Saturday, April 28, 2012
On Vacation
>>> I'm on vacation (apparently, from homosexuality and WHITENESS -- who knew???), for a few days.
Back soon!!!
Friday, April 27, 2012
The EVIDENCE Against Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. (some of it)!!!
Patrick Lee Stansbury of Millers' Pond Lane, Snellville, GA, and owner and CEO of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. (my former employer of 18 years) when he was BOOKED on 11/17/2010, for Possession of Marijuana with INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE (not just sell, which means -- it was A WHOLE LOT!!!)
As you can see, my memory was not PERFECTLY served as this is dated 1/27-30/2010, not a week or two earlier, as I had remembered. Also, as I am absolutely certain this trail began well before dawn on the morning of 1/27/2010, either my computer's time was off (as many things were screwy on my computer back then), or it is Greenwich Mean Time.
In it, you can see how Patrick (who had -- unbeknownst to me at the time -- already been relieved of his actual LEADERSHIP in the Republican Party's Narco-Importation/Distribution Ring, that operated/operates in conjunction with corrupted elements of the US Military and CIA (as well as FBI, I reckon).
To see HOW MUCH IMPORTANCE the Republican Party/Fox News hackers/narco-traffickers put on any of their minions, I ONLY need to watch how high on the list of results this blog comes when I simply google their names. Patrick Stansbury and Lee Gosney (who was a Pentagon Publishing sales associate like I had been, had been EXTREMELY important, connecting people like District Attorney Ben David to the Narcotics Flow while pretending to travel the country as a drug and alcohol counselor associated the Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, both) are now, perhaps surprisingly low on the totem pole and my blog comes up very high when their names are googled.
Ben David's name ALSO suffers the same fate, due to his inability to keep his penis in his pants when snorting cocaine and his predilection for both men and women (and he's a Democrat). Patrick's company was taken over by his Executive Vice President Mike Massicott some time ago, because Patrick is KNOWN to be undisciplined in important ways -- like aggressive sexual behavior toward employees including Geraldine Flynn, and even his daughter-in-law when she was briefly an office assistant. Lee Gosney suffers from terminal cancer, so no need worrying about him, now.
But a few months ago when I first googled Sen. Thom Goolsby and Mike Massicott, this blog came up top or second in the results. Since then, the Republican Party/Fox News have devoted resources to either BRIBE Google to change results -- or simply to hire people to hit THEIR sites endlessly to bring them up higher in Google results. You can see that MY blog figures only on the sixth page for either of them now, although Mike Massicott (whose many INANE sites that NO ONE would hit for any REAL reason are now showing above mine.
Mike Massicott in marketing shot for Pentagon Publishing (above) and as seen in Linked-In database.
And for the record, I should ALSO say that in the thread I only QUOTE a separate email from Patrick in which he suggested I commit suicide. That said, there is much there to see he's done wrong, patterns now made famous by God-hating GreedBots (usually associated with the Republican Party):
1. Veneer of respectability/professionalism
2. All accusations are non-specific and in derivative rather than primary terms, such as accusing someone of "libelous speech" rather than Libel. Claims that people say "worrisome things" about someone else, but never disclosing WHO said -- or more importantly WHAT THE "WORRISOME THINGS ARE, SPECIFICALLY.
3. Language like "I don't feel comfortable with/about . . ." when comfort levels have no legal reality -- they just YANK people's emotional strings. More correct would be to claim to feel threatened by or denounce lies.
4. MOVING GOAL POSTS, the Granddaddy of Republican legislative strategy, witnessed here in the changing amount Patrick was willing to pay to buy back his stock, which although he claims it was not "real", he DID continue to issue it over a five-year period, even issuing a stock split near the end.
5. General Purpose of these communications is ALWAYS to intimidate, belittle, and render the receiver psychologically afraid to fight back. In MY case, it effected the OPPOSITE reaction. LOL!!!
Also, you should know that after I moved to Wilmington, NC, Patrick DID pay me 10% of what he owed me ($3,800.00), PROVING LEGALLY THAT HE ACTUALLY OWED ME, when I had been living in my car in the winter and had contracted the flu. Twelve hours after I took possession of the apartment I secured with the bulk of the money (I was forced to pay a DOUBLE one-month damage deposit, so quite a lot!!!), I was arrested for the FIRST of SIX times on EIGHT FALSE CHARGES in the ensuing 12 months (was falsely committed to a mental hospital during that period as well -- THANK YOU JUDGE CRINER!!!).
You see, knowing I had money, they HAD to screw me up -- and that is when Lawyer David Nash took out a false charge of Cyber Stalking against me. To this day I do not know if David did that on his own -- or if he was leveraged by the Narco-Traffickers who had infiltrated his bar, Costello's gay piano bar on Princess Street, while he was pickling himself on alcohol and seducing young men (or leaving with a nice, mildly-"retarded" black man who lives (lived) on Oak Island near 75th Street on the main road there, and who claimed to me several times that if David Nash hadn't "found something better" he would always take him home and let him "plow David's white ass".
Don't tell me that SOMEONE wasn't directing all of this, and frankly I STILL believe David Nash was guilty of NOTHING except the inattention that results from problems with alcohol addiction. he was SO NERVOUS when he called me and told me NEVER to set foot in his bar or legal office or he'd have me arrested. A lawyer as seasoned and successful as David would have pulled that off with some style.
And then he pressed false charges -- something he is too smart to do, UNLESS HE WAS LEVERAGED BY POWERFUL CRIMINALS.
Anyway, without further ado, here are the six pages of the email trail. Readers may make of them what they will -- CLICK IMAGES TO SEE FULL SIZE!!!:
Constructive Use of the Past
North Carolina State Legislature
Hi Angela,
I hope you are doing well and all is well again at SLCA!!!
I loved the Troward quote, the first thing I saw in this email. In fact, it is this very principle that has led me through "a very dark valley" to my place of being respected by my former adversaries today. I've never had an enemy (other than my own wrong thinking), but those who cannot for whatever reason see that I mean them no harm, I call adversaries -- a TEMPORARY position.
