1. My deep realization happened at the end of Puerto Vallarta (gay) Mens Chorus rehearsal -- the second one I've attended. I first explained to the Director and a few others who seemed interested, that I would NOT be marching in Mardi Gras parade tonight, mostly because of my foot still not well enough healed to walk a mile or so preceded by an hour of standing around waiting for things to move. And I won't know enough of the songs to sing tomorrow night at the charity auction (and I have to order some black pants as well).
Everyone thought that was smart -- but wait until I have two adjacent molars extracted and have to wait a month or so for healing before a bridge is installed. I bet I'll be WHISTLIN' DIXIE out of the side of my mouth all that time!!!

2. So I stayed through all of rehearsal -- always a good idea if you are a part, even temporarily not performing. And ALL the songs in the Chorus's repertoire are completely loving, accepting, and fun. And since it is a MEN'S chorus, and voices are lower and more resonant than typical higher-voiced women, they are more deeply impressed in the subconscious. This is no comment on women -- but on AURAL VIBRATIONS.
At the end of rehearsal, right after leaving as I entered my car, a HUGE anger welled up in me like I have not known in many months. I felt like my spirit had flown high above all else and gotten a bird's eye view of my life -- and it was a life nearly ENTIRELY CONTROLLED by my parents (Mom, especially, with her swastikas, daily beating of her fists and NAZI, mind-control, BULLYING psychology), and I GRIEVED for the life I could have had -- and my siblings could have had, as well.
You see, this group of gay men had not only actively pursued me during a chance encounter a mere nine days ago, but had embraced me as one of their own, welcomed me with open arms, appreciated what I had shared of myself -- including "basso profundo" voice, and have been acting like ENTIRELY NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS!!!
And I also have to say the same is true of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group -- which to my knowledge has only ONE other gay (or OUT gay), member in attendance the same times as me.
Now, as a SLIGHT ASIDE, I also was able to talk with Carl Timothy of Timothy Real Estate -- aside from the others. The very FIRST thing I told him was what I wanted to tell him the most: that what he has achieved with his company here in Puerto Vallarta is really QUITE extraordinary -- and I have NEVER heard a bad word about Carl or his company.
Carl Timothy, president and founder of Timothy Real Estate Group, began his career in Park City, Utah as a director of sales for Sweetwater Realty. He then moved to Beverly Hills, California where he was among the top 5% of real estate sales agents with Prudential Realty in the United States. Carl fell in love with Puerto Vallarta and moved here in 1999. Today Timothy Real Estate Group is a leader in Puerto Vallarta, exclusively representing some of the most prestigious developments and special portfolio properties in Puerto Vallarta.
Chief among my intentions was to let Carl know something of the strange encounter when in 2010, before I knew the actual nature of "Fernando Merino" -- actually the only child of Colombia's largest cocaine exporter -- Fernando had signed me to the contract to sell SEVEN BILLION US DOLLARS worth of Mexican real estate that was actually STOLEN by "Hector the Engineer" -- and Fernando even later told me that contract BOUND ME TO THE CIA FOR LIFE.
Our meeting was to make some kind of arrangement with Timothy R.E., to work UNDER THEIR UMBRELLA -- which is to say that I was actually expendable, but a PAWN to show Fernando's Bona Fides -- he working with an educated, cultured, and connected by working for Tennessee Williams and related to the wealthy Kenans, etc., sales agent who was PROFESSIONAL, to be able to GET IN TO TIMOTHY REAL ESTATE.
THEN, after getting some entanglements going and some illegal operations via Fernando and me (if I had not yet been killed or otherwise disposed of), they could LEVERAGE Timothy into being MAFIA CONTROLLED.
It didn't work because of the professional standards of the Timothy agent we dealt with -- thank God it all fell apart!!!
And I also made clear to Carl that I have NO real animosity toward his client with the house in Mismaloya, and HOPE that now that its price has been reduced by 200K to $500,000.00 USD, it will sell soon -- which Carl hopes as well.
And this conversation with Carl showed me how he is JUST LIKE all my friends in the early days of Atlanta -- SMART, educated, cultured, ethical, and open. Those were the friends I had until my parents got me arrested for revealing the narco-operation of Newt Gingrich with my parents, former Nixon aide John Ehrlichman, and later protected with a HUGE CIA presence in Stone Mountain, Georgia -- thanks to President Bill Clinton!!!
