REPRINTED from here: .

1. This morning, I got the following private Facebook message from my nephew Connor, and privately replied thanking him -- and called my brother and left him voice-mail that the mystery we have BOTH had for so long has been answered -- PRAISE JESUS!!!
And I told Connor I would answer him more fully soon, which this posting will attempt to do (the first part of it anyway) -- and here is that exchange to my most recent posting: .
Now, I must say that as long as I've known Connor (since he popped out of my sister-in-law, Gail, in April of 1987), he's been at least quirky and smart (and now 6' 6" -- a shortie). He and his younger brother, Maxwell Andrew Kenan, early addicts to Teenaged Ninja Turtles, and later HARRY POTTER, refused to go to EITHER of my parents -- at least before they began school. My sister-in-law often expressed embarrassment about that -- and my brother laughed, saying, "Can you BLAME them???"
And when he was in second grade, after a longish absence, the teacher came back into the room to find Connor and a male friend giving the class a real, live fellatio demonstration. It FREAKED HER OUT (not religiously, ethically, etc. -- but because it was such an unexpected and ballsy thing to do), and she locked Connor (the active one), in a janitor's closet for a few minutes until she reclaimed her OWN cool.
She called my brother Mike and Gail in and, Mike told me, they had a laughing conversation about something that at that age is MEANINGLESS in predicting sexuality (they say -- and it is true if you consider that Masters & Johnson's FIRST sex survey, before Fundamentalists began their hatred of homosexuality campaigns after 1950, showed about 2/3 of men in the USA acknowledged having sex AS ADULTS with other MALE ADULTS to orgasm at least once -- yet nearly all of them went on to heterosexuality -- at least most of the time), but with so many God-denying Christians who HATE SCIENCE and telling the Truth about Reality (aka God's Nature), perhaps Connor could be convinced not to do that at school again -- and nothing like it ever happened again that I am aware of.
Then in 2010, for some reason I now forget, I recounted this story on my blog, and my brother got EXTREMELY ANGRY with me -- claiming that Connor (unbeknownst to me) was engaged or "pre-engaged" to a young woman whose parents' house was next door to the one Bebe Rebozo (Richard Nixon's now PROVEN long-term homosexual lover), had owned on Key Biscayne, Florida. Mike and Gail had been her parents' guests, there, and they had MORE than one yacht they had all gone out on. The girl's parents had FOUND OUT about my blog posting and CANCELLED THE ENGAGEMENT, screwing my brother and sister-in-law's hopes for Connor to marry into WEALTH and POWER.
I believe that my NAZI mother had arranged all this by "back-door" ways -- and I have NEVER heard a peep from Connor that he regrets that break-up -- in fact I'm not actually CERTAIN of the truth of ANY of the story, but eventually, after Peace breaks out further, we can straighten out the details of what really happened.
But I DO know that my brother had at least ONE sexual encounter with a man in Detroit when he was an auditor for Sun Oil Company about 1981, when I lived in Key West, and even my mother told me how in high school my smart, athletic, handsome brother (a star in both football and basketball), was PLAGUED by guys on those teams declaring their sexual love for him.
Remember TOO, that when we moved to Columbus, Ohio, in 1968 before my Whetstone senior high school year, it turned out that Jim Ferrel, the basketball coach, had caught the ENTIRE varsity team having sex with each other in the showers -- and the star center, Jack, a year younger than me, had with his boyfriend made several passes at ME in the showers.
My point is that this is simply how the Male Human is -- and as all gay men in the USA know, the reputation of Mexican men is that they are ALL available for homosexual sex, but some require a tip. In jail in Wilmington, NC in 2011, I heard all the stories about how ALL jailers know you cannot have a cell block of all black guys -- because they IMMEDIATELY begin having anal sex with each other, and IN DEED, I was able to seduce EVERY black guy in Wilmington whom I tried to seduce, although I did NOT try any I knew to be married.
And who CARES, anyway -- although I DO think that a male getting into a heterosexual marriage or other children-producing/adopting situation, needs to HONOR HIS COMMITMENTS. Women do NOT seem to understand the fluidity of male sexuality -- so FREAK OUT and go into Power Plays of CONTROL and HATRED -- often in the name of JESUS!!!
And when he was in second grade, after a longish absence, the teacher came back into the room to find Connor and a male friend giving the class a real, live fellatio demonstration. It FREAKED HER OUT (not religiously, ethically, etc. -- but because it was such an unexpected and ballsy thing to do), and she locked Connor (the active one), in a janitor's closet for a few minutes until she reclaimed her OWN cool.
She called my brother Mike and Gail in and, Mike told me, they had a laughing conversation about something that at that age is MEANINGLESS in predicting sexuality (they say -- and it is true if you consider that Masters & Johnson's FIRST sex survey, before Fundamentalists began their hatred of homosexuality campaigns after 1950, showed about 2/3 of men in the USA acknowledged having sex AS ADULTS with other MALE ADULTS to orgasm at least once -- yet nearly all of them went on to heterosexuality -- at least most of the time), but with so many God-denying Christians who HATE SCIENCE and telling the Truth about Reality (aka God's Nature), perhaps Connor could be convinced not to do that at school again -- and nothing like it ever happened again that I am aware of.

