At first glance, I thought it said "Homo's Girl" too. But it doesn't. This is Dallas Cowboy Tony Romo's girlfriend, Candice Cawford. HA!!!
1. I'd like to THANK MY READERS for keeping the blog hits ABOVE 500/day -- and that does NOT include the 700+ copies of each posting that are emailed directly to recipients who, receiving all, rarely hit the actual blog. Since I have cut back on the number of posts, that only averages 1,400/day (some of those ignored or trashed), but there is a CONFIRMED potential views of at least 1,900/day now -- most of which are REAL!!!
2. I need to be sure My Readers know that although my former employer Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. in Snellville, GA looks HORRIBLE in his mug shot after being booked for Possession of Marijuana with Intention to DISTRIBUTE, he actually does not look this bad when his hair and beard are combed.
And because of his use of cocaine (which I sincerely doubt makes him QUEER -- especially since he had attempted to RAPE his current and long-time sales employee Geraldine (Gerry) Flynn of Raleigh Way in Bethlehem, GA in the last 1980s when they BOTH worked for The Dale Corporation (Gerry did NOT press charges then, but it is ONE of many reasons her husband Joel Miller -- also a long-time PPI sales associate -- claims he absolutely HATES Patrick), he has lost a lot of FAT as well (and thankfully showers more regularly so he doesn't STINK of stale MAN-SWEAT,usually)!!!
See for more info: .
3. I am getting more evidence of "The Phenomenon of the TWO INTERNETS" again, in that when I post to many Facebook Friends' comment threads, they tell me they DO NOT SEE the comments on their computers -- YET ON MY COMPUTER THEY ARE CLEARLY THERE!!!
(This might also have something to do with the BIZARRE TWO emails I got from HuffPost
yesterday morning claiming I had been "banned indefinitely from posting comments there." I've posted several since then, which can be seen transferred over to my Facebook Page (see link below).
>>> IMPORTANT!!!: In mid-January 2010, after Alyson Books CANCELLED my contract to publish WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, it took them a week to remove the book's cover from the webpage showing all 30 books they intended to release that Spring -- which was understandable.
HOWEVER, while the book disappeared on that page on MY and my KNOWN good friends' computers, IT REMAINED ON ALYSON'S SPRING LINE-UP PAGE FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO SEE (and for ME to see on "neutral" computers like those in Libraries) UNTIL ALYSON'S LINE-UP COMPLETELY COLLAPSED SOME MONTHS LATER.
ADDITIONALLY, if ANYONE (including from my computer) searched Alyson's site for the book, its OWN single page showing its price and release date continued to show up for the same period of time!!!
>>> I WAS FORCED TO CONCLUDE: That they intended to "disappear" me (and they certainly DID try to do that!!! -- THEY STILL TRY TO DO THAT NOW -- WITNESS BEN DAVID AND JON DAVID'S SCHEMES WITH DR. MENKE FROM LESS THAN A WEEK AGO. See:: ), and planned to edit it further than the FALSE damaging-to-Tennessee Williams'-reputation information Thomas Keith (its editor) had forced me to add, so that they could FURTHER damage Tom's legacy -- as was the GOAL of the ORIGINAL, MURDER CO-CONSPIRATOR, Maria St. Just -- with the FULL BACKING of the second largest fortune in Great Britain (the Grenfel Bank -- associated with the so-called "Illuminati" and the Republican Party in the US), which she had gained control of when she had her husband Peter Grenfel (The Lord St. Just) committed to a mental hospital two weeks after they married.
>>> JOHN LAHR, chief theater critic of the English-speaking world then and still working for THE NEW YORKER, told me that Maria had DESTROYED many of her letters to/from Tennessee BEFORE she published the ones that supported her GOAL. (to de-homosexualize the history and writings of Tennessee Williams.
READ THIS SUPERLATIVE ARTICLE by John Lahr. You have to pay to get the whole thing (it's worth it!!!), and there's a confusing statement in the abstract which is free. Tennessee died in 1983, Maria in 1994: .
Also see this article. In it is this remarkable statement:
Unhappily for Williams, relaxation became ever more difficult. His later plays were skewered by critics, Merlo died in 1963, and, in his loneliness, Williams was prey to mercenary young men. He was alone in a New York City hotel room in 1983 when, groggy from drink, he choked to death at age 71. To this day, St. Just refuses to discuss his death. "It's too painful," she says.
See:,,20117251,00.html .