I fully realize that my writings and many of my claims appear "insane" to many, but that has never been MY problem. People who do not have access to my experience or what I've been able to discover CANNOT imagine what it is like to be the eldest child of the top Nazis in the US -- although all can grasp that such a position likely exists, that it would cause the person in it fairly severe difficulties, and that such a person -- should he or she "know too much" while being raised to be fundamentally ignorant of his parents' work, and then feel a moral obligation to expose his parents' and their associates' crimes -- would be targeted to be killed, "quarantined", or medicated into a postion too confused for anyone to believe his or her claims.
Thus has been my astonishing journey, and as I -- despite my expressed outrages and concerns about certain historical events at SLCA -- wrap up my voyage of discovery and reporting of both what I have learned (some of which, certainly, is still in error) and my experience during that journey, I want all to know that it has only been my RIGOROUS adherence to Science of Mind principles that has led me forward safely through some of the most UNSAFE experiences that were FAR WORSE I could possibly have in my former naive state imagined, and my LAPSES in consciousness that have taken me on temporary difficult detours -- thought the Grace of This Thing We Call God, those were all swiftly self-correcting.
So I apologize if I have unfairly ruffled any feathers at SLCA, but once again affirm that the GIST (at least) of my claims about it are true. Not being there nor an active member for at least two years now, I am in NO position to know the spiritual, financial, or other condition of the Center currently is -- I just know that you, Angela, are one person I always saw as being very warm and loving as well as living In Principle, and that you and those like you will be faithful stewards of the organization Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz built to serve the spiritual needs of those honestly seeking Truth in Atlanta.
For the record, I have reconciled with my immediate family, who despite all "grievances" I have right to lodge against them, acted PERFECTLY to give me the challenges that in my working through them I found not only truth, but developed the muscular spiritual strength to deal with the far more REAL threats to my well-being and safety that came from misguided prosecutors, judges, cops, Public Defenders, press, "spiritual advisors", friends, politicians, and just plain citizens. I bear no ill will toward ANY of them. I have endured and am now, once again, prospering -- and they, although they might feel embarrassment or if still in denial OUTRAGE, are doing just fine as well. I hope we ALL continue to do well.
That said -- with the understanding that suing or charging people and organizations, especially "after the fact" is GENERALLY a violation of Principle in that it keeps one enslaved to the past and if one is "owed" some kind of compensation for anything, NO ONE has the right to demand it come through any particular channel (in this instance court awards and/or imprisonment of law breakers), I have decided I MUST press on with lawsuits against certain organizations and individuals who have been most egregious in violating my rights -- BECAUSE THEY SYSTEMATICALLY VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF THOSE WHO ARE WEAKER THAN ME.
I am not doing this for personal gain -- in fact it is more like a personal sacrifice of my time and energy to do it. I am NOT attached to any rewards, although I've been led to believe by counsel that I could fairly easily receive high financial compensation through the courts. If that happens, I will give nearly all of it away -- and I will be PROUD to share some of it with SLCA.
My motivation is to "BITCH-SLAP" individuals and organizations who routinely violate the rights of others and who have, so far, run roughshod, trampling the rights of the innocent and even at times taking their lives -- as they took the life of my business-partner-designate Evan Fish who knew too much about the heroin and cocaine operation of the local District Attorney and his allied -- by psychologically forcing Evan to jump off a seven-story parking deck -- releasing the ONE person (a former girlfriend who was addicted to the money and lifestyle Even had provided in his former life that he desperately sought to leave behind him as a top cocaine distributor in Maine) who could make him feel he had "no way out" to whisper in his ear when the negotiator became confident that Evan was NOT going to jump to his death). Thus was the fate of a 22-year-old man who was mostly grounded in Principle, but too young and inexperienced to see how he had been manipulated.
I hope to have the Courts REMOVE a good deal of their money -- and money is God in Action, although it is up to US to decide if we use currency to fry an egg for breakfast -- or fry a man (fairly or not) for alleged crimes. These people and organizations have PROVEN they do NOT have the Consciousness to accurately fulfill the obligations of their positions, and so many being even NOW still in denial, I will present "God" the opportunity to work through humankind and the courts to relieve these entities of money and power if that is appropriate -- or to further "bedevil" me, should THAT be my just due.
Having now said my peace, I am going to copy this response to your kind request (which I will honor for you and the others at SLCA -- anyone who wants to follow my continuing story can check it on my blog: ), and as I often do with "communications of significance" also post it on the blog.
All best to you and everyone at SLCA (and THANKS for the memories!!!),
On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Angela Harmon wrote:
I hope you are doing well and all is well again at SLCA!!!
I loved the Troward quote, the first thing I saw in this email. In fact, it is this very principle that has led me through "a very dark valley" to my place of being respected by my former adversaries today. I've never had an enemy (other than my own wrong thinking), but those who cannot for whatever reason see that I mean them no harm, I call adversaries -- a TEMPORARY position.
I fully realize that my writings and many of my claims appear "insane" to many, but that has never been MY problem. People who do not have access to my experience or what I've been able to discover CANNOT imagine what it is like to be the eldest child of the top Nazis in the US -- although all can grasp that such a position likely exists, that it would cause the person in it fairly severe difficulties, and that such a person -- should he or she "know too much" while being raised to be fundamentally ignorant of his parents' work, and then feel a moral obligation to expose his parents' and their associates' crimes -- would be targeted to be killed, "quarantined", or medicated into a postion too confused for anyone to believe his or her claims.
Thus has been my astonishing journey, and as I -- despite my expressed outrages and concerns about certain historical events at SLCA -- wrap up my voyage of discovery and reporting of both what I have learned (some of which, certainly, is still in error) and my experience during that journey, I want all to know that it has only been my RIGOROUS adherence to Science of Mind principles that has led me forward safely through some of the most UNSAFE experiences that were FAR WORSE I could possibly have in my former naive state imagined, and my LAPSES in consciousness that have taken me on temporary difficult detours -- thought the Grace of This Thing We Call God, those were all swiftly self-correcting.
So I apologize if I have unfairly ruffled any feathers at SLCA, but once again affirm that the GIST (at least) of my claims about it are true. Not being there nor an active member for at least two years now, I am in NO position to know the spiritual, financial, or other condition of the Center currently is -- I just know that you, Angela, are one person I always saw as being very warm and loving as well as living In Principle, and that you and those like you will be faithful stewards of the organization Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz built to serve the spiritual needs of those honestly seeking Truth in Atlanta.
