Odd that Jack Watts does not include all TWELVE Steps of the AA program. Not sure what to make of that!!!
Hi Jack --
I felt a total kinship with you when after receiving your friend request, I noticed you are a published author -- so of course I immediately went on a wild surface investigation to find out more about you. My only regret is that I have no time now to read your book, money of my own to buy it (I now have a backer who keeps me living in a hotel with pocket money -- but JUST got FULL Disability for alleged Bipolar and expect to receive benefits soon, allowing me to BUY books and move back to Mexico, the land of my heart where I have two God-children, whom I can't wait to re-contact, as well as their extraordinary families who were generous to me beyond measure in various ways when I needed it most), or I would buy the book for everyone in my family who are in my estimation "dry drunks" as defined by AA. I am NOT an alcoholic myself, but years ago got to know quite a lot about the program.
>>> ADDED 9:48 AM: WHOOPS!!! I didn't intend to let the cat out of the bag, but since I emailed this already to a PARED DOWN list of 284, I guess I might as well leave it up!!!
>>> JACK'S NEW BOOK: http://www.amazon.com/Hi-My-Name-Jack-Tumultuous/dp/1439192707/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331985168&sr=8-1 .
Few people know that Bill Wilson and the people who founded Religious Science, where I studied metaphysics deeply for 25 years years at the ATLA Church of RS now known as the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta -- in my opinion now somewhat compromised in its message -- were complete allies. Today, I found that some of the top people in Narco-Trafficking hide behind AA and NA -- knowing that dry-drunks are WAY EASY to manipulate psychologically because of their stubborn lying to themselves. I refer here to someone I used to work with, as well as my siblings who cannot accept things I write about our parents and family -- and that leaves them deeply conflicted and often boiling with anger when I confront them. They find the whole thing mysterious, yet it is transparent to me.
I now intend to copy this message and email my siblings with it as well as a link to your book which I believe they might find transformative if they bother to investigate it -- healing, even, to our family since it appears that you write about the same demon of lies and unforgiveness that lies at the heart of the FALSE personality of the alcoholic (as well as others!!!).
I also want to say that considering our many Facebook friends, they are all people of the HIGHEST caliber, mostly in ATL. One one of them do I know personally: Martha Burgess, whom I met at Religious Science briefly. At the time she was living in NYC (I think), and just back for a visit. Her interest in theater being our connecting commonality.
So best to you on your new radio show -- which I noticed on your Page -- and for ALL your work in service to This Thing We Call God. Perhaps if I visit Atlanta before moving South to pick up a few stored belongings, we can meet.
1. I was well pleased to see you are soon to finish your doctorate at Emory -- on the the very FIRST schools to be supported by my distant wealthy relatives.
2. FYI: I saw a reference to your talking on Fox News about your having known Dr. King. Believe it or not, before fleeing Atlanta for Mexico in 2010, the man I am certain was Hoover's spy to set up MLK's assassination, Tom Houck (MLK Jr's white-boy driver for two years), invited me to a "Democratic Party party" which was FULL of alcoholics in the subterranean steak and martini bar at Virginia and Highland Avenues that had once been a gay leather bar where Gary Tucker -- my chief nemesis in Tennessee Williams' house while I worked for him and who was the top Key West conspirator in his murder One of the ones who lied so that Sewanee could control TW's estate instead of Harvard -- worked as a DJ shortly after Tennessee's death.
Also of interest about that meeting is that Alexandra Whiddons, who was connected to my mother's swastika people and my shrink nurse of many years "coincidentally" showed up DURING THAT PARTY (but not part of it), to eat dinner with a friend. She tried to convince me to get back under her care and take Lithium again -- and she was the one who had taken me OFF Lithium after declaring I'd NEVER had a mood swing in the ten or so years I'd been in her care.
See halfway down this post: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/04/letter-to-office-of-genral-council.html
3. Last night I spoke by phone for half an hour with the younger brother of "Baby Azteca", the CIA's killer to protect narco-trafficking in Los Angeles -- then later Puerto Vallarta -- who had been assigned to murder me in a crack house I was held hostage for a month. Martin now lives under an assumed name in a distant area of Mexico, and because he does not believe the truth about his brother, is a psychological disaster -- yet possesses a heart of gold and intends to be a writer. I am committed to mentoring him.
I learned a lot, which will appear later today in a blog post, so I will not go on about it now.