As EVERY Williams scholar with a wink of integrity knows, Maria CONSPIRED with John Eastman (Paul McCartney's former brother-in-law, whom I STILL BELIEVE was ALSO complicit in John Lennon's death -- which he unbeknownst-to-McCartney arrainged to grow McCartney's financial portfolio, thinking McCartney's financial empire, which Eastman managed for many, many years until very recently, would PROSPER more quickly with the exit of Lennon. Unfortunately, McCartney has proved himself to be at best mediocre without his writing partner.), to kill Tennessee Williams -- WHO DID NOT DIE ALONE. HIS MURDERER, JOHN UECKER, SPENT THAT NIGHT WITH HIM AT THE HOTEL ELYSEE.
It was too painful for Maria to talk about because EVEN SHE was human enough to feel some guilt -- or at least (like one of our modern Republicans), was smart enough to know she might actually say too much and give herself away.
I am not exactly certain of the EXACT role of the recently deceased NYC lawyer Michael Remer, who handled the rights to much of the Williams estate's intellectual property for Sewanee (Disclaimer: the rest of the rights are handled by an agent in the agnecy in London who handles John Lahr's rights, but is NOT the same one, and I've seen NO EVIDENCE that John has EVER been compromised -- despite that fact that long-time Williams editor for New Directions Press, Thomas Keith, told ME he knew how to control what Lahr writes because Lahr is just a "closet fag" and Thomas knows how to use that against him. I have NO OPINION on Lahr's sexual orientation.)
This played into the Republican Party goal, which was to ELIMINATE the record of his Life and Work -- largely already accomplished in many school systems that have been controlled by REPUBLICANS. In my niece Taylor Kenan's American Literature anthology from high school, many plays are included as well as references to OTHER American playwrights -- BUT THERE WAS NO MENTION OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS (even in the index)!!!
It is a FACT that although Tennessee referred to me in MANY of his letters at that time, NONE OF THEM SURVIVE. It is ALSO true that although Tennessee's friends and professional associates were so pleased that I took such good care of him that they often treated me with small gifts and ALWAYS treated me well -- I CANNOT BE FOUND IN ANY OF THE PUBLISHED WRITING ABOUT THAT TIME -- UNTIL Fox News published the half-truth about the change of the Coroner's report on two of their websites -- and then published an article based on them -- and BOTH continued to revise the stories in LARGE ways over time. The POST article remains available as I reported here: .
Had I been successfully disappeared, those reports would have disappeared IMMEDIATELY.
>>> NEW AND IMPORTANT: Let me also say that the Rockefellers with their Chase Manhattan Bank, etc., ULTIMATELY sided with the "Republican Illuminati" -- and THAT is why I can find NO COOPERATION BETWEEN THE KENAN AND ROCKEFELLER FAMILIES AFTER HENRY FLAGLER PASSED HIS FORTUNE TO THE KENANS!!!
* * *
In the days before sports stars made no more than the AVERAGE middle manager (in the mid-1960s their salaries were +/- $20,000.00/year on average -- and usually less, but that went further than today), players often augmented their incomes by selling sexual favors.
The Dallas Cowboys were PARTICULARLY well known in gay circles for their availability, and MANY of Tennessee Williams' contemporaries (but not him) liked to tell of their stories of paying top football players for long sessions of homosexual sex. Book and screenwriter Gavin Lambert regaled Tennessee Williams and me on several occasions of his own exploits with team members as well as stories of the same from others of his gay friends.
This is why Christian Republicans GOT THEM BACK TO "FAMILY VALUES" by over-sexing the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and promoting the film DEBBIE DOES DALLAS, and other pornography -- TO FORCE THE TEAM TO "STRAIGHTEN OUT" AND ACT CHRISTIAN!!!
These same Christian Republicans ALSO MADE A LOT OF MONEY off this promotion of Christian Values, as in the 1970s, EVERY "straight" young male bought all the MANY products promoting the now-SLUTTY cheerleaders -- and all the PORNO made to satisfy fantasies over the gals.
See more of related info in David Kopay's honest look at sex in the locker rooms and at parties among his professional football player associates: ORIGINAL bood: . LATER book: .
>>> you can see how with the NEWLY REDUCED LISTING DETAILS Amazon has now deliberately SUPPRESSED the books (just like they have suppressed SALES and ACCESS TO my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams.
* * *
>>> NEW HUFFPOST COMMENT (copied from my Facebook Page:!/profile.php?id=1111771878 .)
Kirk Cameron is fighting back after coming under a barrage of criticism for remarks he made about homosexuality during an interview with Piers Morgan.
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