Approaching Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, two days ago, the SMOG became like around Los Angeles. Every time I have driven by Monterrey, this is the case, although nowhere else in Mexico have I seen poor air quality -- neither north nor south of that city.
(I'm no geologist, but the green cast of the rocks on right looks cuprous to me -- in fact in ALL areas of Mexico I have passed through, many exposed rocks appear to be high in metal ores.)
1. Quickly: While I took 1.5 days to drive from Puerto Vallarta to Nuevo Laredo (the US border), because I took a more inland route due to the last time having air let out of my tires by Mafia one night on the more direct route and I was in NO MOOD for that crap, I left Nuevo Laredo yesterday morning at 8:30 and arrived back in P.V. a few minutes after midnight -- DESPITE a 20 minute debriefing by Military at a checkpoint in Estado Zacatecas. I traveled at average speed of those with well-maintained cars, and it was 796 miles, total -- equivalent to driving from Atlanta, GA to my brother's house near Philadelphia, PA -- but took LESS time than that trip on US Interstate highways (and about 1/4 of the trip was on very winding, 25 - 45 mph, TWO-lane, snaking mountain roads).
A couple of interesting facts about that: On the journey north, I had to drive through much of Aguascalientes, in Estado Aguascalientes ("hot water", for you Gringos), along a major truck-hauling route to the USA and Canada -- half the trucks had US plates and names, although NONE I noticed were Canadian. I stopped at a large restaurant in the desert and order a Chile rellenos plate for 80 pesos ($6.04 USD), and THIS is what I was served!!!:
No WONDER Mexicans are now FATTER than Americans!!! And YES, those frijoles were made with LARD (gives them actual FLAVOR) -- Praise the Jesus!!!
This morning, I tried to call a friend in the US whom I had NO PROBLEM calling from Nuevo Laredo on my Mexican IUSAcell cell phone (owned in half by former Presidente Carlos Salinas), only to get a recording (and for the FIRST TIME EVER, it was first in Spanish FOLLOWED BY ENGLISH), that the number in my phone's address book was INCORRECT and could NOT BE DIALED. I took the battery out and replaced it to clear the CIA (or other) HACKING -- fired it back up, and the call went RIGHT THROUGH.
As I type NOW, the input form in Blogger is having errant areas of random highlighting -- a NEW annoyance by the CIA hackers that began about five days ago, but disappears after I complain about it (until the next time I try to blog).
The CIA is STILL trying to harass me, but they have NOT tried to murder me in about six months -- Praise the BeDazzlin' Jesus!!!
A. I arrived at the Immigration office at 9:30 PM, Wednesday, to turn in my soon-expiring car permit, but my recent CONFIDENCE has quieted me in spewing politics wherever I go, so said nothing unnecessary to what I was doing. I forgot I had to make copies of my driver's license and passport, first, so that took about five minute. Lines were minimal. After waiting for only two people then ahead of me, when I got to the window, a different agent (several windows down from the one who had reminded me), got my papers, pulled "me" up on her computer, processed everything, returned my security deposit ($400.00 USD), and then said in Spanish something I didn't understand, except for "two days".
A bilingual customer at the next window translated: "Did you say you are returning in two days?" I replied "Actually, I haven't said a THING about that -- but hope to return very soon, OK???" And then SHE said -- again after a glance at her computer screen, "You are ALWAYS welcome in Mexico, sir -- you could come back TONIGHT!!!"
I was literally FLOORED, because I really had not said a word about my intentions to ANYONE, and it APPEARED that someone in the Mexican Government must have made a note attached to my Passport Number that I am a "Friend of Mexico" -- in my MANY passings through Mexican Immigration, I never heard such a sentiment said to ANYONE (although she MIGHT have just been friendly).
B. Every time I pass through Immigration, beginning with spring 2012, followed by every time I renew my papers every six months (yesterday being my FOURTH renewal), I stay a night at the Hotel VillaReal (Royal House), the closest to the border crossing. The sign is VERY classic Las Vegas -- like from the "Frank Sinatra Days" -- an example of style (although more a modern update):
I assume the large motor hotel was built about "Frank Sinatra's and The Rat Pack's prime-time":
Although the name ‘Rat Pack’ might give you visions of a smokey room where Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin are drinking champagne and cracking jokes….these were not the members of the original Rat Pack. Originally, the group centered around actor Humphrey Bogart. His wife Lauren Bacall was referred to as the ‘ Den Mother’ and the group included famous friends of the couple, such as Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn.