Suffice it to say: GOD IS GREAT!!!
All best, and I hope we will meet someday.
>>> ADDED 9:48 AM: WHOOPS!!! I didn't intend to let the cat out of the bag, but since I emailed this already to a PARED DOWN list of 284, I guess I might as well leave it up!!!
>>> JACK'S NEW BOOK: http://www.amazon.com/Hi-My-Name-Jack-Tumultuous/dp/1439192707/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331985168&sr=8-1 .
Few people know that Bill Wilson and the people who founded Religious Science, where I studied metaphysics deeply for 25 years years at the ATLA Church of RS now known as the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta -- in my opinion now somewhat compromised in its message -- were complete allies. Today, I found that some of the top people in Narco-Trafficking hide behind AA and NA -- knowing that dry-drunks are WAY EASY to manipulate psychologically because of their stubborn lying to themselves. I refer here to someone I used to work with, as well as my siblings who cannot accept things I write about our parents and family -- and that leaves them deeply conflicted and often boiling with anger when I confront them. They find the whole thing mysterious, yet it is transparent to me.
I now intend to copy this message and email my siblings with it as well as a link to your book which I believe they might find transformative if they bother to investigate it -- healing, even, to our family since it appears that you write about the same demon of lies and unforgiveness that lies at the heart of the FALSE personality of the alcoholic (as well as others!!!).
I also want to say that considering our many Facebook friends, they are all people of the HIGHEST caliber, mostly in ATL. One one of them do I know personally: Martha Burgess, whom I met at Religious Science briefly. At the time she was living in NYC (I think), and just back for a visit. Her interest in theater being our connecting commonality.
So best to you on your new radio show -- which I noticed on your Page -- and for ALL your work in service to This Thing We Call God. Perhaps if I visit Atlanta before moving South to pick up a few stored belongings, we can meet.
1. I was well pleased to see you are soon to finish your doctorate at Emory -- on the the very FIRST schools to be supported by my distant wealthy relatives.
2. FYI: I saw a reference to your talking on Fox News about your having known Dr. King. Believe it or not, before fleeing Atlanta for Mexico in 2010, the man I am certain was Hoover's spy to set up MLK's assassination, Tom Houck (MLK Jr's white-boy driver for two years), invited me to a "Democratic Party party" which was FULL of alcoholics in the subterranean steak and martini bar at Virginia and Highland Avenues that had once been a gay leather bar where Gary Tucker -- my chief nemesis in Tennessee Williams' house while I worked for him and who was the top Key West conspirator in his murder One of the ones who lied so that Sewanee could control TW's estate instead of Harvard -- worked as a DJ shortly after Tennessee's death.
Also of interest about that meeting is that Alexandra Whiddons, who was connected to my mother's swastika people and my shrink nurse of many years "coincidentally" showed up DURING THAT PARTY (but not part of it), to eat dinner with a friend. She tried to convince me to get back under her care and take Lithium again -- and she was the one who had taken me OFF Lithium after declaring I'd NEVER had a mood swing in the ten or so years I'd been in her care.
(But so is God -- more powerfully.)
See halfway down this post: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/04/letter-to-office-of-genral-council.html
3. Last night I spoke by phone for half an hour with the younger brother of "Baby Azteca", the CIA's killer to protect narco-trafficking in Los Angeles -- then later Puerto Vallarta -- who had been assigned to murder me in a crack house I was held hostage for a month. Martin now lives under an assumed name in a distant area of Mexico, and because he does not believe the truth about his brother, is a psychological disaster -- yet possesses a heart of gold and intends to be a writer. I am committed to mentoring him.
I learned a lot, which will appear later today in a blog post, so I will not go on about it now.
Suffice it to say: GOD IS GREAT!!!
All best, and I hope we will meet someday.
After reading Mr. Watts' latest blog post, I have concluded that he is as caught up in the LIES OF ALCOHOLISM as he ever was -- they have just become more subtle -- AND DELIBERATE!!!
(This does NOT mean that his books -- which I have not read, but am intrigued by -- are BAD. I suspect they would help people trapped by the HATE of Fake Christianity -- or ALCOHOLIC LIES -- begin to recover.)
Notice how he blames what the Republicans did to President Obama ON Obama, rather than where they belong (one example is the Republican REFUSAL to pass Obama's budget):
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