Old photo from LIFE magazine showing Maria St. Just's (nee Britneva) proudly acquisitive nature. In this photo, presumably in one of her residences, she holds a self protrait of Tennessee Williams -- shades of THINGS TO COME!!!
I spent 45 minutes last night when I posted this (right after spending 3.5 hours recovering my computer and anti-virus/firewall), but could NOT get BLOGGER (part of the corrupted Google), to accept my changes -- and it kept changing my formatting in ways I was not doing. ANNOYING.
This morning, TWICE Internet Explorer has reported that this URL does not exist -- meaning hackers had taken this blog down completely, but then it comes back up and I am for a FEW SECONDS ONLY allowed to try to correct these things but then when I SAVE them and publish the updated, SOME -- BUT NOT ALL -- CHANGES REGISTER, and OTHER things are corrupted.
Welcome to APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!! Will be interesting to see WHO the real Fools are -- not unlike what Jeanne Dixon had to say about "the REAL COMMUNISTS in the United States Government", whom she knew she had served.
See more about THAT (and more) below.
* * *
Well, like my UBER REPUBLICAN little sister Julie, you do NOT know how to use a question mark correctly. Your use of it here indicates you question your own mind (not a bad idea!!!)
1. I am a NOTORIOUS PUBLIC FIGURE in Wilmington, NC as well as becoming one NATIONWIDE!!! (and 20% of the hits my blog get daily are from FOREIGN COUNTRIES -- now, especially RUSSIA, where Tennessee claimed his plays were MORE popular than in the US, but back then (1981 - 1982), you could NOT take Russian Rubles out of Russia. Texas Kate and Tennessee used to joke about going over there (a FEW were then allowed to visit the Soviet Union), and coming back DRIPPING a trail of furs.
You see, Tennessee KNEW that Maria St. Just (nee Britneva) had the CONTACTS in the COMMUNIST PARTY to GET much of that money -- AND WOULD!!! So she NOT ONLY grabbed the SECOND LARGEST FORTUNE in Great Britain by having PERMANENTLY COMMITTED HER HUSBAND PETER GRENFEL (The Lord St. Just) to a mental hospital TWO WEEKS AFTER THEY WERE MARRIED and soon controlled the Grenfel Bank.
She put all that money from the COMMUNIST PARTY together with the GRENFEL BANK, SEDUCED (with greed), Tennesee's lawyer John Eastman and Sewanee (The University of the South), who already KNEW Tennessee was going to leave Sewanee his estate in honor of his grandfather, Reverend Walter E. Dakin, because he had attended Sewanee's Episcopal seminary there -- the only one in "The Old South", and had given Tennessee "poetry".
So they got John Uecker (who told me he NEVER left Manhattan to visit Tennessee after the brief few-day visit to Key West mentioned in my memoir (now SUPPRESSED by Amazon or hackers. See: http://www.amazon.com/WALKING-ON-GLASS-TENNESSEE-ebook/dp/B0053480S2 ), during which he complained CONSTANTLY that Tennessee would NOT allow him to look at his manuscripts -- or even ENTER his writing studio.
The claim that John was EVER a "literary assistant" to Tennessee Williams is UTTERLY FALSE. in those days, John had a body akin to a young Marlon Brando -- and Tennessee LOVED to enjoy it, but he did not trust Uecker with his manuscripts, or so Tennessee claimed to me.
And when John stayed with Tennessee in the Hotel Elysee and smothered him with a pillow (presumably -- no one but John really knows), he had ONLY been there the length of time Tennessee was in New York on THAT visit. You SEE, there is a REASON the family of JAMES PURDY (who John REALLY DID SERVE LATER as a literary assistant), is SUING so that John does NOT inherit Purdy's estate (although I have not checked in about a year, that had been the published news reports)!!!
