Yesterday's blog post (originally an email to Michael Remer), did NOT appear to arrive in the inboxes of two people I sent it to whom I checked with, but after much sleuthing, we discovered it went into obscure subfolders in their email NOT within their inboxes. This is EXACTLY what frequently happens to my emails, but only since I became political, including before I left the employment of Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. http://www.pentagon-usa.com/ . At that time, Geraldine (Gerry) Flynn and her husband, Joel Miller, both PPI contract employees also and living at 7350 Raleigh Way, Bethlehem GA 30620, explained to me that Patrick had adjusted every contractor’s computers via his own from his home office on Millers’ Pond Lane, Snellville, GA, so that my emails went directly to their trash or weird subfolder, unnoticed – and they both reported that this had begun happening to all my emails to them. Gerry twice said Patrick’s organization was FAR larger than I had any idea, and that they were planning to kill me.
I know that Dudley Crawford Sharp III of Houston, TX, son of Tennessee Williams’ good friend ‘Texas Kate’ (Kate Schweppe, Sharp, Moldawer, McNamara, who died in 2007, and although blind, left a printed copy of my manuscript of WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS front and center on her desk. Also, when I knew her while working for TW, she told me she had known Thomas S. Kenan III’s close relatives in Atlanta, where she grew up, quite well) and Dudley Crawford Sharp II, who was Dwight Eisenhower’s Secretary of the Air Force and had a role in developing Outer Space Law for the Air Force (Good Republicans!!!), NEVER receives my emails, despite my attempts of let him and his other two siblings, who had checked my manuscript for factual errors, know what I’m up to and discovering.
Interestingly, not long after that when Patrick first offered to buy back my PPI stock @ $100.00 per share (I was expecting my Tennessee Williams memoir would actually be published and I would leave the company to go on book tour), and then through a single long string of back and forth emails full of ‘pretzel logic’ on his part, reduced it to $10.00, then $1.00, and finally ZERO, giving non-sense reasons, and even, in the end firing me for no REAL reason and threatened he was going to take out anti-stalking papers against me. He offered that “everybody” know I should have been taking “my medications” and being connected through his Republican Party drug Mafia allies (apparently – I can’t prove this in a court of law, although the circumstantial evidence is quite strong), assumed he could force me into court-ordered mental hospitalization or supervised heavy Lithium ingestion.
Only twenty minutes after the end of that email ‘conversation,’ two cops showed up at my door saying they had received a call that I was suicidal and they tried to commit me, but within a few minutes, I had them laughing at the idea. Months later, my sister Jane admitted to making that call, even though she and I had had no contact whatsoever in a week. I have never tried to force her to answer my question how and why she decided without contact with me in a week, she had decided I was in a sudden emergency situation. Jane is the most reasonable of my immediate family – and THAT’s saying a lot!!!
Later, using Google, I found a small ‘business’ network including Christal Presley, Jane, one of the Alyson Books’ people, and Sean Hannity of Fox news’ wife (Christal’s best friend since college). Patrick accidentally told me of his conversations with Christal several times, and then IMMEDIATELY denied it each time after I thanked him for proving my point, which in this case is that I suspect Patrick had Christal (who had already manipulated Jane into buying a double-priced globe of the Earth for my parents), to get Jane to make that call.
You see, all along, these people worked in ways that sound insane, deliberately to make my reporting of them seem like I MUST be delusional. I would never believe my story without evidence if someone else told it to me. GOOD NEWS: I have the evidence of much of my story, including several electronic and hard copies of that email chain with Patrick, which, like the files on my computer of the many revisions of WALKING ON GLASS, became thoroughly gutted. Alyson Books publisher Don Weise (who will not now return my civil voicemails or emails), told me to delete all files from my computer when I was in his office in NYC in late 2009 (I didn’t, and already had hidden copies). When I returned to GA, I found ALL my files of the book – including the final version I had just delivered to him – had been completely gutted ON ALL THREE OF MY COMPUTERS.
Sorry, this was only to be a short note to announce that when I awoke to discover the St. Louis Airport had been nearly destroyed by a tornado late Good Friday night, I had to laugh (no disrespect to any injured intended). Tennessee Williams’ brother Dakin had had him buried in St. Louis, a city he hated. Of all the people I’ve met in my life, TW was the closest to Jesus – something I have often expressed to friends. And I’ve often said (although it is not original to me), that if Dear Ol’ Jesus ever did or does come back, the Christians (at least the Republicans) would nail him right back up on that cross in a heartbeat! Well, they did – and then they overturned the codicil to his will.
Writing the book of that story and getting the truth out about it is MY mission in life, and I seem to be protected by a Divine Presence so that NOTHING in this World can stop me.
And so it is.
Scott David Kenan
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