Scamp and family.
Wonderful story: "Scamp, a former stray dog, saved the lives of six kittens that were trapped inside a cardboard box in the middle of the garbage in a square in Brazil. On hearing the mewing of the kittens, Scamp broke the box, pulled them out one by one and took them home. Having already experienced abandonment and a difficult life on the street, the rogue took them with him with the certainty that they would be saved in the same way he was saved one day”
Thanks to Contra el Maltrato Animal ( ) for the post.
Thanks to Contra el Maltrato Animal (
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1. As you probably already know, newly released video of George Zimmerman at the Sanford Police Department the night he shot Trayvon Martin to death show the neighborhood watch volunteer without blood on his clothing or bruises on his face or head. His clean-shaven picture seems to contrast with the violent beating he told police he endured at the hands of Martin, 17, who Zimmerman said attacked him from behind.
As I done tole ya, and Tole Ya, and TOLE YA: It is the End of the World (as we knew it), as predicted in ALL scripture, darkly. Those Prophets didn't know HOW to describe Cyber and Media Wars -- they did the best they could back then, so give 'em a break, OK???
This snuffing out of a young man's life at the hands of a Racist -- a HORRIBLE HUMAN TRAGEDY -- has been used by "OUR HEAVENLY FATHER" (I much prefer "BIG SWEETIE", although at the moment I know the use of that moniker here is no comfort to the millions who are grieving the deaths of Trayvon, the Florida System of Justice -- and the fact that ALL those who made apologies (OR BELIEVED AND/OR SPREAD THEM!!!) for George Zimmerman or tried to undermine the truth about what happened, have now been PERFECTLY UNMASKED AS GOD-HATING RACISTS.
>>> OH WAIT!!!: That last item is actually cause for sobering joy, a seriously conflicted and conflicting emotion.
I told you ALSO -- AND MANY A TIME -- that Dear Ol' Jesus (a fine Hebrew Prophet -- who properly should be called Yeshua) ain't a-comin' back!!! And God does NOT judge ANYONE -- we must ALL judge ourselves, and then submit to our own process of purification (self-decided/directed) before being allowed to enter fully into this AGE OF THE ARTIST (previously referred to as the Kingdom of God).
And it is CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS (aka Buddha Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, etc.) that will rule -- not not the MAN Jesus, so GET OVER IT!!! (That said, it would have been WORSE if it had not been for the Christ-hearted Christians sometimes being able to trump the Jesus-using Greed-and-Hate-Bots, but lately, they've been losing ground FAST and BIG SWEETIE's heart was near to breaking.)
And on the scientific level of consciousness (consciousness is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL. "Bipolar" is the most important step to take as you first leave "Linear Human Thinking". Then you more easily gain Multidimensional Consciousness -- the ability to perceive and act from more than one understanding of events at the same time, like the writer whose same words can reveal many shades of meaning).
And as I've made clear MANY times before, eons ago, Animal took a leap of consciousness up to Human (although the evolution of the human body was quite gradual). Now we must take the next step from Human to Artist Consciousness. Those who "hang back with the beasts", as Tennessee Williams put it through the mouth of his character Blanche Dubois in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE (the title of that play being the very definition of the Essence of Life), condemn themselves to a life of slavery in the New World Order, and will flood from their Penthouse Offices and (after changing clothes), begin the manual labor of cleaning up their Toxic Waste Sites and other endeavors of a necessary kind.
Eventually ALL hearts will be thus purified, and the "High, who have fallen MIGHTILY" will re-gain rights of full citizenship and we will ALL proceed forward together.
Yeshua was NOT the only person who "died for the sins of the world." So did Trayvon -- and countless others.
2. Scott Brown was recently photographed during his audition for an understudy part as a sexy Gideon in Tennessee Williams' last play, IN MASKS OUTRAGEOUS AND AUSTERE, opening next month in New York City.
Do you think he'll get a part???
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