scott Rudin, the movie producer?
I have decided to sell my book myself, and a week ago, discovered that Don Weise, after getting backers and trying to buy Alyson from Here media, but being rebuffed – even after bidding to double its market value – founded his own publishing house. Remember how sensitive he was and caring? I think I misinterpreted him, and have offered him the book, should he be interested. He was only having to deal with higher-ups who had a different agenda than his. He put a lot into my book, and he should profit from that. At least I’m giving him the opportunity. I also have two other possibilities that I can work if this does not pan out. The memoir has no political material really, so no reason anyone should oppose its publication, except for spite. John Lahr did eventually tell me that Maria St. Just destroyed her letters that mentioned my name before she published them. She destroyed much else too, and with Sewanee’s NYC rights lawyer Michael Remer and TW’s lawyer John Eastman, cooked up the plan of bribery that got TW’s maid Leoncia McGee, Gary Tucker, Skye Wyatt, and Maria herself to perjure themselves and claim TW was incompetent when he signed the codicil. The estate is now valued (according to attorneys who graduated from the school and I contacted) at over $1/3 billion. Almost none of the money supports writers as stipulated in both will and codicil. Some, according to these alumni lawyers, covers the extreme loss of alumni support cause when the Episcopal Bishop of Atlanta “reformed” the school, the rest, apparently, to the Republican Party.
I’m certain John Uecker smothered TW with a pillow when Maria got assurances that I could be kept “mindless” on Lithium. Tennessee’s brother Dakin asserts this murder, but not the mechanics, in his book about TW, as did Dotson Rader, who’d been a close friend of TW and wrote the interview piece in THE PARIS REVIEW that had scared TW about meeting Reagan so much. Dotson’s career (Tennessee claimed he was the highest paid American magazine article writer in America) was systematically destroyed after he published his book TENNESSEE: CRY OF THE HEART, claiming Uecker had murdered Tennessee. He’s a broken man now, living in CA.
I DID actually get my mother to admit guilt yesterday after I made it crystal clear to her that I have the smoking gun in my possession that she deliberately murdered her brother by first having his wealth removed, and then when he was stuck in a Veterans’ Hospital in Lower Alabama, forced doctors to see he got double-dose Lithium. I have in her handwriting (from shortly before this) that “1.5 Lithium = chemical diabetes.” The therapeutic blood level for lithium is 0.5-0.7, and over 1.0 is considered toxic. During yesterdays’ conversation, Mom sobbed and sobbed as I enumerated her crimes against me, her brother and the United States of America. She even apologized – only for the swastikas and beating of me. She did not once say I should be medicated or in a mental hospital – a first in AGES. But today, she’d gotten her act back together, and reverted to her old story. I told her I will actively seek her prosecution until she pays me $5,000.00 in exchange for taking me off their will, that she promised last summer, but since then usually denies. She’s just a Tea Party Republican of the Swastika stripe – far worse than the trailer trash we love to ridicule here in the South, but a FABULOUS literary character – and in resisting me so strongly, she forced me to become stronger. I have no beef with her, but I do plan to connect, and I will also sue Patrick Stansbury for the rest of the money he owes me for buy-back of company stock, as soon as I finish removing the false charge of Stalking that Christal Presley filed. North Carolina THREE times offered to extradite me to Georgia, but the Sheriff there declined – I had already begun working with him to have it removed.
I’ve also written Edward Albee, asking him for some info and suggestions. After the Williams Festival in New Orleans so rudely canceled my appearance on the ‘I Remember Tennessee Williams” panel when the book was canceled, they put him on it. I recently read a transcript of his words there, and was moved to tears. He might or might not help me, but I doubt he’s intimidated by a bunch of strong-arming rogue Republicans.
I’m no longer trying to get my siblings’ support. They have no self-respect. I don’t blame them, given the brainwashing and terror tactics of my parents, but I can’t bother with them until they act like adults and treat me with some respect – whether they agree with me or not.
I had not intended to write so much to you, but it has been with warmest regards and regret that things go so out of control. I really do believe that you were my champion, and we both got caught in something too big to understand.
I wish you and Rick all the success you deserve, and I consider that a lot. We’ve all been through hell, and now’s the time to get our pay-off!
Check my blog for my latest troublemaking and good news: scottkenan.blogspot.com .
I STILL NEED TEMPORARY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE until I earn more money. New glasses to replace those badly scratched when Baby Azteca beat me, a new, SECURE Windows 7 computer, and other, lesser needs. Please, if at all possible, donate through my book's website. I apologize that I have not been able to update it: www.walkingonglass.net .
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