Durham Mayor and coalition chair Bill Bell (center) during a reception at the Grand "Bohemian" (Uh-oh . . . ) Hotel.
>>> Dear Mayor Bell:
Googling to find out WHO in North Carolina is a Big Supporter of President Obama, I discovered YOUR NAME came out on top -- and boy, was I relieved when I found a picture of you -- and you're black, PRAISE JESUS!!!
I hope you don't think I'm a horrid racist, but although my skin is white, since moving to Wilmington from Stone Mountain, GA (with a half year in-between in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico), I have found that TOO MANY of my "co-whites" in North Carolina, especially, have got their heads so far up that sunshine-blocked place they can't think, walk, drive, or ESPECIALLY vote right!!!
And since I have a lot of "privileged" information about the deliberate crimes of Republicans (and a few corrupted Democrats as well), I thought it would be more fun than a barrel of "nekkid, evangelical faux-Christians" to see if you could direct me to someone high in the Fight for Justice to give my info to and help in any way possible.
Let me introduce myself, although you've probably heard of my family, often associated with UNC. I also worked for playwright Tennessee Williams, and after Jackie Kennedy Onassis told TW and me certain secrets about the deaths of JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr. -- and how Hoover planned to murder Tennessee as well, being a bit too much in the know, I have encountered an amazing string of difficulties since, including (but not limited to) having the publication of my memoir of working for TW, WALKING ON GLASS, tanked when the Republicans bought Alyson Books -- just to sink MY book, which was to be their featured hard cover release (of thirty books, Spring 2010). It had already gotten rave reviews from John Lahr of THE NEW YORKER as well as from the top Williams scholars.
In trying to figure out how on earth that happened, I stumbled on the nation's largest narco-trafficking ring -- actually RE-stumbled on it, since in 1990, I had tracked how Newt Gingrich was bringing drugs from Mexico into Stone Mountain Park right behind my home via a train line that existed then, now made over into a walking trail. I KNEW my mother who had blackmailed my homosexual father into marrying her and "going Catholic" (I DO know plenty of FINE Catholics -- I now call her a Papist), in 1950, was involved, but had not expected Newt was too.
At that time, I was held in the Dekalb County, Georgia jail for 15 weeks on false charges of simple trespass, and then after filing Writ of Habeus Corpus, got released to a year of "house arrest" with MANDATORY psychiatric drugs whose levels were court-ordered to be tested WEEKLY so I would be confused enough and long enough to forget that I was not actually mentally ill and then continue on the drugs on my own volition. This actually worked until 2009, when my then shrink nurse said in the ten years she had cared for me, I had never once had a mood swing and she took me off Lithium.
I woke up immediately, and began connecting the dots of evidence of my parents' long career as Traitors. Also helping this was that Faye Gold of the art gallery of the same name in Atlanta, had -- with a couple of other key Jews -- in 1990, first confirmed my parents are the top Nazis in the US. In fact, we had swastikas on the dinner plates (small and pastel as Mom is a master in the art of mind-control). When I first blogged about this in 1990, Jonathan Reiner (cousin of Rob, nephew of Carl -- and a 12-year internet-only friend of mine) made me an Honorary Jew. How 'bout THEM schnappels???
And then I was fired by my boss of 18 years, Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., in Snellville, GA www.pentagon-usa.com where I sold ad space in all the US Service Academy, War College, and Maritime Academy yearbooks and some alumni journals (as well as in the "Howard Engineer" for YOUR alma mater). All this was legitimate, but Patrick knew I had learned too much about his operation in partnership with GA Republican Congressman John Linder, other Republicans including Cheney (who I've heard MULTIPLE times from Colombian and Mexican Drug Lords I had the displeasure to meet while in Puerto Vallarta, reports to my mother -- who reports to the Pope!!!) and BOTH Presidents Bush.
Well this all sounds cRAzY -- and I only wish it were.
But the good news is that Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill and I had dated the same guy in Wilmington in the mid-1980s (different times), so when I started running into trouble, he sent 60 MINUTES to get my story in Puerto Vallarta -- and they want to do several segments on my stuff once the Republicans (who operate under cover of Fox News and their internet, email, and cell phone hackers), are beaten down enough.
