This would mean that Yahweh-lovers and Allah-lovers have a LEG UP on typical Christians!!!
1. Today is the 51st birthday of Randall Garrett Kenan, who shares my surname -- but not my blood. BOTH of us were born Yankees, but Randall was raised by loving family in North Carolina -- and I was falsely jailed, nut-house committed, and generally abused, when I attempted to live in Wilmington, NC for all of 2011 and part of 2012.
Today, Randall Kenan teaches at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill -- his alma mater.
Interesting to me, is that there is an old, circa 1860 or so photo of the cook at Liberty Hall in Kenansville, NC (a stone's throw from where Randall was raised, Chinquapin, NC), and she looks IDENTICAL to Randall -- both appearing to have little or no white blood -- yet for SOME reason, Randall's ancestors chose the Kenan surname at the end of slavery -- I prefer to think because the Kenans were "decent" slave-owners, an absolute contradiction of terms to us, today.
I was FIRST attracted by the cover of Randall's first book in 1989 -- even before I noticed his surname. He proved over time to be one of the writers who has influenced me most.
Wyatt Prunty
Randall CONFIRMED that the leadership (not lecturers), of the Sewanee Writers Conference are all TONE DEAF about literature -- and that includes Wyatt Prunty, its Director -- also serving as director of the Tennessee Williams Fellowship Program at Sewanee. Looking over the current Conference staff, it appears that NONE OTHERS of them were among those BUTCHERING Tennessee Williams' work at the Investiture.
And I have blogged about this SEVERAL times -- and Randall is still invited back to teach. He is the ONLY apparent minority-person teaching in the Conference, presumably because he does not FEAR Sewanee's CONFEDERATE MACE, but seeks to express love and understanding at a university DEDICATED to the promotion of WHITE SUPREMACY.
See more about Randall Kenan here: , and there is a FINE tribute to him by Stephen Maglott , who does NOT want anyone reproducing his words on the Internet, so on THIS site: , today's date, you will find it.
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Andrew Cuomo-- The Anti-Progressive Running For President In Progressive Clothes

At least Andrew has some CHEST HAIRS -- unlike the puppy Chris.
It is NO SECRET to New Yorkers that the Cuomos are a Political Family and members and protectors of the "ONE PERCENT". Democrats like Cuomo, use marriage equality and strengthening gun laws to HOODWINK voters into thinking they are Progressive. See more here: .
And back at CNN, the female-co-host bullier, Chris Cuomo ACTUALLY had a long stint at FOX NEWS (although they only want to tell you about ABC and similar), and THIS is how the NAZI/Republican TIME/Warner bosses FOOL CNN's VIEWERS:
CNN has now spent DAYS speculating on a plane crash that has few known facts -- or Oskar Pistorius's trial -- NEITHER of which informs American Voters of anything that is going on in American Politics!!!
Chris Cuomo's best assets!!!
Other known ONE PER-CENTERS working at CNN to deliberately HOODWINK Americans include Erin Burnett and Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt, whose Family kicked me out of their Grand Central Station in NYC in December 2012 -- BECAUSE I was overheard telling a mild joke about Republicans.
And they CLAIMED it was for LIFE (but took no pictures nor saw my ID)
The Security Guards who EXPELLED me onto Vanderbilt Avenue. The guy in center is one of the CUTEST schwartzim I've ever seen!!!
MORE on how I have declared there can be NO PEACE until Anderson Cooper-Vanderbilt allows me FULL MANLY ACCESS (so I can test the Vanderbilt spunk to see if it's "up to snuff"). The top half of posting shows how I DISGUISED the identities of Daliah Saper and others on this blog, until AFTER the award of HALF A MILLION DOLLARS was gotten against me (FOX NEWS talking head Saper, who with Jed Clampon of Windy City Wazoos illegally and unconstitutionally sued me in Cook County Illinois -- the REASON being that I blogged how Jed said he'd seen Barack Obama in his private Chicago Gay Bathhouse -- presumably "Man's Country" -- and Obama's GAY LIFE is how the CIA/Republicans/Episcopal Church keep him BLACKMAILED into supporting US Government worldwide hard-drug NARCO-TRAFFICKING!!!).
This morning I gave all my liquor and marijuana to my neighbors. I began drinking the last two nights (far less than before -- but still STUPIDLY, since I'm NOT ALLOWED alcohol on my oral Lamisil). So I will enjoy this break for the next 1.5 months -- or LONGER!!!
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