1. Image borrowed without permission from Michael Remer's law firm's (Cowan, DeBaets, Abrahams, & Sheppard, LLP, in NYC) website. I will remove it immediately, if so requested by him or his firm. 2. John Eastman from "New York Social Diary" 3. The late Maria St. Just with one of Tennessee Williams' paintings, a self-portrait.
Dear Mr. Remer:
I have written you before with my concerns about the death and disposition of the will and codicil of my former employer, Tennessee Williams, as well as the seeming fact that neither is being respected by the chief beneficiary, The University of the South, aka Sewanee. My understanding is that you are in charge of much of the rights management.
Only today, I notice you went to Oberlin, my second choice of colleges – like Sen. Richard Lugar, Hal Holbrook, Michael Eisner, and Steve Carrel, I graduated from Denison University – and then you finished your education at the Bush family’s favorite Skull & Bones school, Yale. Life seems so full of interesting coincidences, wouldn’t you say?
I want to first be clear, that although I DO have court-admissible information and proof that certain people perjured themselves (many of them bribed), so that the codicil to Tennessee Williams’ will was formally or informally overturned, I do NOT accuse YOU of anything, but since you are reported to have been intimately involved in much of this, I figure you will be happy to clear up some of my concerns. After you do that, I will be able to cease my seemingly unstoppable efforts to reveal what I find to be true about these matters – in fact, I will publicly recant anything I have said or published in error.
Currently, I am in contact with people in Harvard University’s Legal Department who remember well their consternation that events robbed them (I hope you forgive me if I play a little loose with language here – I’m not an attorney), of the supervision of Tennessee’s rights and the disbursement of their proceeds. They seem interested in getting to the bottom of things, but, frankly, I damaged my credibility a bit a couple of months ago, when I allowed a storm of annoyance by people here in Wilmington, NC, who had become enraged by my attempts to expose and stop drug traffickers, to unnerve me to the point of publishing on my blog information about a top Wilmington attorney’s Mafia connections that his best friend told me. Well, that ‘friend’ might have actually lied to me – and I should have simply taken the information to the D.A. But, in court, the ‘friend’ lied under oath, and being a naïve white boy from suburbia (Republican Party parents, of course), I had no idea people could perjure themselves like that. I dare say that being a long-practicing attorney, you are not so naïve about perjury!
I was convicted by a judge without jury, but the case is being appealed. Since I clearly can show I did not violate the law, I am not concerned what a jury will find, but since I inappropriately (but not illegally), published that info (now deleted), I hope the case and verdict will simply be thrown out on constitutional grounds without further embarrassing my accuser. His day in court will come, and barring no additional harassment of me, I have no intention of pressing charges against him for inappropriate legal harassment – or whatever it’s called in North Carolina.
In any case, since I have often copied you in emails, as well as occasionally written you directly – even including a Word doc copy of my manuscript WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS (added 11/18/11: I just changed the link as my own page was sabotaged by Mac Cauley my web designer and Han Hills of Wilmington Web Design -- www.wilmingtonweb.com -- half a year ago, and I lost my domain www.walkingonglass.net . This new link goes to the book's site on Amazon, or you can buy it from me direct from this blog, top right.) at least once, I’m not going to waste too many bytes on the whole possible conspiracy theory, which can only be called “massive.” I’ll paste in just a bit from a recent email to a friend to help refresh your memory. Additional info can be found in the last 18 months of my political blog, scottkenan.blogspot.com
Perhaps the reason you have not previously replied to me is because you did not have my mailing address and you know how easily the content of emails can be changed. Would you kindly send me a written response by US Mail to:
Scott D. Kenan
(address and phone number deleted for blog)And if you would simply drop an email stating that you are or have done that, it will end my attempts to contact you further through various electronic and other means, as I know many of my emails do not reach their addressees, so I must call to verify they have been received. It was the Executive Director of the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach, who first proved to me how my emails were also changed in content in transit. That museum is a major philanthropy of my distant powerful Kenan relatives who inherited nearly all of Henry Flagler’s fortune. One of those Kenans sent 60 MINUTES to Puerto Vallarta to interview me regarding my experience and political theories when I spent six months there, failing to mount a 100th Birthday celebration of the life and work of Mr. Williams. Silly me, I fell prey to drug Mafia, and my entire life savings were stolen and I became homeless, a condition that persisted for five months, including the first two months after I managed to get to North Carolina. Now I have an apartment, have a job with a tree-man, and tell conspiracy and other stories to strangers in exchange for free-will donations, an activity I do not like, BUT it spreads the word, and I can usually make at least $15.00/hour – not bad after homelessness! I’m slowly working my way out of both my financial and credibility-damage holes, both of which I accept full responsibility for.
