Monday, March 12, 2012

CONFIRMED: Port City Java Imports COCAINE With Their Coffee Beans!!!

Coffee Executive Officer and Narco-Thug: New Port City Java CEO Steve Schnitzler said the company will concentrate on regional expansion and enhancing the cafe experience. (THAT's a nice way to put it!!! -- Me)

>>> FINALLY CONFIRMED: By more than just disgruntled former employees, a good fiend of Chief Operations Officer Kevin Walsh (who kicked me out of ALL of their stores NATIONWIDE despite there never having been any kind of an incident -- google in this blog for more details).

>>> JUST SEEN IN THE FRONT WINDOW of the newly renovated Port City Java store on Front Street near Market in Wilmington, NC:


. . . drinking coffee while wired for communications with his superiors. The "Witch of a Bitch" (dykey, black-haired but former red-haired bulldog-built women who swore to me once she really WAS a witch -- and then was instrumental in my being thrown out.

>>> CORRECTION added 3/13/12, 7:00 AM: Sen. Goolsby was talking on some kind of ear-and mouth-wired cell phone. I REGRET originally writing this as if he were on the "NARCO-TRAFFICKERS' HOTLINE."

I stand by everything else I wrote.




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