For the record, I have reconciled with my immediate family, who despite all "grievances" I have right to lodge against them, acted PERFECTLY to give me the challenges that in my working through them I found not only truth, but developed the muscular spiritual strength to deal with the far more REAL threats to my well-being and safety that came from misguided prosecutors, judges, cops, Public Defenders, press, "spiritual advisors", friends, politicians, and just plain citizens. I bear no ill will toward ANY of them. I have endured and am now, once again, prospering -- and they, although they might feel embarrassment or if still in denial OUTRAGE, are doing just fine as well. I hope we ALL continue to do well.
That said -- with the understanding that suing or charging people and organizations, especially "after the fact" is GENERALLY a violation of Principle in that it keeps one enslaved to the past and if one is "owed" some kind of compensation for anything, NO ONE has the right to demand it come through any particular channel (in this instance court awards and/or imprisonment of law breakers), I have decided I MUST press on with lawsuits against certain organizations and individuals who have been most egregious in violating my rights -- BECAUSE THEY SYSTEMATICALLY VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF THOSE WHO ARE WEAKER THAN ME.
I am not doing this for personal gain -- in fact it is more like a personal sacrifice of my time and energy to do it. I am NOT attached to any rewards, although I've been led to believe by counsel that I could fairly easily receive high financial compensation through the courts. If that happens, I will give nearly all of it away -- and I will be PROUD to share some of it with SLCA.
My motivation is to "BITCH-SLAP" individuals and organizations who routinely violate the rights of others and who have, so far, run roughshod, trampling the rights of the innocent and even at times taking their lives -- as they took the life of my business-partner-designate Evan Fish who knew too much about the heroin and cocaine operation of the local District Attorney and his allied -- by psychologically forcing Evan to jump off a seven-story parking deck -- releasing the ONE person (a former girlfriend who was addicted to the money and lifestyle Even had provided in his former life that he desperately sought to leave behind him as a top cocaine distributor in Maine) who could make him feel he had "no way out" to whisper in his ear when the negotiator became confident that Evan was NOT going to jump to his death). Thus was the fate of a 22-year-old man who was mostly grounded in Principle, but too young and inexperienced to see how he had been manipulated.
I hope to have the Courts REMOVE a good deal of their money -- and money is God in Action, although it is up to US to decide if we use currency to fry an egg for breakfast -- or fry a man (fairly or not) for alleged crimes. These people and organizations have PROVEN they do NOT have the Consciousness to accurately fulfill the obligations of their positions, and so many being even NOW still in denial, I will present "God" the opportunity to work through humankind and the courts to relieve these entities of money and power if that is appropriate -- or to further "bedevil" me, should THAT be my just due.
Having now said my peace, I am going to copy this response to your kind request (which I will honor for you and the others at SLCA -- anyone who wants to follow my continuing story can check it on my blog: ), and as I often do with "communications of significance" also post it on the blog.
All best to you and everyone at SLCA (and THANKS for the memories!!!),
On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Angela Harmon wrote:
Please delete this email;
Carpe Diem/Have a Wow day!
"When the end is held firmly enough in consciousness, the means to bring it about has already been set in motion." Thomas Troward
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Beelzebub Be After MY HUSBAND -- Down MEH-hee-co Way!!!
Sorry, but I was googling for an image of Presidents Calderone and Bush in Cabo San Lucas (which I could not find), but THIS showed up HIGH ON THE LIST!!!
Dear Whoever-Sent-Me-This Email:
It is purportedly from Luis Alberto Gonzalez Perez, former Chief Protocol Officer on the US Embassy in Mexico City, but it is in NO WAY CLEAR TO ME that Luis Alberto actually sent it. Here is why:
1. If true about his email account, he would only need to create a NEW free account such as can be had at gmail, yahoo, or hotmail, so NO NEED to use anyone else's account. This is just silly and UNBELIEVABLE from someone like Luis Albert who spent SIX MONTHS in charge of setting up the security at Cabo San Lucas for Presidents G.W. Bush and Calderone to meet.
2. I first blogged using Luis Alberto's FULL NAME in the summer of 2010, and easily found that myself using Google, so if he had troubles they have been since then. Why ONLY NOW complain???
3. How does standing up for the US Constitution (as well as that of his native Mexico) HARM anyone's reputation or job prospects???
OK, I know EXACTLY how: Just like Luis Albert was FIRED from his position at the US Embassy ONE WEEK before he would have gotten the benefit allowed ALL foreign nations who work 15 years for the US State Department to live indefinitely in the US because he STOOD UP to the Bush appointees who were VIOLATING our US Constitution (for which he deserves HIGH HONOR, not the sudden firing he got), IF this email is ACTUALLY from him (which I doubt), it is because the same people are pretending to be his friends (like I used to have to endure), and screwing with him.
This is HIS problem, not mine. Luis Albert told me it took him YEARS to get ANY kind of job after his firing (more interference by the Drug-Dealing Republicans and their allies in Mexico), and then he only got a low-paying position teaching English. I got news for him (if he ACTUALLY is still in denial): They are going to CONTINUE to move the goal posts and NEVER give you a better job as long as you kow-tow to them.
Come to Puerto Vallarta and find me once I've retreated there while waiting for my cases to come to trial in North Carolina. I'll set ya straight and REMIND you WHY we thought marriage was a REAL possibility down the line -- assuming things continued as they began. THEN we'll see how your career takes off FOR REAL!!!
I may not be a Spring Chicken, but I DO know how to put a Tiger in yer Tank (Old Exxon marketing slogan)!!!
4. What are the details of your phone number being "cancelled"? By whom??? Then what happened??? No wonder I couldn't call you on your phone -- I tried repeatedly!!!
5. "Nothing to DO for me???" Who said I want you to DO anything for me??? I just want to re-connect and see if what we THOUGHT was real IS real. If NOT we can part as friends. If SO, it is the chance of a lifetime -- and I'm NOT giving up until I'm satisfied, DIG???
6. You will be SUED if I reply to this email??? They have REALLY gotten you twisted in Michelle Bachmann Pretzel Twists of Logic (Ms. Bachmann is an American Political Joke) if you believe THAT shit!!!
See, this COMPLETE abrogation of logic coupled with NO COURAGE proves to me that this email NEVER CAME FROM LUIS ALBERT (or he got a lobotomy).
I will NOT remove my post as I did NOT post anything new that I had not posted about 18 months ago. That the new matters and the old (still searchable) does NOT, flies in the face of Logic and Reason.
