Because for the first three years of his administration President Obama constantly CAVED to Republicans and MOST of his proposals were meant to LOOK good but GUARANTEED not to pass the Senate, those who study the news carefully DO NOT TRUST him to be an actual Democrat and CANNOT seem to trust him today.
Now, LONG before the election, we NEED to get to the bottom of this and discover
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Comment and my reply to this article in NEW YORK magazine: .
It was not a "sell-out;" it was a bait and switch. As Bob McDowall notes in his post, President Obama knew that the Republicans would reject whatever proposal was placed before them. He offered them standard Republican talking-point demands and they STILL rejected his offer for compromise. In the process, the president exposed the Republicans as obstructionists which, in turn, drove down Congressional approval rates. Consider that the POTUS was growing the economy in spite of the conservative agenda to drive him from office at all costs.
This was brilliant political theater on President Obama's part. He has been ahead of the Republicans at every turn. The writer of this article needs to do a bit of homework before making the false claim that the POTUS intended to sell out liberalism. Obama is playing to the middle, and it is working wonderfully.
This was brilliant political theater on President Obama's part. He has been ahead of the Republicans at every turn. The writer of this article needs to do a bit of homework before making the false claim that the POTUS intended to sell out liberalism. Obama is playing to the middle, and it is working wonderfully.
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peruzzi and
>>> MY REPLY posted on magazine's site (expanded on this blog):
I think this is the BEST public face for those of us who care about the country to put on -- and continue to support the President -- but the FACT remains that HuffPost and others reported half a year ago that Obama THEN had TWICE as much secret SUPER PAC money from Wall Street and Big Banks than Romney (who had the next largest).
Also, Obama GUTTED key regulations of the EPA to satisfy Republicans WHEN THAT WAS NO PART OF ANY NEGOTIATION. At the times he did this, it got LITTLE press attention.
Obama ALSO abandoned a key part of so-called "Obamacare" WHEN NO REPUBLICANS WERE PUBLICLY CALLING FOR HIM TO DO SO!!!
So Obama might have been the Trojan Horse Republican -- or working a strategy that took ENORMOUS cajones. I'm still not sure. Since then, those Banks and Wall Street have abandoned Obama and I think it was the Clintons and others who forced Obama to act like a Dem. since then.
I will NEVER fully trust him now, but I will vote for him as long as he is FORCED to continue to act like a Dem.
Google my name Scott Kenan to find my political blog "The Weather Up Here" with much more deep background info. I worked for playwright Tennessee Williams and promised Jackie Onassis I'd get her revenge one day.
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