( http://www.pentagon-usa.com/ )
Thank you, Patrick. (see Patrick Stansbury’s email attack of me below)
One of my several purposes (but not the main one) in sending this email and DELIBERATELY copying you which I haven’t done in ages, was to draw you out. My agreement with you (not to mention you in emails or blog posts in exchange for your paying me a mere 10% of the $38,000.00 you owed me by your own admission in email I still possess), was made under duress because it was winter then, and I was homeless and had the flu and it enabled me to get off the streets. Between that duress – and your continuing harassment of me and others, according to them – you would not stand a chance of enforcing it, ESPECIALLY since you still owe me an additional $38,000.00 less $3,800.00, which, I surmise, you still refuse to pay. I will not explain here your many harassments of me – and other disgruntled former employees (no matter what they say to you at the moment), as I’m saving them to WOW you in court, should you attempt any such foolish thing.
Not ALL your former employees (all but one or two of them seem to have fled your company), would perjure themselves in court if subpoenaed, although I would not place bets on Congressman Linder standing with me. And the thick envelopes that used to pass from GA Republican Congressman John Linder (still in office, but revised district boundaries) to many in Blue Ribbon Grill on that odd triangle where Briarcliff Rd. splits off LaVista in Tucker, GA, every Friday during the 1990s, where you so generously fed us open-bar lunch and handed out commission checks. After your many PUBLIC ‘conversations’ with him there, you have even lied to me, claiming you’ve never met him. Why lie, if you have nothing to hide about it??? I’d have to really scour my mind to remember if he actually passed any of those thick plain envelopes to you while the two of you conversed.
By your own illegal – or at least unethical – actions, you ON YOUR OWN reduced your company to a shell. Anyone calling the number, who listens for the dozen+ extensions listed for sales people will find that none of them connect to anything – unless you can change your phone system quickly. I check on this several times over several months, and found no changes to it. Previously, all had connected to your highly effective sales team who sold ad space in yearbooks and alumni publications for our nation’s Service Academies, War Colleges, and Maritime Academies – legitimate work of which I was always proud!
But your greed, Republican Party connections, and faux Christianity destroyed your mind, soul, and company. You cannot blame me for that. I am sorry that the politicians I gave the FBI evidence against have not yet gotten their due – but I am still working on that. You still have not answered my many questions about what happened to Pentagon Publishing, Inc (the one in Snellville, GA) – or if it’s true you are out on bail awaiting trial on drug charges as Columbian and Mexican Drug Operatives in Mexico claimed to me. They said that not only had Stone Mountain, GA been controlled by Columbian Drug Lords for many years, but that the hit on them by narcs in Georgia (which I seem to have helped happen) was the largest ever. I DID get some respect from them for that, although the evidence I have against you on THOSE things is hearsay from others of your former employees, or circumstantial.
One thing it does NOT qualify for is libel, another: stalking, third: Cyberstalking, as defined by North Carolina.
Anyone wishing to test Patrick’s phone system can call his UNLISTED company number (Pentagon Publishing, Inc. in Snellville, GA has NEVER since its founding in 1991, had a listed number): 404-262-3121. Patrick’s extension is 1251 (or simply push “1”). My old extension was 1258. Currently, a fake name, Chance Davis, is associated with it, and in Georgia, it is illegal to sell on the phone with a fake name, although I don’t blame Mike Booz for using a different fake name, given his surname’s pronunciation. In fairness, there should have been exception for people with names like that who must sell to or cavort with Faux Christians. LOL!!!
Here is a quote from my sister’s email to me this past Wed., 4/20/11, in response to my asking if my mother’s claim that Jane does not want me to speak with her or visit her house. There had been some confusion in my family about my sanity and need of medication, until three agencies in NC tested me and gave me a clean bill of mental health during the last two months: “I believe you should get any of your information about me from me, not from other people.” She is quite willing for me to visit her in Raleigh. I will leave her and my mother’s opinions of you – and your co-conspirator Christal Presley – to the imagination of the reader. I have no idea if or how Jane would respond to anyone’s inquiry, but I will also not try to stop anyone from contacting her. She’s an independent person, not really involved in my mother’s crazy schemes. When, recently, I talked with Mom, I enumerated the list of crimes I believe she has committed, and, FINALLY she began sobbing. She did not hang up abruptly as usual, interrupt me, or say I needed medication, incarceration, or commitment, like usual. She even gathered her voice and apologized for some of it. Later, she recovered and was back to her usual shtick, BUT I’m not certain she is the reliable Republican she had been, and I think she’s beginning to regret serving dinner through the 1950s and 60s on plates with swastikas and beating us kids daily with no provocation.
Well, I’m sure glad I ain’t Jesus – or I’d be dead today (but not tomorrow). I also ain't anti-Jesus, so don't get any ideas whose execution might cause my condition to reverse, come tomorrow.
Now, if the undead, soulless, greedy, narco-trafficking Republicans associated with the Bush/Cheney/Gingrich/Fox News branch of the Republican Party (whose honest members like Sen. Dick Lugar, run-off ex-members like Bill Frist, and possibly VERY-recently-come-to-their-senses-members like Gov. Jan Brewer of AZ – boy were Republicans shocked when she vetoed those two bills this week – have very legitimate concerns that also must be addressed, but not before the over-medication of Americans, legal and illegal), look in the mirror and see that nothing is there, together, we will Resurrect American Values and Principles, and Liberty will triumph over her turned-harlot sister, Freedom, who, lacking consideration for her fellow Americans was bought off by the thrill-seeking and greedy – and eventually bled to death. (Please consult a dictionary for the difference between Liberty and Freedom before attacking me, those who got a more recent, dumbed-down American education.)
Thank you,
From: Patrick Stansbury [mailto:ps@pentagon-usa.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:20 PM
To: 'Scott Kenan'; mremer@cdas.com
Cc: Nancy @ Harvard Univ.;Tennessee Williams/New Orleans lit Fest; 60 Minutes; The Flagler Museum; Denison Univ. Alum Assoc.; Don Weise, formerly of Alyson Books; Banderas News, PV, Mexico; OPED @ NYTimes; Jane Kenan
Subject: Important ADDENDUM to: Regarding the death, will, and codicil of TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, my former employer
I have forwarded this email and others to both my attorney and the local police for study. I fear for Scott’s safety as he has obviously lost all touch with reality now and violates his own agreements. He has already used cyber stalking and physical stalking to attempt to extort people and continues to defame me and my company with this idiotic tale of lies and invented paranoia. I guess Scott will only be helped once he is confined and jailed – so I will move toward that as soon as possible.
Feel free to contact his sister Jane Kenan (last email address above) for details on his life long battle with bipolar disorder. She has sent me several emails apologizing for him and we all pray he will get the medication he needs to get his life back together.
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