NO, it was NOT Thom Goolsby (Republican and KNOWN to party with many gays -- especially those in narcotics-trafficking).
This graphic was by "Mitch Bossanna", a Wilmington "Ron Paul Republican", THAT group being most sympathetic (of WHITE PEOPLE -- black folks ALWAYS helped me out!!!) and helpful to me when I was homeless in Wilmington most of 2011, but while I SHARE many of Ron Paul's sentiments, he is wrong on many things as well.
Also, I must say that Ron Paul's fans were ALWAYS ready to engage in discussions that were RESPECTFUL of other views. I did NOT find this generally true for OTHER Republicans or for Democrats when I lived in Wilmington, through April of 2012.
OK!!! Thanks for your inquiry, and I respond below:
I checked out your several candidates, and I'm particularly fond of Elizabeth Redenbaugh. In fact, when she got the award from Caroline Kennedy, I felt a sort of "Kennedy Blessing" of reform efforts in Wilmington, where MANY Kennedys have homes -- especially in Frank Hawkins Kenan-built Landfall (Although I never met Caroline, I DID know her mother well (enough), as well as Patricia (Kennedy) and Peter Lawford (whose home I visited twice), and Jean (Kennedy) Smith -- and met Ethyl (Skakel) Kennedy, as well as about half the generation Caroline is in.
ADDED: I met Sargent and Eunice (Kennedy) Shriver too -- but only once and in passing.
ADDED: I met Sargent and Eunice (Kennedy) Shriver too -- but only once and in passing.
As I assume you know, FEW Democrats distrust Obama more than Caroline Kennedy -- although he bought her off with the Ambassadorship to Japan -- to get her out of the way and silent. I've attached an image that went VIRAL on Facebook a while back.
After MUCH research, etc., I can tell you that Obama will only act Progressive when FORCED to by citizens -- so he's OK as long as we all rise up and FORCE him to act. I am currently talking to the ACLU in Chicago to help overturn a judgment of LIBEL against me that I was never legally served, then the trial was in absentia, and besides offering no proof and asking only for $50,000.00 and for me to remove a few blog posts, the Wells Fargo exec whom I quoted for his having seen Obama in his private gay bathhouse in Chicago while Barack was a Senator, was awarded half a million dollars, copyright to not only my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams (that got huge raves), but ALL content to my blog, and ALL email I ever write on the subject of this problem, EVER!!!
As has been all over the news the last few months, Obama is more paranoid and RUTHLESS about privacy than even Richard Nixon was -- and it is no wonder why. (Did you see the book that came out about a year ago, full of Nixon's and Bebe Rebozzo's handwritten gay love and sex notes -- they having a LONG gay affair while Dick was in White House???) Daddy Bush had a lot of gay lovers too, but Sonny Bush is known only to be very gay-friendly, but NOT for HAVING gay sex (yet).
The trial of me in absentia in Chicago last summer was both illegal and unconstitutional, but while Bill Clinton expanded CIA narco-trafficking in Mexico MORE than either Bush President and FOR THEM (why so much love between him and the Bushes now), Obama was SOLD at a meeting of Obama, Al Gore, Rahm Emanuel (comes from an Israeli Drug Mafia Family -- his schooling as a ballet dancer and he NEVER had a class in economics and related, but when Clinton took him as an adviser, Clinton SUDDENLY got TONS of support from Big Banks and Wall Street), Mayor Villaraigosa, now former Mayor of Los Angeles, and reps of Banks and Wall Street and these Dems SOLD Obama as the ultimate winner 2008, in exchange for protection of the 1% -- so Bill's reps (Gore and Emanuel) cut Hillary's campaign DEAD right before primaries began. And these associations will TORPEDO any attempt of Hillary to run for Prez. (I happen to like Joe Biden because he seems GENUINE, but who know who-all will run.)
