Many of you know that I was Tennessee Williams' last assistant, working for him from November 1981 - the opening of A HOUSE NOT MEANT TO STAND at the Goodman in Chicago, late April 1982 -- a LONG time, in the World of Williams.
Many of you know that Alyson Books cancelled publication of my book WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS in January 2010, and later I was sued unconstitutionally and illegally in absentia to STEAL my copyright -- which they DID -- by the Rahm Emanuel Drug Mafia of both Chicago and Puerto Vallarta, where I live now in political exile from the USA, but welcome in Mexico, as I have given top Mexican Military officers much info of the narco-trafficking of the CIA, Republican Party, and Sewanee/Episcopal Church -- all FOUR of whom I can prove in a Court of Law murdered Tennessee Williams EXACTLY as Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned Tom Williams and I would happen (they had heard Tennessee was changing his will to go all to Harvard, rather than Sewanee), at Jean Stein and George Plimpton's party for Tennessee, January 11, 1982, on the occasion of Mayor Koch presenting Tennessee a special NEW YORK CITY award, via Elizabeth Ashley.
Walking on pre-glass.
You MIGHT not know that my Kenan Family FOUNDED the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (with allies), in 1789, creating the world's FIRST Public University, and today, the various Kenan Family Charitable Trusts are for 101 years, the LARGEST private support of university education in the world. Thomas S. Kenan III (to whom I'm blood connected at year 1700, but in 1985 dated his old boyfriend so got to know some of my wealthy relatives), is preserving native languages and cultures in Latin America, and the Kenan Institute Asia has been making AMENDS for US War Crimes in S.E. Asia in several countries, by providing clean water, education, and micro-loans for sustainable green businesses. Jimmy Soni, Managing Editor of Huffington Post for Arriana, is star Board Member of KENAN INSTITUTE FOR ETHICS at Duke University.
Anyway, after a LONG, four year battle in which I have been arrested five times and twice nut-house committed in Wilmington, NC because I know so much about CIA narco-trafficking (but exonerated BOTH places, now), as well as many attempts on my life, so it's been a bit WILD for me, Paul Willis and the Powers that Be at the TW/NO Fest are NOW able to BUCK the opposing pressures of Sewanee (who stole Tennessee's rights from Harvard), and I hope to be at NEXT years festival.
John Lahr, Thomas Keith (actually, my editor,too), Kenneth Holditch, and Larry Myers reviewed my memoir -- all with RAVES. You can read it for free (but hackers have made a mess of some formatting) -- as well as reviews, here: . The entire book here (beginning with the reviews), published as a blog, one posting per chapter, etc.:
And here are my last two communications with the New Orleans Festival from my blog that is emailed to 500 in press, law enforcement, politics, religion, and just Friends of Tennessee Williams:
1. Williams part begins halfway down with the message from PAUL WILLIS:
Tennessee Williams and me (with Juanita on my shoulder), on his patio, Key West, 1982.
Leaving the Kennedy Center Honors Banquet, 1981.
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