Elizabeth Redenbaugh accepts award from Caroline Kennedy, May 2011.
This is a simple fact, proven by years and years of research now, so in the USA where there is so much segregation by color, social, and financial class (unlike in Mexico where I now live in political exile), "Neighborhood Schools" has become CODE for promotion of racism and class-ism.
Elizabeth, elected as a Republican, fought HARD to keep some greater integration in Wilmington schools, but met SAVAGE resistance from Christians and Republicans, especially. She is NOW running -- and I AM SO PROUD OF HER: she ANNOUNCED her candidacy THE DAY AFTER NC State Senator Thom Goolsby, Republican, announced (due to what I've blogged about him, here is one example which includes Thom Goolsby's debate with me in the bottom comments -- he pretending to be a kindly neighborhood Granny -- LOL!!!: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2011/12/riding-wave.html -- but Thom became the top-ranked Republican in the NC Senate, and has campaigned for mandatory, trans-vaginal ultrasounds for women seeking abortions.
Thom Goolsby sponsored, successfully, legislation so that worshipers could carry concealed weapons into churches (making you wonder what HE worships), and has been in MANY ways the FIGUREHEAD of all that is God-Hating, Racist, and Greedy in North Carolina politics -- which in recent months seems to COMPETE with the Republicans in the Georgia Legislature, they ALL being in a RACE TO HELL (OK, to ditch the US Constitution).

As you might imagine, Elizabeth Redenbaugh changed Parties and is running now as a Democrat.
READ MORE about her here in Caroline Kennedy's words: http://www.jfklibrary.org/Events-and-Awards/Profile-in-Courage-Award/Award-Recipients/Elizabeth-Redenbaugh-2011.aspx?t=4 , or here in Elizabeth's words: http://www.elizabethforncsenate.com/ .
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I met John Mann the first night I arrived in Wilmington, December 30, 2010, in Costello's (gay) Piano Bar on Princess Street -- that turned out to be owned by lawyer David Nash and dentist/land-developer John Stike, Stike having in a "bait-and-switch" seduction by his young partner all but RAPED ME one night in the mid-1980s.
This before MaDonna McMahan, realtor and frequent visitor to the bar, INSISTED TO ME that David's co-owner was NOT Dr. Stike, but the 6' 8" bartender who caused me so much trouble, but I RAN HIM OUT OF TOWN, less than a year later, after an altercation in Duck n' Dive Pub (a semi-straight bar) on Dock Street.
MaDONNA McMAHON (not related to Sheriff Ed McMahon -- that I know of)
Real Estate buying and selling are a TOP way to launder narcotics money, and MaDONNA McMAHON (as she styles herself), is one of the TOP PRODUCERS IN TOWN.
David Nash was the FIRST person to bring charges against me, "Cyber-Stalking", the claims in the complaint NOT having much to do with the actual LAW -- and Republican Judge Hogston, after a dog-and-pony show, convicted me and gave me Probation -- DEPENDENT ON MY TAKING MEDICATION (not that any doctor contributed to the discussion).
Judge Hogston had spoken to my NAZI MOTHER, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh, and MOM told him what to do!!!
>>> ALSO: Both David Nash and John Stike are MEMBERS IN VERY GOOD STANDING at First Presbyterian (according to Rev. Ernie Thompson to me), and Ernie made District Attorney Benjamin R. David a DEACON, while the late Rev. Jim Holderness once ABSOLUTELY INSISTED to me that he and Ernie Thompson were PROUD to "protect Ben David" -- and Ernie, himself, told me how he scares away any black people interested in the congregation, which I once witnessed, the husband being a retired US Army Col.!!!
A movie about Wilmington's SHAMEFUL PAST by Christopher Everett, who was my friend in Wilmington -- until he found out I was OUT GAY and so someone (significance-mistakenly) might OUT HIM!!!

William R. Kenan, SENIOR, the ONLY Confederate to penetrate Washington, DC defenses to take a clear shot at President Lincoln, ALWAYS looked a tad "psychotic".
This was RIGHT at the time my grandfather, Joseph Emerson Kenan, Sr., joined the KU KLUX KLAN to help -- although HIS father saved up to buy two slaves and FREE them shortly before enlisting for the South.
On December 30, 2010, John Mann did NOT invite me to his News Years Eve Party there (although he talked to nearly everyone at the bar about it -- inviting THEM), but only to the AFTER-PARTY on New Years Day, which nearly NO ONE attended, and there was MOUNTAINS OF FOOD, so I'm sure he expected them.
It was THERE and THEN that I met two of Mr. Mann's roommates, who now tell me -- MOST BELIEVABLY (and it makes sense from what else I know), that they did NOT get involved with John Mann or his buddies David Nash or Sen. Thom Goolsby.
In any case, the sign "The Gay House" and the rainbow flag soon disappeared -- and I have no idea who lives there now, or if THEY are gay.
>>> MORE ABOUT THAT TIME (but first a caveat):
A "FAGGOT" is a homosexual or bisexual male who has NO SELF RESPECT. D.A. Ben David and Rev. Ernie Thompson -- who once confided an attraction to me that he would NOT act on -- are perfect examples.
"NIGGER", traditionally reserved for members of the black race, is REALLY just a person of ANY KIND with NO SELF RESPECT. Most, by far, in MY experience have been WHITE. Barack Obama actually fits BOTH descriptions!!!
Your views Scott Kenan are retarded and post these from the safety of Mexico as you hide from Warrants in NC and probably several states. You need to be put in a Mental Hospital for your protection against yourself
Thanks for stopping by and being so BRAVE, "anonymous"!!!
There are no warrants out for me AT ALL in the USA, just some shill of the Chicago-Puerto Vallarta Drug Mafia trying to steal my pension.
Since I do quite WELL for myself -- even paying rent yesterday -- after my Bank of America account was entirely LOOTED by these CIA/NSA/ Republican CROOKS last week, I DARE SAY it is not MYSELF I need saving from, silly!!!
But PLEASE don't remove your comment -- I think it's kind of cute!!!
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