And this leads to the OBVIOUS FACT stated by the fake psychic Jeanne Dixon, who after-the-fact was revealed to have PREDICTED President Kennedy's -- and OTHERS' -- ASSASSINATIONS: On her deathbed, she said the world would ONE DAY BE SHOCKED when it was REVEALED who the REAL Communists (I would say "TOTALITARIANS"), in the United States Government ARE/were.
In documents obtained in the early oughts (2000 - 2009) through the Freedom of Information Act -- and at the time reported, albeit quietly, in various places in the US press -- but now largely suppressed (I last found them three years ago), FBI DOCUMENTS proved that she was ACTUALLY not a psychic (although she had a puff astrology column), but a PUBLICIST ON J. EDGAR HOOVER'S STAFF -- TERRORIZING HIS VICTIMS AND THEIR FAMILIES in advance of Hoover's people MURDERING them.
1. Yes, this is real and documented.
2. These are the same people who with the Republican Party, the Episcopal Church, Maria St. Just's Grenfel Bank and Communist Party connections and TENNESSEE's OWN COMMUNIST ROYALTIES!!! -- and of course Sewanee -- got John Uecker to murder Tennessee, covered it up, BRIBED Leoncia McGee (Tennessee's maid), Gary Tucker, and Schuyler Wyatt -- with the plotting Maria, of course, as well -- to PERJURE THEMSELVES when they claimed Tennessee was incompetent when he signed the codicil to his will -- as recommended by Jackie Onassis at Jeanne Stein and George Plimpton's party that we attended on January 11, 1982.
As you will remember (and even John Uecker heard the same story from Skye Wyatt), Skye bragged to US BOTH that although he was a mere flunky for a caterer in Chattanooga, TN after his partner Gary Tucker died of AIDS in late 1989 I think, Skye's luxurious lifestyle was actually paid for by a TOP Legislator in the Tennessee State Legislature -- without trade for sex -- and the guy was a REPUBLICAN. ALSO: Sewannee IS IN TENNESEE!!!
3. Harvard's lawyers, when I first approached them a year or more ago, were THRILLED to FINALLY understand some of the dynamics of this -- as they had been so spun in circles by the BRILLIANT PLOT (and had NO IDEA so many were involved in it), that they finally had given up and just stored the case notes for posterity.
4. But they have pulled those notes out since!!!
5. If YOU, Sir, have "sold your soul to the Devil" (so to speak) to advance your OWN career via this production http://www.masksoutrageous.com/ , just be very careful how you deal with me and Harvard (and TOP investigators of the US Government -- somewhat now reformed). Because you HONESTLY approached me originally (or so it appears), wanting my candid observations, and having appreciated my memoir (you now, Joe Jeffreys earlier), I do NOT see that YOU ALL in the production should suffer -- as long as you GET RIGHT WITH ME (which includes publishing any material I send you for that purpose which is NOT politically incendiary, and assisting me in MODEST transportation and accommodations for the opening.
YOUR CLAIM THAT YOUR INVITATION WAS BASED ON MY "BEING LOCAL" is PROVED a BOLD-FACED LIE, due to the FACT that before that, you ALREADY knew I lived in Wilmington, NC.
5. I'm in the mood for NO FURTHER GAMES.
SHIT, or get OFF THE POT!!!
6. I DO not recommend DOUBTING MY SINCERITY.
7. My computer was hit by a MASSIVE CYBER ATTACK shortly after I sent you that last email -- THE SECOND TIME THIS HAS HAPPEND IN THE LAST FEW DAYS!!! It took me 3.5 hours to repair and re-install Norton 360, the BEST antivirus and firewall on the "normal" consumer market!!!
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Victor Syrmis wrote:
Scott, I sent the reply email only to you?
Victor Syrmis
In Masks Outrageous And AustereTennesse Williams’ last playC – 1 XXX-XXX-XXXXE –Doesn't this poster look FABULOUS down here at the bottom of this blog post??? I DO hope we can work everything out, but New York (producers and dramaturg for MASKS and my anonymous financial backer, are VERY slow to respond).Scott
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