So THIS conversation and my comfort speaking with Carl made me even MORE aware of how my parents and their agents ROBBED ME OF MY REAL LIFE AND DREAMS.
End of aside.
When I got home, I was FURIOUS with my parents and resisted the urge to call them when I knew they'd be sleeping -- or anyone else, either. I tried to pray (Metaphysical Prayer -- aka Spiritual Mind Treatment as taught by Science of Mind), but COULD NOT get out of my anger and negativity and GAVE UP.
IMMEDIATELY, I was washed over with an up-welling of LOVE and APPRECIATION for the GOOD THINGS in my life, and put on my FAVE Pet Shop Boys DVD and DANCED in my living room -- until I settled down after a couple of minutes just to watch and sing along.
The next thing I knew, I saw an ALIEN HOUSE CAT streak across the room and FLING itself REPEATEDLY against the window I usually have open so my cats can come and go -- SCREAMING and scrambling in total panic.
I opened the window, but the cat ran into my bedroom and I chased it out from under my bed -- it then exiting by the window.
I REALLY was not in the mood -- right after the "epiphany" -- for a NEW ROUND OF TERRORISM by foreign house cats -- LOL!!!
So I calmed myself again, realizing that cat would NOT likely come back to my house and if so, I'll just have to keep my cats in the house and back garden, and half an hour later, went to bed.
3. This morning, I calmly called my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh, North Carolina, and told her of my finding a loving home among friends here in Mexico. I told her of the acceptance, love, and encouragement I have found here -- something I have NEVER known before, really, but ESPECIALLY not from her and Dad who only tore me down, beat me with fists and belts, often for no reason, TERRORIZED us as young kids with Mom's screaming fits and violence -- and then all the LIES they have told to ALL us kids, all VERY smart and NONE performing anywhere near what we are capable because of her NAZI CATHOLIC HATRED in the name of JESUS.
I told Mom I do NOT intend to push for her prosecution as the Top NAZI in the USA and boss of Dick Cheney, Coach Lou Holtz, John Boehner, Sean Hannity, etc. (as well as of Thomas S. Kenan III and the narco-trafficking branch of the Episcopal Church), but that I WOULD actively support ANYONE prosecuting or suing my parents, and that I have no animosity toward my siblings Jane and Mike -- and don't know Julie well enough to decide if she REALLY is a NAZI CATHOLIC or not, too (she certainly SEEMS to be).
Mom said, "I love you,", and I replied "Fuck you Bitch!!!" and hung up -- perhaps for our last time outside a Court of Law, should things come to that.
Feudalism, replaced the democratic Roman Republic and was a SERIOUS improvement of governance to the Huns and other groups never under Roman Rule -- but a SHARP downgrade of government for those who HAD experienced Roman Citizenship.
Turns out it was ALL A LIE to impress everyone. Thomas Kenan DID marry an Elizabeth Johnston -- but NOT the daughter of the Royal Governor. Not only THAT, but the Kenan Coat of Arms which is heralded in the books on the family, NEVER WAS ON THE INTERNET before I put it there.
Careful study of the symbols and colors used show it to be essentially the MOST POWERFUL coat of arms I've ever found -- and I'd BET MY BOTTOM DOLLAR that the Kenans had it made for marketing of their BLOOD HERITAGE -- ALL LIES!!!
Original Kenan coat-of-arms (fairly typical)
Now compare it to THIS one used ONLY by descendants of the three Kenan brothers who landed in North Carolina in the 1730s:
And please remember this: According the Bible dictionaries, "Kenan" (Cainan in some translations), actually means either "The Sadness" or "Ultimate Acquisitiveness and Greed", while "Mahalalel" (which follows Kenan in the line from Adam to Noah in Chronicles I, Old Testament) means "The Prince of Peace".
We already ARE in this new Age of the Artist (Mahalalel, or whatever you prefer to call it) -- a time of RAPID spiritual advancement.
We ALL have the choice to "get with the times" or PERISH -- at least in the areas of Finance, Power, and Health -- physical and mental/spiritual.
'Nuff said.

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