Hope to see you in PV soon enough -- if the REAL Luis Albert reads this email or my blog where it will soon be posted as well.
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 9:27 PM, E.C. L.C. <> wrote:
This is Luis Alberto. I am using a friend´s email account since for some unknown reasons, I have not been able to use my own.
I am writing you to ask you to please remove your post were you mention my name. I have been approached by potential employers telling me that with that post, my reputation has been seriously damaged and therefore, I am no longer a candidate for my job applications.
Please, please, please, remove that post which is causing more damage that you can imagine.
I was allowed to use this account under the condition that my friend will not be involved on this situation and I hope you will understand. After I returned from my trip to Vallarta 2 years ago, I received some tracking suspicious calls from somebody trying to locate you until my number was cancelled. There is nothing I can do for you so please stop looking for me. If I get any answer from you in this email address, I will be sued for misuse of somebody´s property and harassment.
I hope you understand and will remove your post.
(unsigned -- like Criminals don't sign)
"In his last descent to Earth, Beelzebub spent three hundred years on the
planet, leaving only in the terrestrial twentieth century. He had
become curious about the phenomena of firearms that were introduced into
warfare. During this, his sixth descent, Beelzebub travelled widely
over the Earth. He began in Afghanistan, went to Turkestan, Egypt,
Russia, Scandinavia, Germany, France and America. It was during this
time that he adapted the role of physician-hypnotist, which enabled him
better to study the psyche of men. While in Russia, he was presented to
the Czar, and witnessed the eruption of the Bolshevik revolution." – source
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Declaring UBER-TRUTH with Family (but NOT the political rats unrelated to me)!!!
I called Mom this morning and told her she seemed happier than I can remember since I was in early grade school (before she had to put up with TOO much of me. LOL!!!). And as I've always said (when I wasn't posturing for my own purposes or was too caught up in the non-sense around me), without someone as resistant to me as Mom, I NEVER would have developed my abilities to deal with what I've had to deal with. She's been the BEST trainer imaginable (although NOT always a fun one. HA!!!)
And I saw in her face that she "gets" all this, although I'm not sure she'd conscious of ANY of it.
And just one more thing I think I need to say about all the former mess: If things had not happened EXACTLY as they happened, I'd still be caught in the traps set by those who oppose me politically. THEREFORE, I REALLY am not mad at ANYONE in the family -- nor do I think anyone owes me anything.
But if anyone dares tell me how I caused THEM to suffer (embarrassment over things I've blogged, etc. -- whether I was right OR mistaken), I might-could SLAP THEM SILLY!!! Only look to what I've had to endure, which has been FAR MORE CHALLENGING than a sibling bloging about the PAST, which no one any of you know reads so the embarrassment is ONLY IN YOUR MINDS (if it is anywhere), and everybody needs to just get over it. I DID need to go through all of this and express all of that -- not unlike popping a boil before it can heal.
I suggest we all stop remembering any pain and get more into being grateful for healing.
My computer was all but destroyed and I had to consult the PC Doctor yesterday, and it has been reloaded from scratch -- which means I need to spend much of the next day or two downloading a gazillion updates and reloading programs, etc. At least we got to the root of the problem -- and the doctor gave me special anti-Malware software, the poor computer having CHOKED on Malware from my political adversaries.
My 6' 5" swamp-rat bed-mate is spending the time since he nearly sliced his thumb off (I call him "FrankenThumb" now -- you should see the gnarly stitches), sleeping a lot, smoking pot, eating like a horse, watching movies on my old computer, and seducing me -- but only about four times per day, which is much less frequent than before the near-de-thumbing, Praise Jesus!!! (He really IS a horse -- albeit, a FINE ONE. LOL!!!).
There's next to no chance I'll see him after he heals enough to live on the street again. Although he's the BEST spiritually of those I've met on the street, he believes that Jesus Christ is his savior, and will fix his life one day, sparing him the trouble of healing himself. That is the EXACT recipe for failure that so many so-called Christians fell for -- the Idolization of Jesus, instead of heading his words -- and ALL those people will suffer HELL-ON-EARTH until they come to their senses and heal themselves through the Love of This Thing We Call God. They will KISS THE FEET of the Muslims who NEVER made a god of their prophet Muhammad!!!
And last night I got an email from that guy I met in Mexico who had been the former head of Security at the American Embassy in Mexico City. It is the MOST ridiculous email I have ever received, and after sleeping on it, I'm prepared to soon answer it and post it as well.
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Jane Kenan wrote:
Thanks, Scott, will be sure to show Mom and Dad next time they are over!
It was great seeing you; you seem to be doing so well! I am excited for you!
Jane, Mike, Ruth Anne, Scott, Bill, and Maggie-the-Dog taken at Wrightsville Beach, NC 4/23/08 on dad's 90th birthday. Julie took the picture so is not in it (far as I can tell).
ADMISSION from a Sponsor of NC's "Anti-Gay-Marriage" Amendment that is INTENDED to DISCRIMINATE against GAYS!!!
PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS CBS's 60 MINUTES that interviewed me in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (AFTER BEING SENT BY THOMAS S. KENAN III of Chapel Hill, NC) and wants to air THREE SEGMENTS on my story EXPOSING how former Presidents Bush, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, GA Republican Congressman John Linder WITH Fox News and the CIA CONTROL ALL THE NARCO-TRAFFICKING BETWEEN AFGHANISTAN and the US (why we went to war: The idiot Taliban did ONE good thing: they had SHUT DOWN the heroin poppy production, which Daddy Bush had set up while CIA Director to fund BLACK OPS of the CIA), as well as all narco-trafficking between Latin America and the US!!!
60 MINUTES continues to tell me we have NOT YET beat the Republicans (and some Democratic Party allies of theirs, like District Attorney Benjamin R. David in Wilmington, NC), and FOX NEWS internet, email, and cell-phone hackers back enough to be POLITICALLY ABLE to run the story.
But we WILL run the story.
Primary Sponsor Admits Amendment One "Discriminates"
Crawford’s statement speaking to not only the harms of Amendment One, but also his reservations about it, represents the first such sentiments from any sponsor of the amendment. The statement is also in sharp contrast to prior claims by Amendment One supporters that the broad constitutional rewrite that could threaten protections for all of the state’s unmarried couples, does not discriminate against families.
