Friday, July 26, 2019

RP: Friday Evening SURPRISE on Spofford Circle -- in Wilmington, North Carolina!!! -- GOD KNOWS: WHAT Could Happen NEXT!!!:


Well, at least let's hope you are BIGGER THAN DONALD TRUMP!!!

What the F!!! Donald Trump is a PROVEN RACIST and some ignorant "Christian Trash" is jumping on Jewish Bette over THIS???

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The "Cheers" actress deemed Midler's take on black Trump supporters to be "pure and REAL racism."

LOL!!! All the HIGH-QUALITY Christian Gals LOVE Donald Trump!!!

About this website

Kathy Zhu, who was stripped of her title for offensive remarks on social media, was named to the Women for Trump advisory board.
If Trump had a cure for cancer, he would have sold it to the highest bidder before now. And if he has a cure for Alzheimer's he needs to use it for himself.

(S) Mark Taylor just makes it up as he goes along.

About this website

Mark Taylor has some juicy promises for his army of gullible followers.


1. The REAL -- BREAK-THROUGH, actually -- is that the Doctor CAME TO ME (I had NOT discussed this idea with him or ANYONE ELSE), to check on the valves from my legs that had gotten CRUSHED when the Time Warner Truck HIT ME -- because I had WARNED Drug-Mafia-Mayor Bill Saffo I was walking to his office to DEMAND the release of the FULL POLICE REPORT on the death of Evan Fish on September 3, 2011.

I wrote this up in my previous posting: -- and this weekend, I expect to write to ALL PARTIES that seem to be a part of that so they know -- depending on how things go in this follow-up -- I intend to SUE THEM for AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE -- hopefully a few million dollars (net).

That includes Bill Saffo (legally Vassilios Averinos Saffo), and it was "HOT GREEK MAN" from who told me he had worked for Bill Saffo's UNCLE in the Fashion Industry in NYC -- who LEADS the Saffo Drug Mafia and gives Bill all his orders

You can contact him this way: 

The people MOST RESPONSIBLE for my being hit by that truck and my getting SCREWED in the settlement, include Mayor Bill Saffo, Councilman Charlie Rivenbark. Wilmington Lawyer Bruce A. Mason, and Raleigh Lawyers Barbara "Bonnie" B. Weyher (my actual Kenan Cousin), and her Flunky Lawyer Brian M. Williams.

2. Someone I knew who lived on Orange Street -- around the corner and half a block east of me when I lived at 205 S. 4th Street (surrounded by MANY of Wilmington's TOP VOLUME DRUG TRAFFICKERS working with Mayor Bill Saffo -- and the Christian Churches). 

I used this photo to represent what Vinnie looked like back then.

Anyway, that was VINNIE, a TOO HOT MAN I guessed was in his early 30s -- and got to know while he was living with his GIRL FRIEND and her daughter. I was OVERLY SEXUALLY AGGRESSIVE with Vinnie, that caused him to soon avoid me. But back then, fall of 2017, Vince told me he is diagnosed BIPOLAR, and not suited to raising children, which his girlfriend wanted MORE OF.

Vinnie ALSO told me he often closed bars with Mayor Bill Saffo -- and when Saffo was with a WOMAN, she was a "MAFIA MOLL":

Mafia Molls of New York City.

But this evening I learned that my next-door neighbor, Chad Wagner, somehow FOUND AND HIRED VINNIE, who had dug out a broken and backed-up sewer line under Chad's SECOND HOUSE (two doors from me), and the two of them were working together (Chad manning the backhoe, while Vinnie did the hand-digging), they working PERFECTLY together.

Vinnie recognized ME (and I would NOT recognize him -- his now short hair showing no red -- and he was FILTHY).

Anyway, we expect to get to know each other again -- so THAT should be interesting, no matter WHERE it leads!!! And it LOOKS LIKE Chad found a GOOD EMPLOYEE to work on his OTHER PROJECTS as well.


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