#purple #jedi #selfie — at Kuala Lumpur.
Angkor Wat Temple at sunrise -- taken by Connor on 4 January 2014.
>>> A few more notes on my immediate family:
1. About eight years ago, my brother, Michael William Kenan, identified his first-born, Connor, as MY true spiritual heir.
2. Connor is more likely to have meant the GERMAN "Ja!!!" (Yes!!!), than the Mexican one (Ha!!! -- the Mexican spelling of laughter) -- but I COULD be wrong.
3. According to the book THE KENAN FAMILY, copyright 1998 - 2000, strangely, Mercer University Press (which Thomas S. Kenan III hired Marie D. DeLamar -- then the world's TOP genealogy researcher -- to update from the 1967 original version by Alvaretta Kenan Register), there is NO DATE of my father's older brother, Rufus "Harlee" Kenan's marriage to Virginia Mintz.
The reason for this is that they "HAD TO" get married. And my Aunt Laura "Doris" (Kenan) Russ's daughters (the oldest born in 1928, so 23 years (CORRECTED: born 1938, so 13 years) older than me -- so the oldest actually WITNESSED this), my father and Virginia Mintz were HUGE drinking buddies and LIKED SEX (why I now say Dad must have been bisexual). The result was my half-brother, Graham Harlee Kenan, born in 1942. Graham is now a retired mechanical engineer, living near Charlotte, NC -- and REFUSES to discuss this with me.
Graham's mother and reputed father were about 5' 2" and 5' 4" -- and Graham is 6' 8"!!! Dad's nickname at New Hanover High in Wilmington was "Middle Leg" due to his HUGE endowment.
Aunt Doris -- who ALSO "had to get married" (at age 15) -- HER children ALSO told me most emphatically that my Aunt Melba (Kenan) Herring -- whose husband died right after their third child was born just as the Great Depression hit and Granddad's cotton and tobacco warehouses BURNED DOWN after my Grandmother died and Grandad joined the Ku Klux Klan, was a LESBIAN. And my grandparents were FIRST COUSINS -- an old Kenan Family tradition.
My GREAT-granddad, Murphy Kenan, married Julia Caroline Pridgen, saved up and freed two slaves before enlisting to fight in the Civil War for the South. His sister married a Gurganus, and produced (eventually), Allan Gurganus, the noted author and Gay Activist:
Allan Gurganus wrote the book/Broadway play/1989 Emmy-Award winning TV movie (based VERY loosely on my great-grandparents, whom he renamed "The Marsdens"), OLDEST LIVING CONFEDERATE WIDOW TELLS ALL, the movie giving Cicely Tyson the vehicle to win her first Emmy -- by sassing/bossing my great-grandparents!!!
Donald Sutherland and Diane Lane/Anne Bancroft played my great-grandparents.
More here: http://www.allangurganus.com/ .
4. There are Blackmores married into MY Kenan line back then too. Wilmington District Court Judge Rebecca W. Blackmore (known in Wilmington as "The Hanging Judge" and retiring shortly), was the FIRST judge I dealt with in North Carolina in 2011. When I asked for a Public Defender, she said, "I never HEARD of a Kenan who didn't have at least three of four Trust Funds in their back pocket," and had the staff research me online for an hour before caving and giving me one.
Judge Blackmore, said to have run off her husband due to her drinking box wines so the trash-men would not see too many bottles -- her alcoholism due to their child being killed by a drunk driver, years ago -- I witnessed the following in her Court -- she convicted a young black guy of Possession of Narcotics Paraphernalia and three days (time served), because Wilmington Police arrived at his house for some other reason (NOT causing his arrest), but spied a SINGLE cigarette paper, searched for marijuana, finding none -- but ALSO found no rolling tobacco, what the young man said the SINGLE paper was for -- arrested him.
So the guy got right out after the three days in jail -- and had the conviction on his record so he could not easily find a DECENT job.
Score ONE MORE for Wilmington, North Carolina's GOD-HATING, WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!!
LATER, Judge Sandra Ray Criner (who semi-secretly signed BOTH orders to commit me to a mental hospital), DENIED my request in her Court for Public Defender -- and CONVICTED ME, pronto of some offence, now WIPED from my record -- HA/JA/JA!!!
See more here: https://www.facebook.com/wilmingtononfire
Sorry, but I forget what I intended to blog about Science . . .
Georg Osterman (plaid -- then clockwise), artist Mark Beard (who designed Abercrombie & Fitch's mildly homo-erotic themes and is the Great-Grandson of one of the three that Joseph Smith dictated the BOOK OF MORMON to), Vasilis Voglis, me, "Black-Eyed Susan" (of Ridiculous Theater fame), Jane Smith, unknown, Tennessee Williams, and the rest unknown to me now.
Mark Beard went AWOL (in MY life -- not his), more than a year ago. He knows who ALL these people are who shared Thanksgiving Dinner 1981 in Mark and Georg's Staten Island apartment -- one of only TWO times I saw Tennessee smoke marijuana, and he (drinking heavily, also), VAULTED over the back of a sofa to confront someone who seemed to insult a female friend of his.

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