REPRINTED from here:
Dad and me in 1952, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dad's best buddy from Wilmington, NC, Odell Balckum (of the famous Wilmington "Used-Cars" Balkcums), had already fed me a teaspoon of bourbon -- to keep me from turning Yankee!!!
Mom eventually reupholstered that sofa (and I've always loved the original pattern), TWICE before finally giving it up. I eventually came into possession of that beer stein, which says on it, "Here's to YOU, a gal of distinction -- and other things I dare not mention", but it was lost when I had to give up nearly all my possessions and flee to Mexico (from Stone Mountain, GA), the first time in 2010.
Dad at my sister Julie's wedding, about twelve years ago, so aged 84 or so.
I can tell you that with Dad's sudden and significant deterioration the last week or so, the entire family has come back together to handle things -- led by my sister Jane, who also lives in Raleigh, and my brother Mike and sister Julie. THAT has been the good news, but "Truth be Told", we had already, actually, come to a greater love and understanding.
My most recent photo of Dad -- at the Meyer Family Reunion in 2009, when Dad was 91.
* * *
1. This morning, I was BEYOND SHOCKED to see how popular my posting of late yesterday,, has been. In a matter of less than 12 hours, it ROCKETED to being the MOST HIT of all postings in 2014, and even in the 30-day tally, comes up an easy third, these two older postings getting far more hits the last month, still:
And, frankly, I thought yesterday's post, while a GOOD one, would NOT be particularly popular one, so I figured that it got hits from people searching info on Malaysian flight 370 -- and I just hope that they are SMART ENOUGH to realize that was Stan's FANTASY, and not at all FACTUAL.
But that said, given Stan's background and knowledge, it seems safe to say he knows a lot about how Bank of America operates (as well as knowing my Kenan relatives who CONTROL IT), so he wanted to make a TRUE STATEMENT about the bank and the wealthy Kenans.
And then ALL THAT SAID, Google Statistics shows that the top ten search terms used to FIND my blog, yesterday, include absolutely NOTHING even vaguely related to the disappearance of Malaysian flight 370.
I have NO IDEA what to make of that!!!
2. I didn't mention yesterday, that I had ALMOST-MET writer Robin's girl friend, answering at least ONE question that I actually knew the answer to. Leaving lunch, leader Colin and Dr. Jane, were speaking with a very attractive young woman on the way out, and having no idea who she was, I pushed on out the door, minding my own business (possibly for the first time in YEARS!!!).
Outside, I asked Colin about her, and he told me. Besides noticing the FRESHNESS of her -- I couldn't help but notice her DELIGHTFUL (but not over-sized) breasts. They didn't cause my barometer to move, but I DO have aesthetic interest in such things, no???
3. EXACTLY WHEN was the last time you heard a WHITE, "CHRISTIAN" REPUBLICAN (or that type), espouse THIS saying of Jesus's???:
And of course it is countered with things like this:
And this:

But I'm sticking with an interpretation I first came across while studying the SCIENCE OF MIND, from its President, then, Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz, who founded The Atlanta Church of Religious Science (now a security/never-offend-anyone-corrupted "Spiritual Living Center"):
Reading the New Testament (and I believe this applies to the Apostles and Disciples after Jesus's death as well), Jesus was ALWAYS stopping and staying with the RICHEST JEWS IN THE KINGDOM -- and he clearly had nothing against them.
In this passage, he was referring to RICH PEOPLE who SERVE THEIR WEALTH and SELF-INTERESTS -- rather than God or God's Interests.
That's all!!!

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