At that age, I preferred "playing doctor", which my sister Jane has many times told ALL who would listen, "Only with guys."
Then in 2010, for some reason I now forget, I recounted this story on my blog, and my brother got EXTREMELY ANGRY with me -- claiming that Connor (unbeknownst to me) was engaged or "pre-engaged" to a young woman whose parents' house was next door to the one Bebe Rebozo (Richard Nixon's now PROVEN long-term homosexual lover), had owned on Key Biscayne, Florida. Mike and Gail had been her parents' guests, there, and they had MORE than one yacht they had all gone out on. The girl's parents had FOUND OUT about my blog posting and CANCELLED THE ENGAGEMENT, screwing my brother and sister-in-law's hopes for Connor to marry into WEALTH and POWER.
I believe that my NAZI mother had arranged all this by "back-door" ways -- and I have NEVER heard a peep from Connor that he regrets that break-up -- in fact I'm not actually CERTAIN of the truth of ANY of the story, but eventually, after Peace breaks out further, we can straighten out the details of what really happened.
But I DO know that my brother had at least ONE sexual encounter with a man in Detroit when he was an auditor for Sun Oil Company about 1981, when I lived in Key West, and even my mother told me how in high school my smart, athletic, handsome brother (a star in both football and basketball), was PLAGUED by guys on those teams declaring their sexual love for him.
Remember TOO, that when we moved to Columbus, Ohio, in 1968 before my Whetstone senior high school year, it turned out that Jim Ferrel, the basketball coach, had caught the ENTIRE varsity team having sex with each other in the showers -- and the star center, Jack, a year younger than me, had with his boyfriend made several passes at ME in the showers.
My point is that this is simply how the Male Human is -- and as all gay men in the USA know, the reputation of Mexican men is that they are ALL available for homosexual sex, but some require a tip. In jail in Wilmington, NC in 2011, I heard all the stories about how ALL jailers know you cannot have a cell block of all black guys -- because they IMMEDIATELY begin having anal sex with each other, and IN DEED, I was able to seduce EVERY black guy in Wilmington whom I tried to seduce, although I did NOT try any I knew to be married.
I find it FASCINATING that most White People (including the more evolved ones found here in Puerto Vallarta), have, or PRETEND to have, NO KNOWLEDGE of these things -- and when they DO, they seem to think that WHITE PEOPLE do not share these traits with their black and brown cousins -- LOL!!!
And who CARES, anyway -- although I DO think that a male getting into a heterosexual marriage or other children-producing/adopting situation, needs to HONOR HIS COMMITMENTS. Women do NOT seem to understand the fluidity of male sexuality -- so FREAK OUT and go into Power Plays of CONTROL and HATRED -- often in the name of JESUS!!!
>>> GETTING BACK TO CONNOR, his writing, "But it was in jest (obviously) . . . ", probably IS obvious to his friends and his generation, particularly. But I would remind Connor that his thinking things that are obvious to HIM are obvious to ALL OTHERS is a common mistake of the young (and Connor has a LONG track record of this) -- as well as those who are of "genius" caliber and dedicated to knowing themselves.
The FIRST thing I learned when I was studying writing, is that FIRST, one learns how to express one's ideas to one's OWN satisfaction, but to be a SUCCESSFUL writer, one learns to GET IN THE HEADS of one's audience and tailor communication so it is understood by recipients. Short of that, writing is nothing but MASTURBATION!!!
See more here:
The documentation of Nixon's homosexual life:
I watched all three hours of OLDEST CONFEDERATE WIDOW TELLS ALL (see halfway down here: ), last night, and even before it began, I had to acknowledge that my 4th cousin Allan Gurganus was INSPIRED by my great-grandparents, my grandmother Julia Caroline (Pridgen) Kenan, really WAS the Oldest Living Confederate Confederate Widow in North Carolina, living until 107 or so (the Kenan genealogy does NOT list her date of death nor age of death), so I can't verify this.
But my great-grandparents had little money, Murphy Kenan working as a physician's assistant and saving for a few years before buying and immediately freeing two slaves. Many of my relatives tell the story of Julia killing a rattlesnake at her 100th Birthday Party with a broomstick -- and I have SEEN pics of her (not now available to scan), as well as my cousin's photos of the actual party in humble circumstances.
Julia Kenan was known for always wearing widow's weeds and looking more Puritan than the Mayflower Boating Party, and I have also seen some of her PRODUCT ENDORSEMENTS for added income. Patent Medicines which claimed in the ads, kept her alive past 100.
3. I have an appointment to see my dermatologist today, due to the appearance, at least, of some carcinoma tissue growing back in the closing hole in my foot. I also have issues with possible strong drug interactions and discontinued the oral anti-fungal. I will soon get a doctor to test ALL my organs, and we can go from there.
There is NO indication that anything that can't be fixed by modern medicine (and possible life-style changes), is going on at all, but this throws my participation in the Puerto Vallarta (gay) Men's Chorus into confusion for the next couple of months -- BOO!!!
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