Most notably, Crawford’s comments directly conflict with other amendment proponents in the documentary like Sen. Buck Newton (R- Nash/Wilson) who claimed the amendment is “not at all” discriminatory.
In response to Crawford’s comments, Alex Miller, campaign co-chair for Protect All NC Families, the coalition effort to defeat Amendment One, points out that Crawford’s comments reflect a significant shift in sentiment and support for the amendment.
"Rep. Crawford is seen by many as the leader of the group of conservative Democrats who broke with their party and supported the proposal that put this amendment before the voters. In my opinion the amendment would not have passed without his support,” said Miller. “This is quite simply the most stunning reversal we have seen to date, and further evidence that support for this amendment is crumbling even among those who once endorsed it."
The half-hour documentary, which premiered on April 23, and featured both sides of the social, economic and political sides of the Amendment One debate, included families that would impacted by Amendment One, legislative opponents, as well as business leaders speaking out about the harms of Amendment One.
One of those business leaders, Bob Page, the CEO of Replacements, Ltd., was also one of more than 75 CEOs across the state who signed a letter to legislative leaders opposing Amendment One. He told Crabtree if Amendment One passed, “some would not see this as being a great environment for hiring employees.”
Most striking was Crabtree’s admission that he, even with the help of Amendment One proponents, was unable to find a single CEO who would speak in favor of the amendment.
“We tried to find a CEO who supports Amendment One to interview. We worked with the two lead organizations campaigning for it, the North Carolina Family Policy Council and the North Carolina Values Coalition,” said Crabtree. “They could not find a pro-amendment CEO willing to be interviewed for this documentary.”
“North Carolina’s business leaders are unwilling to support Amendment One for one simple reason: it’s bad for business growth, employee recruitment and the economy as a whole.” said Jeremy Kennedy, campaign manager for Protect All NC Families. “As Mr. Crabtree points out in his documentary, legislators pledged to help average North Carolinians by focusing on jobs and the economy. What they got in return was divisive social legislation that hurts the state’s most vulnerable citizens. Fortunately, even now voters are heading to the polls early to repudiate legislation that we can now all agree is discriminatory.”
CYBER-STALKED (bullied???), AGAIN -- and AGAIN by James Lester!!!
James Lester of Wilmington, NC: DELIGHTFUL MANHOOD -- little man . . .
The comment and my reply:
- Annonymous said...
- To bad that you will be locked up for a long time you worthless fag.
April 24, 2012 4:49 PM
- Scott Kenan said...
- Unfortunately, "Annonymous" (sic), FORGOT that blogger shows links to
his accrual identity, which ANYONE reading his comment here can quickly
and easily follow -- like I just did.
He is actually James Lester (sometimes called "Licker" -- for apparent or non-apparent reasons) and "Whitehead" in my blog, and was the CHIEF source of difficulties I suffered while we were both in Mercy House Homeless Shelter.
He has ADMITTED TO ME that he works in conjunction with District Attorney Ben David and OTHER Drug Trash, exposed his gorgeous, right-sized, un-kosherized manhood to me in Mercy House men's shower room REPEATEDLY (the ONLY part of his body that is gorgeous), and asked me several times to meet him secretly to have sex -- something he ALSO claimed he has had with men frequently his entire adult life -- and WITHOUT inhibitions, which he claimed he has with women (and if you saw his CURRENT wife, you TOO would have inhibitions -- especially if you are actually straight)!!!
And then there is the fact that Mr. James Lester is the person I PROVED pretended to be both David Kenan and David (Jones or Smith -- at the moment I'm blanking on which).
Mr. Lester's BLOGGER profile, open for view to the public, lists his email address as being .
-- or would this be JUST an abuse of State Funds???
Does Cape Fear Community College support this type of activity??? Promote it???
I hope the District Attorney Ben David and Mr. Lester can account for this illegal action (a violation of AT LEAST NC Cyber-Stalking Law).
What say you Mr. Lester??? Mr. David???
Scott Kenan -
April 25, 2012 6:10 AM
- Scott Kenan said...
- James Lester's OWN blog: .
April 25, 2012 6:19 AM
- * * *
No, that is unlikely since I have been careful to also make clear EACH TIME I blog such things to mention I have the wherewithal and INTENTION to return for Court Obligations.
In any case, they CANNOT do that without first having YET ANOTHER HEARING IN COURT, which includes a time before it happens, typically AT LEAST two weeks.
Remember: I have a PERFECT RECORD of cooperation with Police and Courts, AND they have never even brought up the suggestion that my MINOR MISDEMEANOR "crimes" warrant a surrendering of passport. Additionally, NO ONE has EVER accused me of violence or threat of violence.
THEY ONLY ACCUSE ME OF EMBARRASSING THEM ON MY BLOG!!! That's why their charges and accusations use derivative terms like "libelous statements" which mean NOTHING. I have REPEATEDLY challenged them to CHARGE ME WITH LIBEL, but they KNOW they cannot do that successfully, so THEY DO NOT.
ALSO CONSIDER they THEY KNOW and I KNOW they do NOT have a shred of evidence against me -- hence the District Attorney's strategy has been to DELAY THE TRIALS and/or COMMIT ME TO A MENTAL GULAG indefinitely.
To SAVE FACE, they are HOPING I will leave the state and they can sweep it all under the rug.
IN FACT, Jennifer Harjo told me THAT WOULD BE A WIN-WIN PROPOSITION, and PROMISED ME she would suggest it to Assistant D.A. Alex Nicely (Ms. Harjo told me Mr. Nicely had told her previously that he has NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH MY CASES -- if they actually HAD a case against me, he'd KNOW how to prosecute it!!!) -- with the idea that they would quietly drop ALL charges over a period of up to one year. Jen was CERTAIN the D.A. would go for this, but after their meeting a week or so ago, she reported to me the SHE COULDN'T POSSIBLY SUGGEST SUCH A THING!!!
That was when I told her she REALLY ought to DEMAND ALL CHARGES BE DROPPED IMMEDIATELY with NO ACTIONS on my part -- since I am in fact INNOCENT OF ALL CHARGES, and the charges (as well as the two FALSE Nut-House commitments are NOTHING BUT POLITICAL PERSECUTION).