Soon, I am going to write Michael Remer, head rights lawyer (in NYC) for Sewanee, handling the Williams estate. It is my belief that he, TW’s lawyer John Eastman (former bro-in-law to Paul McCartney) after his brilliant Dad, Lee, retired, and Maria St. Just (nee Britneva – she has bit parts in several Merchant Ivory films, notably Mrs. Vyse in A ROOM WITH A VIEW and she’s in MAURICE as well, even her house, Wilbury Park, the first Palladian home built in England, which she inherited from Peter Grenfell, the Lord St. Just, second wealthiest man in England after marrying him when he was in deep depression, and, according to TW, “promptly committed him to a mental hospital to get control of the money and the house,” is a main set in MAURICE – more info in my memoir), conspired to overturn the codicil to TW’s will. Michael and John are still alive. If they really had anything to do with TW’s death – which Tennessee’s brother Dakin and writer and close Williams friend Dotson Rader both claimed in THEIR books was actually murder by John Uecker, whom I know well (and who several times has claimed to me he sometimes feels he CHANNELS Maria St. just from the grave), and also now believe smothered TW with a pillow after Maria got reassurances that I was effectively chemically lobotomized on Lithium (the official coroner’s report was quietly changed at least once. It was physically impossible for TW to have choked on that medicine bottle cap. Uecker’s explanation to me of why the first report was false and his suggestion of it to the complying coroner and the coroner’s change simply does not hold water – then it is also quite possible that John Eastman, who frequently disrespected TW when we sat in his office which was papered with photos of McCartney and his sister – he managed McCartney’s business empire – he could well have also arranged for the more talented John Lennon’s murder (without McCartney’s knowledge), to enhance McCartney’s business value. McCartney has floundered and looks terrible since Lennon’s death. Most of his songwriting since then has been mediocre. This is not really my fight and I do not intend to pursue it.
Additionally, John Lahr and John Uecker both told me Maria had destroyed many of her letters to/from Tennessee before publishing her volume of those letters. That volume includes none or almost none from the time I worked for Tennessee, and I remember his frequent mail and phone contact with her then. In fact, the first time I am named by ANYTHING published, was when FOX NEWS ONLINE published (about 15 months ago) on both their NYC and LA flagship websites a story about my being TW’s “long-time” assistant, and info about the change of the coroner’s report. John Uecker, Dr. Larry Wright (a Williams friend, playwright, and theater professor), and I all posted laudatory comments about the article. THEN, an editor ADDED comments to the text quoting me as claiming TW had done many illegal drugs, a pure lie (for the record, the only illegal drugs I ever saw him do were on two occasions to take one or two hits of a joint – something I had never told anyone) – and in FOX’s (typical) dishonesty, they did not show that the article itself had been updated. They let it stand so that the time stamps made it appear I had praised them AFTER they added the lies. I protested vigorously, to no avail. Half a year later, they deleted all three comments, and then after a year, the pages disappeared from the internet.
But other publications reported on that article, and last I checked, still exist, although they were written before the drug lies were added, so do not mention any of that, thank God!
But other publications reported on that article, and last I checked, still exist, although they were written before the drug lies were added, so do not mention any of that, thank God!
One thing I HAVE been involved in is re-opening the inquest into Natalie Wood’s death. Writer Gavin Lambert, who wrote the screenplay of original ROMAN SPRING OF MRS. STONE (ironically my father’s favorite movie – don’t tell me he wasn’t a gigolo, once) worked with TW over Christmas holidays, and told us that he had seen Natalie a few days before her death. She told him she feared for her life because she had found out her husband, Robert Wagner, was having an affair with Christopher Walken. She was afraid if they found out she knew, they would murder her. I read an account online a year or so ago that lawyers for Natalie’s family were seeking to re-open the case and I contacted them and gave that info. Later, I learned that the captain of the boat had recanted his story, but LAPD (or whomever – I believe it was actually off Catalina Island) still had not re-opened it. I have been too distracted to follow up, and all my contacts and many files, including 60 pages of a third manuscript, disappeared with my MAC, although they exist on me.com’s cloud, and I have several months still to pay them $100 before all completely disappears. Money will flow to me soon, and I AM making progress. After this week’s paycheck, I can pay enough to forestall gas and electric shut-offs.
I need to get to the letter to Mr. Remer. Don’t worry – there’s not a thing that will not be in it that I haven’t claimed for a long time. But now, more settled, I’ll be able to make my case clearly and cogently. I’ll copy you and publish it as well, assuming no computer or internet breakdowns, which happen less and less frequently for me – they being nothing but circumstantial evidence that I am on the right track, and my adversaries know that. I now have them all but checkmated. As I said, I’m a Bad-Ass Mo-Fo!!
Well, you might have to go to the blog to refresh your memory. I’ll be copying this email widely, both openly and blindly – and publishing it on my blog.
I look forward to your response, and trust that you understand that I DO NOT accuse you of anything, but merely believe you, being so intimately involved, can clear up anything I have misunderstood or misinterpreted.
All best to you and your family on this Good Friday-Easter Sunday holiday – and if you actually happen to be Jewish, I was made an Honorary Jew by Jonathan Reiner, nephew to Carl, cousin to Rob, over a year ago, right after I reported on my blog that my parents were confirmed by key Jews in Atlanta back in 1990, to be the top Nazis in the United States. I continue to seek their exposure and prosecution, until I am proved wrong, of course. Disclosure: I am now a practicing Presbyterian (it’s complicated), but am prouder of being named an Honorary Jew than of anything in my life other than working for Tom Williams.
Boy could I have some serious amends to make and apologies, huh? I’m really out on a limb, but have recently passed psychological testing by three professionals, so I guess I’ll be eating humble pie – or at least someone will be – depending on the truth, when it fully outs, which I feel certain will be soon.
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful and informative response.
Some info on John Eastman from New York Social Diary.
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