In any case, the NSA/CIA is doing EVERYTHING to keep Obama's past gay life out of the US Press (how they blackmailed him into protecting the CIA narco-trafficking, first set up by Daddy Bush when CIA Director), but lots more can be found on the web if you are in a foreign country where the NSA/CIA does NOT, yet, control the Internet as well -- or ask any flight attendant who flies internationally. George W. Bush SPRUNG the gay blackmail thing on Obama at his actual first Inauguration -- Obama had only promised Wall Street/Banks to lower taxes for the wealthy -- which he has DONE.
Anyway, I have used my blog to achieve, among other things, Sen. Thom Goolsby's decision NOT to run again (have you seen what I've blogged about him???), as well as for my distant wealthy Kenan relatives who own THE BREAKERS hotel in Palm Beach (top US destination for 1%-ers), who had been virtually the ONLY advertiser -- adverting on two or three places on nearly EVERY page of FOX NEWS online. you should have HEARD my calls to the manager of the hotel -- or seen my emails to Thomas S. Kenan III, who once dated Curtis Robert (called Robbie) Anderson right before me in 1985 -- so I got to know some rich Kenans who are MAD AT ME NOW. Robbie teaches music at Burgaw high, last I heard.
So, I offer you -- and your various candidates and any others YOU feel appropriate, my info of DEEP CORRUPTION in Wilmington, and can tell you that from my experience Mayor Saffo (known for some shady deals, but LESS than most) seems to keep Wilmington happy by allowing most of the narco-trafficking. I don't think ANYONE could do better under the circumstances. Still, he refuses to speak to me.
Thom Goolsby, of course, runs the narco-trafficking for the Republican Party -- which my own parents helped set up when they lived on Villas Place East in the 1980s and 1990s, also helping White People smuggle money out of South Africa, illegally-- via an Art-Smuggling operation in St. Mark's Catholic, Wilmington's Duplicate Bridge Club, while Father Bob Kus was Pastor there. In my life, Coach Lou Holtz was Mom's TOP ally in the late 1960s and lived across the street from us in Columbus, OH, and he is NOW Boehner's closest personal friend and co-strategist. Mom got him his dream job coaching at Notre Dame, and her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS the job of their official dentist, but Mom had her brother murdered after he allowed my cousin to marry a JEW, and it turned out Uncle Bob was actually gay as well.
I caught Mom on secured communications with Boehner, Cheney, etc. EXACTLY when the REDS were with Obama, negotiating the re-opening of Government last fall. Another close friend and ally of my parents was John Ehrlichman, former top aid to Richard Nixon (and I met him TWICE helping set up narco-trafficking in Atlanta area in early 1990s), as well as Sean Hannity.
In Wilmington, I got to know Sheriff Ed McMahon WELL ENOUGH, and either he is DUMB AS A POST and INCOMPETENT (he tried to convince me he did not know about all the mini-subs delivering drugs under Snows Cut Bridge -- at least in 2011 -- but his Deputies PROTECTED the operation!!!), or else he is corrupted. I was pleased to see his former boss is running (Dem) against him!!!
D.A. Ben David is by far the WORST of corrupted Dems.
You can learn a lot about what I learned by googling (Bing is more corrupted and usually does NOT give good results about me), my name in quotes followed by anyone else's name or subject.
For the record, I am NOT actually against recreational drugs (although I would not do most of them now). I smoke pot here (and mushrooms grow wild half an hour's drive from here) and the current pot price in Puerto Vallarta area is about $28.00 USD per ounce -- but it is NATURAL pot, so not as strong as what is on street in US. I do NOT fight the drug traffic so much as the CORRUPTION of politics its profits cause, due to the USA being so FUCKED, now, you HAVE to get high to put up with it!!!
I am NOT interested in anyone being arrested over ANY of this -- I'm in it to try to HEAL our Beloved Nation.
I am blind-copying this to several important allies (none anywhere NEAR Wilmington), and am likely to use some of it on blog -- with you NOT identified or identifiable.
All best,
Me, as "St. Bad Boy".
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