I don't know if this is TRUE or not -- I just love to sniff rosemary (as opposed to Rosemary -- no offense)!!!
1. Yesterday, I DID audition for the Puerto Vallarta (Gay) Mens Chorus, despite my reservations about my voice and ability to commit, due to possible law suits in the USA that I hope to file against authorities in Illinois, Georgia, and North Carolina, and would need to go these places, eventually, for them. I sang a basso profundo version of "Summertime", and almost caused the walls to crumble -- LOL!!!
So I'm IN, and will sing and march in this Tuesday's PV's MARDI GRAS PARADE -- and YES, the 1.5 inch diameter hole in my foot where the carcinoma was removed 2.5 months ago is FINALLY closing rather rapidly -- YAY!!!
2. A visit to the dentist for a cleaning, proved I have TWO adjacent molars with GIANT cavities so big there is no guarantee any filling would last even a year. I've already lost most of my PERFECT TEETH (I never had a single cavity before taking Lithium for 31 years), and in conversation with "Daddy Warbucks" in New York, with his wisdom and offer to fund the work, I'll get them extracted and a bridge made.
3. But BEST was today's Writers Group Meeting. All four readers were EXTRAORDINARY -- and ONE of them, a Mr. Wimborne (whose name is NOT googlable, so I assume Fearless Leader misspelled it or gave incorrect first name), is not only from S.E. North Carolina -- but knows/knew SEVERAL of the wealthiest Kenans WELL!!!
Mr. Wimborne read his piece on a young Mexican boy who developed a years-long spiritual relationship with a whale and the whale's buddies -- an actual TRUE story -- and he sounded like EVERYONE I MISS in Wilmington, NC (the accent of educated natives -- not the ugly accent of my close, literally "poor relations") -- and to a PERSON, all LOVED his reading voice and accent -- TRUE gentility.
Speaking with him afterward, I learned that I had actually MET him and his wife in a supermarket a few weeks ago (I remember his wife, whom I spoke with at length -- but not about any connections except the State of NC -- hubby then having had to rush off on other shopping duties), and they have lived here for about eight years now to improve his wife's health. And perhaps most surprising to me is that he seems to know a LOT about what I've blogged about, and seems to AGREE with me, AND knows/knew SEVERAL of the wealthiest Kenans, including OWEN Graham Kenan (full brother of Thomas S. Kenan III and deceased since 2002, when he suffered a short illness and just up and died -- SUSPICIOUS, no???), and OGK's wife Sterling Holt Kenan (called "Squirty" by all the Old Dowagers at First Presbyterian, Wilmington -- and now remarried -- CORRECTION: Squirty has NOT remarried, the confusion comes from Kenan propensity to recycle and reshuffle names. Squirty's daughter Roberta Sterling Kenan, called Sterling, DID fairly recently marry -- a McCracken).
I STILL have heard nothing about which of her three (or four), possible squirting sites this refers to, but let's assume it is the saliva gland beneath her tongue. Sterling Kenan is the ONLY wealthy Kenan who blocked me on Facebook as well as all my emails.
The ONLY photo I could find of THIS Owen Kenan on the Internet.
This is the Aerotropolis that Mr. Kenan had hoped to build in Bangkok, Thailand (a country he deeply loved and spent much time in), but failed:
HOWEVER, Owen Graham Kenan is now credited as the person MOST RESPONSIBLE for Thailand's "medical tourism industry".
And NOW, Thailand is going AHEAD with the project:
Suvarnabhumi Airport: Developing A World-Class Aerotropolis |
"The Thai government plans to transform Suvarnabhumi Airport into Asia's leading 'aerotropolis', a state-of-the-art investment hub for international companies seeking easy access to the region." |
Read more here: http://www.boi.go.th/tir/issue/200603_15_3/5.htm .
>>> And doing research, I found Owen's activities:
Kenan, 58, Chapel Hill philanthropist
Died Thursday, September 5, 2002
Raleigh, NC News & Observer
By Kayce T. Ataiyero, staff writer
CHAPEL HILL - Owen Graham Kenan, a philanthropist and businessman, died at his Chapel Hill home Monday after a brief illness. He was 58.
Kenan was president of Kenan Enterprises of Chapel Hill and vice chairman of the board of directors of Flagler System Inc. of Palm Beach, Fla., a family-owned business that operates The Breakers Hotel and related real estate interests in Palm Beach, and the Kenan Institute for Ethics, and Kenan Global Enterprises, LLC, now dissolved.
He was a trustee and director of the Kenan Family Foundation, the four William R. Kenan Jr. Funds that support the Frank H. Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, the Kenan Institute for the Arts, the Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology and Science.
John Kasarda, director of the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, said Kenan was widely respected for his dedication to the institutes and to improving business growth in North Carolina. "He was a bright, dynamic, friendly supporter of the Kenan Institute, the Flagler Business School and the University of North Carolina. He was instrumental in the Kenan Institute Asia becoming financially independent and helping it grow substantially in scale and influence today," Kasarda said.
"On the personal side, Owen loved Thailand, and they loved him. Everyone in government, business and academia whom he dealt with admired him immensely. He was also an exceptionally strong supporter of the domestic programs as well. He never forgot about his home and stayed on top of each and every program on improving business and growth for North Carolina and its citizens."
Kenan was also a trustee of UNC-Wilmington, the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum in Palm Beach and the Liberty Hall Restoration Commission in Kenansville, N.C.
He is survived by his wife, Sterling Holt Kenan; a son, Frank Hawkins Kenan II; two daughters , Roberta Sterling Kenan and Holt DuBose Kenan; a brother, Thomas S. Kenan III; two half-sisters, Liza Kenan Howell and Annice Hawkins Kenan; a stepmother, Betty P. Kenan; and a stepbrother,Owen Gwyn Jr.
"Squirty Kenan" (as she is usually called) next to her daughter, Roberta Sterling (Kenan) McCracken (called Sterling, NOT Squirty)!!!
* * *
>>> So HERE IS MY THEORY, now that I've finally researched Owen G. Kenan:
Although Owen Graham Kenan was likely Episcopalian like ALL the wealthy Kenans after they FLED Presbyterianism after William R. Kenan, SENIOR and First Prez fomented the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection, which ENABLED the ENTIRE SOUTH to pass all the JIM CROW LAWS within two years (and PROVED to WHITE REPUBLICAN CHRISTIANS that they can SLAUGHTER MINORITIES and NEVER PAY FOR IT!!!):
I would ASSUME that the same Sewanee/Episcopal Church crowd, who with Republicans murdered Tennessee Williams (which I CAN prove in a Court of Law -- the reason the CIA and others have tried so hard to murder ME, the last four years), probably murdered Owen Kenan -- knowing his brother Thomas S. Kenan III, who in the 1970s and 1980s was the "TOAST OF GAY NORTH CAROLINA", then went DEEPLY no-longer-out, could be MANIPULATED to serve Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan's (my mother's) SWASTIKAS with Mom's top allies, Dick Cheney, the Bushes, Coach Lou Holtz, and Sean Hannity of Fox News.
That's RIGHT, folks -- in the END, Thomas S. Kenan III LICKS MY MOTHER'S FETID NAZI PUSSY.
That's enough of the truth for now. And don't worry about ANY of this -- those of us in the know can handle it!!!


White Republican men? Uh, no. The Jim Crow Southerners were ALL democrats. Lincoln and the carpet baggers were ALL Republicans.
So what??? That was then; and this is NOW (at least years ago when I posted this). Why don't you comment on something I post in 2018, DINGBAT!!!
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