She THEN responded like this idea of false charges against innocent people being dropped was AGAINST GOVERNMENT AND MORAL PRINCIPLES and possible evidence of my need for a Nut-House Commitment -- and something she COULD NOT EVEN CONSIDER DOING!!!
I was SHOCKED and, realizing that although she has agreed all along that I am innocent of all charges AND THAT SHE IS ACTUALLY WORKING FOR SOMEONE OTHER THAN ME, called her back a few minutes later and fired her.
Now, I DO need to get busy today finding a new attorney since Gloria Allred is not licensed in North Carolina. I AM GOING TO MAKE SO MUCH MONEY OFF ALL OF THIS -- and the difficult part of it is BEHIND ME!!!
Marrakesh is making much progress after firing the former contractors. They expect to open in early May -- and it looks like they will FINALLY make it!!!
Although they share the Masonic Building (previously owned by actor Dennis Hopper) with Port City Java, unlike the coffee business, they ARE NOT importing cocaine hidden among their beans from Colombia. LOL!!!
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:30 PM, A Friend wrote:
the trouble with wifi: scientific
for a very short refresher lesson.
Hardly a clue online as to whether the Marrakesh
Cafe/Restaurant ever opened. Maybe you guys should celebrate something there,
and you can review it for the citizenry.
I think about the prospect that you, with your blog
revelations, might be considered a flight risk, and have to post bond. Which
you'll sacrifice if you go AWOL.
Healing the GOD-HATING GREED-BOTS (with Reason and Love)!!!
Thom Goolsby, deep in thought . . .
>>> IT IS MORE IMPORTANT to heal our politicians than to JAIL them for their past crimes!!!:
Below is my humble (latest) attempt to persuade Sen. Thom Goolsby (North Carolina Senate, Republican) to WALK WITH GOD in LOVE and PRACTICAL GOOD WILL, rather than with "The Devil", as he has been doing in racist LOCK-STEP now for some time -- spewing lies and disinformation while FURTHER CORRUPTING North Carolina politics . . .
Posting as Scott Kenan (Not you?)
(just posted on Senator Tom Goolsby's website: )

Glad to hear you are putting time into studying the situation before
attempting to act. At first, your criticism of President Obama's plan
WITHOUT a suggested alternative sounded alarming -- like just another
irresponsible Tea Party "Let's Destroy the USA" Bomb -- but now I see
you want to dig deeper, and INDEED, something must be done about this
very real problem, and ALL ideas must be weighed for merit.
But here is a question I have had for a long time: How does Mexico's government guarantee (and follow through by actually doing it) that students who maintain high grades get free education up to and THROUGH advanced university degrees when Mexico is a "Third World Country"? -- and I might add that they have maintained an enviable growing economy through out the continuing worldwide Recession, their tourism industry (reliant on foreigners from suffering countries) being the one segment there that HAS suffered.
In the United States, students come out saddled in debt that NO ONE should have to begin their adult life with. Of course in THIS country -- and especially North Carolina -- my Kenan Family's Charitable Trusts have done much to REDUCE education costs to both students and government.
Perhaps you could talk to the Board at one of the largest and oldest of of the Kenan Charities -- the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, reported to be the 4th largest Charitable Organization in North Carolina and with many, many years of experience partnering with universities, government , and private industry, actually in many areas BEYOND education as well (check out the Kenan Institute Asia, which partners with government in SEVEN countries basically in the Mekong Delta to develop socially responsible, sustainable businesses -- a sort of amends for what our government did to that region during the Vietnam War and a proven antidote to our government's reputation abroad as imperialistic and war-mongering).
They are certain to have MANY PROVEN PRACTICAL IDEAS -- and as you know, the Kenan Family was a PRIME supporter of the Republican Party until the Tea Party Types decided it was in their best interest to destroy education and prevent the non-rich from getting much education.
I'd suggest you contact Dr. Richard Krasno, the Executive Director. He's at the Trust's headquarters in Chapel Hill -- not too far from your Raleigh legislative workplace. See info on Kenan Institute Asia: as well as here: wiki/Kenan_Institute_Asia .
Just an idea . . .
Scott Kenan
But here is a question I have had for a long time: How does Mexico's government guarantee (and follow through by actually doing it) that students who maintain high grades get free education up to and THROUGH advanced university degrees when Mexico is a "Third World Country"? -- and I might add that they have maintained an enviable growing economy through out the continuing worldwide Recession, their tourism industry (reliant on foreigners from suffering countries) being the one segment there that HAS suffered.
In the United States, students come out saddled in debt that NO ONE should have to begin their adult life with. Of course in THIS country -- and especially North Carolina -- my Kenan Family's Charitable Trusts have done much to REDUCE education costs to both students and government.
Perhaps you could talk to the Board at one of the largest and oldest of of the Kenan Charities -- the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, reported to be the 4th largest Charitable Organization in North Carolina and with many, many years of experience partnering with universities, government , and private industry, actually in many areas BEYOND education as well (check out the Kenan Institute Asia, which partners with government in SEVEN countries basically in the Mekong Delta to develop socially responsible, sustainable businesses -- a sort of amends for what our government did to that region during the Vietnam War and a proven antidote to our government's reputation abroad as imperialistic and war-mongering).
They are certain to have MANY PROVEN PRACTICAL IDEAS -- and as you know, the Kenan Family was a PRIME supporter of the Republican Party until the Tea Party Types decided it was in their best interest to destroy education and prevent the non-rich from getting much education.
I'd suggest you contact Dr. Richard Krasno, the Executive Director. He's at the Trust's headquarters in Chapel Hill -- not too far from your Raleigh legislative workplace. See info on Kenan Institute Asia:
Just an idea . . .
Scott Kenan
Reply · Like · Unfollow Post · 2 seconds ago
If taxes were PAID on profits hidden by American individuals and corporations in Foreign Banks -- and taxes on the richest Americans were allowed to return to the levels favored by President Ronald Reagan -- our DEBT CRISIS WOULD BE only a photo-op. Shove THAT up your TEA PARTY SPHINCTER and light it!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
EVERYONE Lives the HIGH LIFE in Wilmington, NC!!!
World's Largest Christmas Tree, Wilmington, NC. In Wilmington, Tree Care Professionals tend to be ALL LIT UP!!!
>>> BUT FIRST: My answer to Sharon Malpass, "Managing Member" of the mysterious "Shelton Malpass Tree Care."
