I stole the above image from the website of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. If they complain, I'll remove it. Strangely, in the original edition of the book THE KENAN FAMILY, published in 1967, it says this about me, then 16 years old: "Is 6' 8" tall which leads to an application for a basketball scholarship at Duke Univ." When that was published, I had no idea my distant relatives had done anything for any school other than UNC, so I thought that listing meant they didn't want me around them. LOL!!! Hey, my parents claimed the distant Kenan relatives were basically selfish trash because they weren't Catholic. I went to Denison University, which the Thomas S. Kenan III Charitable Trust gave $2,000,000.00 one or two years after I graduated, but not because of me. That's 1974 dollars, and the second biggest gift in a major endowment-expansion drive. I thank them, belatedly.
Yesterday, I spoke with my mother on the phone. I was concerned that she had not received my email to all immediate family (the blog posting before this one), since she rarely checks email, and I just knew my siblings hadn't told her. I was right. But I did get her to break down, sobbing, and admit her guilt. For the first time in over a year, she did NOT demand I get on "my drugs" or claim I should be in a mental institution -- and she listened and did not hang up on me.
Today, I called again to see if she was fully recovered, which of course she was -- you should have seen how fast she recovered from sobbing with regret as she rocked violently in her chair and and repeated "You've condemned me! You've condemned me! You've condemned me!" like I was Jesus Christ come back to judge her when I was visiting her a year ago (I had done no such thing and still have no idea what set that incident off) -- so I knew to expect no breakthrough to last more than a few minutes with her.
Today, I told her I would stop trying to see she is prosecuted for the murder of her brother as well as High Treason (as the top Nazi in the US -- first confirmed by key Jewish leaders in Atlanta in 1990) and Dick Cheney's boss (alleged by many -- and given many things I've witnesses, I tend to believe it, as well as the additional contention that she reports only to the Pope), if she will honor the offer she accepted most of a year ago, that, in exchange for a mere $5,000.00 to help me get back on my feet, she and Dad remove me from their will. But like her adored Tea Party Republicans, she now denies she made the deal.
There is another possibility, which I called called Dad last night and asked what he thought: She has Multiple Personality Disorder, and both personalities seem to be the same person except they don't remember what the other does -- and of course have quite different temperaments. He hung up on me.
But today, I confronted Mom with the possibility of it, and that when her "retarded" uncle made her repeatedly give him blow jobs when she was six years old (the Meyers back then had low personal hygiene and were "un-kosherized"), and her priest told her it was HER fault and she was guilty of leading him on, she had a psychotic break. I think this is a reasonable theory -- but the truth of what she has done, including the swastikas on our dinner plates in the 1950s and 60s, and the daily beatings -- to say nothing of the Catholic indoctrination (no offense to the many fine Catholic people -- it is the church leadership and some teachings I take issue with) -- is still her responsibility, and she MUST make amends. Then, I will cooperate with any law enforcement that pursues her, but not push it myself.
I trust that although Wilmington lawyer David Nash improperly charged me with Cyber-stalking and with my mother's help (directly or coincidentally), had me recently held in New Hanover County Jail for 28 days until trial, that I am allowed to simply report on what is in the public court record without incurring further harassment through abuse of the law (my opinion, which remains to be proven one way or the other -- and I WILL prove it). I'll go into no details of what I published on my blog and later removed, except to say it was what his friend John Mann reported to me, and I had no reason not to believe it. We disagreed under oath on this (them against me), but truth is not a popularity contest and lies always catch up to people who perjure themselves. I'll just leave it at that.
This Wednesday, my lawyer, Public Defender Emily Zvejnieks, and I filed for appeal of my recent "Cyber-stalking" of Wilmington lawyer David Nash conviction. Jury trial is expected to be in June, although no date has been set yet. Mr. Nash has brought all the publicity that is certain to ensue in the press -- local and possibly national -- on himself. My compassionate part hopes my jury-less conviction is thrown out on constitutional grounds (as Emily feels is certain), so Mr. Nash can be spared the embarrassment of the jury trial, and then I can give the District Attorney the facts that I know -- what I should have done in the first place.
Enough on that.
I DID receive enough donations from readers to cover a month's long-overdue rent, overdue utility bills, and a month of North Carolina car insurance, since my Georgia card said I ran out the day before!
Monday, I got a job working for an outdoors services company -- under a bit of a hot-headed boss who has a heart of gold and has sterling ethics. A bible-literalist, he thinks all psychiatric medication is the work of the Devil. (I don't go that far.) At least I'll never have to worry about him telling me to take meds. He actually rescued his son and got custody in a long court battle after his ex-wife, who had had primary custody, had their early grade-school son put in a mental hospital on heavy meds. I absolutely salute him for that! The boy seems perfectly fine now, and my boss, his wife, and son all seem to be doing fine now. The boy's love of his Dad is palpable.
I still need to replace my eyeglasses ($350.00 minimum, due to complex prescription) as they were seriously scratched the last time the Mafia beat me up in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and buy a newer computer than this XP one that has the greater protections of Windows 7. Yesterday, while I was attempting to order my Georgia Driver's Record so I can get my North Carolina license, the forms began jumping about violently. This happens frequently when I do anything that make progress for me, so I know my adversaries are still fighting me tooth and nail. I know I can reboot the computer and it will stop -- at least until they can hack this XP computer again.
I am still working to deliver the info to Harvard University that will help them reverse the illegal overturning of Tennessee Williams' will codicil, allowing the Republican Party to steal most of his royalties since he died. Also, have much info to give the local District Attorney, Ben David, a member of my church, First Presbyterian of Wilmington, NC, but cannot act until my Cyber-stalking case is disposed of. Want to place bets that it never is disposed of? That would protect a large contingent of the Wilmington Police Department, at least one district judge, quite a few local businesspeople, and, I'm told -- without evidence -- the mayor.
I do want to point out that I do NOT hold a thing against the judge, although there is no question in my mind that he erred in declaring me guilty. He was in a tough spot that tested his mettle in a way that few get tested, and the prosecution got all the breaks. While I waited for my time before him to file the appeal, I observed him handle a dozen cases. I was impressed by his fairness and concern for both the defendant and victims. I will definitely vote for him -- and let me also state that he's a Republican. I'll leave it at that for now.
Judge Blackmore, who at my initial hearing read several untrue things into the court record about me, is a Democrat. A neighbor of hers, whom I met in jail, claims that Blackmore is a box-wine alcoholic (boxes can be hidden in the trash better than bottles). Well, the day I had to deal with her, not only did she look like she hadn't washed her hair in a month, when I asked for a public defender, she huffed and said she'd never heard of a Kenan who didn't have "at least two or three trust funds." No one NEAR my immediate family has a trust fund of any kind. How insulting!!! I'm gonna sink her next political campaign. I hate hypocrites, and she really throws the book at alcoholics.
If anyone can assist me, I'm still asking for donations through my book's website (I apologize that I can't afford to have its info updated) : www.walkingonglass.net .
And thank you, Readers, for your generosity! If YOU have not been able to help, maybe you can do something small. Every bit helps.
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