And when I stayed at the Hotel VillaReal in spring 2012, it had a lot of tourists: Mexican, American, and Canadian -- and a lively scene at the pool. But in fall of 2012, the pool had been drained, the restaurant closed, and cars of tourists at only about 20 rooms in one area. HOWEVER, the entrance sported a sand-bagged checkpoint with at least TWO marines at all times. I felt SAFE (if a little creeped out)!!!
>>> BUT HERE IS THE KICKER: I stepped outside to smoke a cig, and met the military commander who was talking with the fully bilingual hotel manager -- and that Mexican Marines Officer WAS ONE OF THOSE WHO PHYSICALLY PARTICIPATED in the capture of Joachin "El Chapo" Guzman!!!
Man, did WE have a good time comparing notes!!!
I told him all about my difficulties with the narco-trafficking CIA/Republican Party/Episcopal Church, and how my mother has tried to kill me many times because I TELL THE TRUTH of her being the TOP NAZI in the USA -- her PROVABLE connections to Dick Cheney, John Boehner, Sean Hannity, etc., my being held hostage by Mexican and Colombian Drug Mafia several times in Mexico (and my reporting everything helpful I can think of by voice, this blog, and emails to Mexican Officials).
We had HUGE LAUGHS about how Barack Obama has been witnessed by MANY in Chicago gay bathhouses when he was a Senator (including Jed Clampon telling ME and how I was illegally and unconstitutionally convicted of LIBEL and my Tennessee Williams memoir copyright STOLEN by Rahm Emanuel's Israeli Drug Mafia Family working with Daliah Saper -- a FOX NEWS talking head in Chicago -- and that even Huffington Post CANNOT report on Obama's being gay -- although they are generally HONEST, otherwise.
I did NOT bring up Presidente Pena Nieto's torture of his old boyfriend and how Obama gave him political asylum after he escaped to the USA -- BECAUSE, Senor Pena Nieto has actually GROWN UP about gay issues. I am NOT in this for anyone's prosecution -- only for a HEALING. The Law can decide if anyone needs incarceration -- NOT ME (including that of my mother).
Agustín Humberto Estrada Negrete, Pena Nieto's old boyfriend -- read more HERE (and it is kind of scary -- the homo part halfway down):
No more details about THAT conversation from two nights ago.
C. I was stopped at a Military Check Point in Estado Zacatecas, in front of a major military base, and quickly convinced the NO ENGLISH guards that I was no problem, but they asked me to wait -- as they had someone they wanted me to speak with. A few minutes later, FIVE military officers approached me in a most friendly way -- all fluent in English.
They looked a lot like this -- only slightly better dressed.
They sort of "deposed" me informally for about twenty minutes, I covering MOST things I know -- although I never got into my wealthy Kenan relatives and how THROUGH Presidente Pena Nieto they had gotten Mexico's Constitution changed so their Exxon-Mobil and/or Chevron (or other companies), can DRILL FOR MEXICAN OFF-SHORE OIL.
The ONE THING common to ALL these International Criminals (those of them who are), is a FERVANT belief that "Jesus Christ" is ACTUALLY the literal Son of God -- a BOLD spitting in God's Face: COMMANDMENT NUMERO UNO: I am the Lord, thy God -- thou shalt have NO GODS before me!!!
And a belief in CORPORATE, CAPITALISTIC-FEUDALISM (I support capitalism -- with heart and respect for ALL!!!), with the Greedy/Wealthy Kenans on TOP -- supported by the various "Christian" Churches:
Click image to see FULLY.
1. For well over a year, now, EVERY Canadian of any stripe I have spoken with (please remember that with the GUTTING of the American Middle Class by the Cheney/Bush/Clintons/Obama/Kenan -- wealthy as well as my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, the TOP US NAZI who reported to Popes Paul VI, John Paul II especially, and Ratzinger-cum-Benedict for commands on how to INCREASE NARCO-TRAFFICKING to minorities, primarily, Canadians on average are now WEALTHIER than the average American -- who cannot afford to vacation in Puerto Vallarta like Americans used to), claims that EVERYONE in Canada KNOWS that the Episcopal Church (USA only -- and not EVERY Episcopal clergy member), is one of the LARGEST narco-trafficking organizations in the world).
The last several months, more than HALF the US Citizens (visitors), like a majority of the American ex-pats, now claim THEY KNOW THIS TOO!!!
2. STILL, the news is better and BETTER, with Republicans (and God-hating "Christians" -- especially the White, Conservative Ones), getting crazier and CRAZIER in the USA -- Corporate Feudalism will all soon FALL!!!
(No, that is NOT George Zimmerman -- I researched it to be sure.)
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