Hi Sharon,
As I have made clear time and time again, NO ONE will be deleted from my list until North Carolina DROPS all false charges against me (which is ALL of them). You can adjust your email program to block my emails.
You idiots elected Ben and Jon David as District Attorneys, Sandra Ray Criner and Jeffrey Noecker as judges, and Thom Goolsby as State Senator -- and MANY of you KNEW all along they direct or protect the heroin and cocaine traffic in this region -- profits going mostly to the Republican Party, and operation hiding behind Rev. Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian's making Ben David a Deacon -- even after my trying for EIGHT MONTHS to get Ernie to face the TRUTH of the situation, BEFOREHAND!!!
Your corrupted press and cowardly citizens prefer the DRUG ENSLAVEMENT of even their own children to facing the truth, so I am continuing in my efforts to file lawsuits against the City of Wilmington and State of North Carolina. I expect to live elsewhere and travel back here as necessary to meet court obligations and hopefully reap HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!
As to you personally, I don't know a thing -- except that when I worked five weeks for Rusty Hook, Jr. of Arbor Authority Tree Care in Castle Hayne, NC, HE pointed out that nearly ALL landscape companies in the Wilmington area are drug fronts. I see you are listed as "Managing Member at Shelton Malpass Tree Care LLC, although I have no evidence against your firm -- it IS a little SUSPICIOUS!!!
Best regards,
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 8:17 AM, Sharon Malpass wrote:
Again, I have to email you. I have pulled up your blog and have search for
an unsubscribe area and can not locate it. Please if you are going to make
me do the work to take me off your email list, give me the instructions for
an elementary computer user since I am not techno-savvy. I won't to be
removed ASAP. Thanks so much! And I look forward to being able to remove
my email and this be our last correspondence. I apologize for this
inconvenience but I have never ask or requested to be on your email list.
Thanks again!
(Unsigned -- why do some people not sign their correspondence??? Responsible people who are proud of their endeavors and writing ALWAYS DO!!!)
* * *
Yes, buildings in Puerto Vallarta are often based on designs by M.C. Escher. Traditional ones have narrow and steep flights of stairs that have no railings whatsoever -- even when they rise several floors from the ground. Although PV is not as bad as most places, outdoor electrical connection boxes and such are often unprotected and there are many more risks like a stubborn resistance to repair sidewalks that have been violently uprooted by jungle-tree roots.
The whole country is a mine-field of danger to those from countries that have regulations more protective, yet Mexicans, who must learn at a very early age to respect electricity and to mind where they are going, never seem to have difficulties -- either that or those who survive to grade-school age are "the fittest."
Although drug trash inhabit much of this hotel in Wilmington, my car remains unmolested, and it was NOT attacked in PV before except the one time I found a be-suited man and his bejeweled wife sitting in their brand new Lincoln or Cadillac SUV outside an internet cafe HACKING MY COMPUTER!!!
Naturally, I flew out in a "plussed" condition and confronted them, which caused the BOTH of them (whose appearance was of NU-TRASH Nobility), to get out of their car SCREAMING AT ME, THREATENING VIOLENCE. I managed to lock myself in my car (which drives like a sports car -- my new one being the update of the one I had then), and slipping through several changing lights on the main drag in PV -- as well as weaving skillfully through intense traffic on the eight-lane road that is separated into four channels of two -- all separated by significant medians, I was SHOCKED (in a rather astounded, admiring way) to see that that man drove his tank (almost as tall as me) with the same dexterity I had exhibited and I had NO CHANCE of shaking him from my tail.
A mile or so later, I pulled into the underground parking and stopped right next to the main entrance to a Mexican-owned Wall-Mart clone of a store where I assumed they could not accost me in public. He squealed to a halt blocking my forward movement and he and his wife in their fine regalia got out and, screaming curses, attempted to break through my windshield and side windows by smashing them with full bottles (plastic) and cans -- but to no avail -- this in front of a crowd of about 30 shoppers.
Unable to break through or in any way damage the windows, he then kicked in the side panels of my front doors in his anger and frustration, but for 200 pesos (about $18.50 then), I got a Mexican in that crowd to repair the doors almost perfectly -- he conveniently having basic tools in his car in that lot.
I really wish I had had a camera with me to record the event -- it was a REAL ADRENALINE RAISER!!!
But worry not, I have learned how to communicate now more diplomatically -- and I have laid the groundwork to avoid politics in Mexico entirely. Also, you might recall that Albert Guzman (aka "Baby Azteca"), who had been a top CIA killer to protect the Drug Mafia first in Los Angeles, and then was mysteriously deported with all THREE homicide charges as well as Illegal Entry and Living charges dropped when the CIA sprang him from California Prison and dropped in Puerto Vallarta to do the same work for them there, had been the one who finally told me I was to be murdered one night in the crack house at 1690 Calle Costa Rico run by the man called "Toro".
That night, the residents all served me a ceremonial pre-death dinner of one chicken neck (skin attached to show the HUGE artery they slash to drain a chicken's blood) floating in a bowl of broth. I (by the Grace of God -- or the Devil, who knows???) managed to sneak out before the razor I had been shown already was applied to my own neck.
And then TWO MONTHS later, Albert was arrested after he committed another Drug Gang murder and, according to his brother Martin (with whom I am still in contact, although he lives hundreds of miles away under an assumed name now -- and who is NOT a criminal but fears repercussions for testifying to Police against his brother), Albert was quickly convicted and then lost three appeals and is about to lose his fourth and final appeal.
THIS is the hand of Mexican President Felipe Calderone, who has shown GREAT COURAGE against the drug corruption in Mexico -- really caused by the ENORMOUS DEMAND of American Citizens like those here in Wilmington, NC, not that any of THEM give a rat's ass how their drug appetites fuel Mexican violence!!!
In any case, there are no parking garages in PV to speak of and I wouldn't use one in any case. The apartment building (which is in a section where things are safe), begins with apartments in the basement. Mexican floor numbering starts on the ground with "ground" then our second floor is called the first -- hence the peculiarity. Also, when I called to tell the owner of that first place that I was definitely doing something else, he actually lives a block from where I'm renting and knows the building -- saying MY apartment is the best in that building and it is a VERY GOOD building.
Also, buildings being SOLID masonry, sound does not bleed -- but THAT said, I am not loud except for some movies and then I can wear ear-phones.
