Thursday, July 25, 2019

RP: Well, Ain't THAT the TRUTH!!!


WASHINGTON—Admitting she had worries about the rise of left-leaning activist groups within her party, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed concerns Thursday that outspoken progressives could do permanent damage to Democrats’ reputation as ineffectual cowards. 

“They mean well, but if they continue to aggressively push their agenda like this, they run the risk of fundamentally altering the public’s perception of Democrats as bumbling, feckless chumps,” said Pelosi, adding that this brash brand of politics could be easily manipulated by Republicans to paint the party as something other than a bunch of sniveling wimps who are too weak-willed and complacent to stand up for anything with even remote political risk. 

“I understand where these groups are coming from, but while it might feel good to vent their frustrations about the state of the country, they could undermine what I believe should be our core 2020 argument: We are dithering, incompetent doormats who are infinitesimally less objectionable than our opposition.” Pelosi also noted that her concerns shouldn’t be overstated, as she knew it would take more than a few activists for voters to associate the Democratic party with the vaguest inkling of courage.

>>> REMEMBER: Nancy Pelosi -- like so MANY CORRUPTED DEMOCRATS (also including Joe Biden, Joe Kennedy III, etc.,) and TONS OF REPUBLICANS -- is a DEVOUT CATHOLIC, so:

Old Joe Kennedy and his wife Rose were America's TOP CATHOLIC NAZI family -- until JFK's generation (nearly ALL of whom I knew in 1981 - 82), flipped to support DEMOCRACY. This was when my MOTHER became America's TOP CATHOLIC NAZI, and blackmailed my Kenan father into marriage and conversion to Catholicism.

The entire group of my mother's parents' descendants (and their marriage partners) -- EXCEPT Andrea Opperman and Ian Opperman -- the two HALF-JEWISH children of  Janet "Jan" (Meyer) Opperman (on crutches -- a few were photo-shopped in as they were at the hospital when the final Group Shot was taken by Greg Lernihan -- on far right), in 2008.

Both of my mother's brothers, Marcellus "Mart" or "Marty" Bernard Meyer (first an FBI Agent, then lawyer in private practice in Michigan City, IN), and Robert John Meyer, DDS (a close friend of Father Hesburgh of Notre Dame) -- were BLACKLISTED by FDR  BECAUSE THE MEYERS WERE ALL WELL KNOWN NAZI-SYMPATHIZERS under Popes  and NOT ALLOWED to fight in the European Theater in WWII -- and fought in Asia, instead!!!

Popes Pius XI and XII  and Adolph Hitler considered each other EQUAL IN GOD'S EYES -- just like today, so many CHRISTIANS consider Jesus and Donald Trump to be equal in GOD'S EYES.

>>> THINGS ARE SO BAD that a young black woman with a "Jesus Complex" went live today on Facebook and SERIOUSLY threatened SUICIDE while exposing all of her PSYCHOTIC DELUSIONS based in Christian Theology.

Only I of her many friends was tuned in -- and I interacted with her, and she told me off by name, etc., eventually un-friending me.


You can view the entire encounter here(at least she pronounces "Kenan" correctly -- LOL!!! -- and neither I nor anyone else in this recording accuses her of being a "Muslim") 

This follows the conservative strategy that can also be seen on the OAN network as well. I watched coverage yesterday on Fox, OAN. CNN and MSNBC. OAN and Fox ran mostly the rebuttals given by the Republicans as they attempted to discredit Mueller

MSNBC ran mostly the Democratic side and CNN attempted to show a more even coverage expressing early concern for Mueller’s presentation, which today has been confirmed as some sort of debilitating issues that I am sure will be discussed in the coming days.

We should not be surprised by FOX or OAN or MSNBC and CNN.

Since 2017, there's been a sharp drop in the percent of Trump voters who think he respects minorities.

I am just losing my ability to stand looking at "FaceFook" anymore. The reminders of barbarianism, racism, greed, brutality, arrogance, and stupidity on here are too appalling to witness. I came on here to finally look at some nice birthday wishes, and I get this inhumane asswipe smiling at me

So, I sit here powerless to do anything but feel anger, which is the opposite of my goal, and bad for one's health in general.

give up for today.


  • Shannon McIntosh Somebody needs to take that fu@ker down at the knees. I’ll do it...🤗

  • Scott Kenan Frankly, Geneva Montine: I experience the same strong negative emotions more and more when I go on Facebook. NOTHING is stupider than Christian Theology (the proofs of the contradictions about Jesus's death and so-called Resurrection all come directly from the New Testament and make FOOLS of anyone who thinks Jesus was the "Son of God" -- yet he WAS a Great Teacher of Spiritual Ways!!!). Facebook -- more and more -- crowds my "News Feed" with Christian Organizations and Clergy, who LOVE DONALD TRUMP and think he is Jesus Returned. Drives me nuts -- but I still have a few friends who are REAL and continue to post on Facebook -- but less and less all the time. Soon FB will be DEAD, or just a TRUMP and JESUS playground. . .

I've spent FIFTEEN 30-Day Sentences in FACEBOOK JAIL, so I get 15 of these AWARDS!!!


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