Just yesterday, I sent Secretary Clinton (via several contacts in the State Department as well as some contacts in Mexican US Embassies and Consulates that I had made while there) a SUBSTANTIAL report -- so everything is gonna be alright.
Do, please, be respectful of my distant wealthy relatives, however. They know the Republicans (whom the late Frank Hawkins Kenan had basically led in NC), sucker-punched them when they started trying to KILL education -- to say nothing of the ONEROUS anti-gay-marriage amendment. Tommy has to "maintain appearances" as does his step-mom, Betty -- who lives in your city, I believe. I rarely contact Tommy directly, but usually through John Blades, Executive Director of the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach. John's got Tommy's ear.
And here in Wilmington -- which surprising to some is the largest volume illegal narcotics port, even surpassing Miami and Los Angeles -- a DEMOCRAT, District Attorney Benjamin R. David (with his Republican also-D.A. brother, Jon David, is in charge of it with Republican State Senator Thom Goolsby, who gets the bulk of the profits to fund his Party's Black Ops. Police Chief Ralph Evangelous keeps the force protecting the CRIMINALS -- and regularly smokes crack in a house owned by an acquaintance of mine. District Court Judges Criner and Noecker corrupt the courts to protect the drugs).
I'm a BIG fan of both Mayor Saffo and NHC Sheriff Ed McMahon -- and some local Republicans who have BEGGED me to do everything to help reform the GOP.
And since I know so much (Patrick Stansbury's sales associate Lee Gosney connects the Davids to Pentagon Publishing's drug-transport operation which uses not only US Air Force planes, but mini-subs that unload under Snow's Cut Bridge here. Evan Fish, who was to be my partner in a new walking tour about the Kenans, Rockefellers, Tennessee Williams, and Me, but HE knew too much and in early September 2011 (5th?), Ben and Ralph's people FORCED him to jump off the parking deck next to the Library to his death -- and have been trying to cover it up as a suicide -- WHICH I WILL NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH!!!!!!!!!!
I've been im jail here five times on seven false charges -- and even committed twice improperly to The Oaks Mental Hospital (but got out almost IMMEDATELY since my doctor there, Dr. Martin recognized all was lies). Now they are trying to commit me to Cherry Hospital, using a Dr. Menke who works out of Jon David's office and has recommended that i be committed with forced intramuscular injections until I'm "fit to stand trial" because the false charge of stalking CAN sometimes be about violence, although NO ONE in ALL the false charges has accused me of violence or even the threat of it.
I'll be in court this Monday 3/11 on an administrative matter, and am NOT in immanent danger of commitment.
So have a go at the information in my blog called "The Weather Up Here" (since I actually am 6' 11"). I think you'll find it full of ALL kinds of posturing (and occasional lapses into vulgarity) for effect.
You might want to start with this old post that nutshells many of my points: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/05/my-reply-to-cnns-request-for-info.html . You can search in it by putting my name in quotes first then any subject, or there is an index to subjects on the right, a few scrolls below the link to my memoir about Tennessee Williams on Amazon.com.
I'm going to copy this to a few others -- including the papers owned by the one your op-ed piece was in about ten days ago. I am happy to have any press or politicians use my blog materials without asking further, although I DO retain all copyrights, and will eventually make quite a bundle off my story.
All best to you in your re-election campaign, and may the Fighters for Justice and THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION win!!!
Because First Presbyterian Church here in Wilmington ALLOWED the worst Kenan EVER, Williams R. Kenan SR., to hide as a Deacon there while TOGETHER they planned the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot (which I doubt I need tell YOU about, but it DID inspire the quick passage of Jim Crow Laws across the South -- the SHAME of the Kenan Family!!!), I try to copy a lot of Presbyterians, now including Dr. Harvard at "First Prez" in Durham who ALSO sits on the Board at the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke (as does Stacey Adams, leader of Dems in GA House).
>>> I JUST NOW received a request from Dr. Harvard to remove him from my list. May I invite you to ask him why??? (could be a lot of fun)
Scott David Kenan
Wilmington, NC
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