So there I will be, but I think I will stay here for a while longer to see what happens in Administrative Court sessions that should be the second week of May -- I need to see if they are yet scheduled. After that are June and July sessions. I've got plenty of Delta Miles to fly back for court -- and STILL must get to finding a Constitutional Lawyer to file my OWN charges against the City and State.
I received the Phaedra DVD yesterday -- thank you!!! -- but events have kept me from viewing it yet. LOL!!!
On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 10:38 PM, my backer wrote:
Seems to me the floors consist of
apts 1 and 2
3 and 4
5 and 6
roof with 9
A five-floor bldg? Consider, a loud audio system
may be problematical.
LOUD AUDIO -- the ONLY way to Travel!!!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Republican State Senator Thom Goolsby of Wilmington, NC. See MORE about the nature of this picture here -- one of my MOST POPULAR blog posts!!!: .
2 seconds agoScott Kenan- Hey Sen. Goolsby!!!
Facebook just FORBID me to request Facebook Frienship with ANYONE for 14 days because SOMEONE claimed I had requested Facebook Friendship with someone I DIDN'T KNOW -- HORRORS!!!
The only person I requested Facebook Friendship with in TWO MONTHS who did NOT accept it WAS YOU!!!
You HAD to have done this.
But the funny thing is that the FIRST THREE TIMES I requested Facebook Friendship with you, you DID immediately accepted my friendship and I wrote reasonable things on your Facebook Wall (although I COULD have been very ugly) -- it seems to me SOMEONE has to be MAN ENOUGH to try to heal our Beloved North Carolina.
BUT you nevertheless then un-friended me -- even though you let my comments stand. This Friend/Not Friend thing happened THREE TIMES IN THE LAST WEEK!!!
And what is to me WORSE is that if someone is not your Friend on Facebook, YOU DON'T ALLOW THEM ACCESS TO YOUR CONTACT INFO -- YOU AN ELECTED OFFICIAL!!!
NOT being open with your contact info AND SCREWING YOUR CONSTITUENTS!!!
I have ALWAYS had a COMPLETELY OPEN policy regarding my contact info on both my Facebook Page and my Blog: .
FYI: After earlier making peace with your front office man in your Law Office on Chestnut Street -- right near my Family's Bank, Bank of America, I DID stop by that office about a week ago and spoke with your employees (they said you weren't in, unfortunately), and explained to them that although I intend to soon put you in FEDERAL PRISON FOR TRAITOROUS ACTS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE APPARENT DISTRIBUTION OF ILLEGAL DRUG PROFITS, that I certainly did NOT blame the office staff who are only doing their jobs and CLEARLY are not aware of your ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES.
They seemed to GREATLY appreciate that -- and I meant it!!!
All best to you Senator -- I hear Prison Stripes will be ALL THE RAGE BY SUMMER (short sleeves)!!!
Scott David Kenan
Wilmington, NC
>>> FAIR WARNING TO A SHILL OF SENATOR GOOLSBY: Ethan Crouch, Senior Project Manager Futron Incorporated
Futron Incorporated is a MAJOR National Company primarily serving through its Government Contracts to wire construction with Security and Spyware for Control of Citizens.
Ethan (on Facebook) pretends to be an environmentally-conscious surfer -- and he MIGHT actually surf (now and then).
See:*1_+_Crouch_*1_*1_*1_*1_*2_*1_Y_*1_*1_*1_false_1_R_*1_*51_*1_*51_true_*1_us%3A920_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2 .
- 7 minutes agoScott Kenan
- Ethan: Because you un-friended me at Sen. Goolby's apparent demand, you should expect to be questioned by Federal Authorities I'm working with who are investigating Sen. Goolsby for NARCO-TRAFFICKING and DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING.
This is NOT a threat -- it is merely a fact. I thought you deserved a heads-up.
All best and GOOD LUCK!!!
Scott David Kenan
Wilmington, NC
I Forgot To Mention . . .
That although I received an email from Teri at Benefits Management, she did NOT receive the two emails I sent her -- and could not find them in any of her not-Inbox folders either. So I tried to REPLY to her email to me -- which SHOULD HAVE WORKED regardless --BUT IT DIDN'T.
This is TOTALLY insane and YET ANOTHER PROOF of the mischief of the Hackers, whether Pentagon Publishing,, or Fox News/Republican Party.
I can't WAIT to sue the CRAP out of all these people, although THIS is not one easy to prove in court -- there are PLENTY OF OTHERS.
And the REASON my new Epson printer/scanner won't set up is that I am wanting to scan the original email trail between Patrick Stansbury and me in which he fired me inappropriately, promised to pay me $100.00/share for my 380 shares of stock, then by increments took that down to $10.00, $1.00, and then $0.00/per share -- as it that was his legal right after agreeing to the price!!!
And this is also the trial in which he abuses me in a crescendo -- finally claiming I had lost all my friends and that the only avenue open to me was SUICIDE.
Within twenty minutes, Stone Mountain Police showed up at my door having heard I was in IMMANENT DANGER OF COMMITTING SUICIDE. (Sent by my sister Jane who had had no contact with me in over a week, but had been prompted by my former roommate Allen Rosen -- who ALSO had had no contact with me in several days).
I had ALSO hoped to scan the document from many years ago showing my mother's note in her own hand that 1.5 Lithium Level causes CHEMICAL DIABETES -- this from BEFORE she began the slow removal of her brother Robert J. Meyer, DDS's wealth, forced him to seek medical help in the VA Hospital in "Lower Alabama" (it night have actually been across the border in Mississippi, actually), and on a FALSE diagnosis of FALSE illness "Mono-polar", forced him to take double-dose Lithium to keep his blood level above 1.5 -- and leading to the chemically-induced Diabetes which he slowly and painfully died of.
Delaying me does not change the facts. I had just wanted to publish the scanned ORIGINAL documents online. My adversaries are FOREVER claiming I'm crazy, stupid, lying, etc. -- when in fact they are SOME OF THE MOST EVIL PEOPLE WALKING THIS EARTH!!!
To tell the truth, BOTH these documents were scanned an posted on my blog -- the one of my mother, late last spring. The one of Patrick's email, sometime the first half of 2010, but I can't seem to find them and they MIGHT have been deleted by THE HACKERS.
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