Sunday, July 14, 2019

RP: My Schizophrenic/Dyslexic Roommate Has NOW Been AWOL for Over 24 Hours / Dustin Goldsmith -- Who Stole from Me in 2016 -- Then Filed a Criminal Charge Against ME (but did not prosecute me), Is PREYING on My "Good Nature" -- Although I Have a FEVER NOW of 101.5 -- and NO PATIENCE AT ALL!!!



Click images to ENLARGE!!!

I don't know WHY Dustin filed this, but it was FALSE, and he did NOT show for the trial!!! Of course I would never have done that -- I've NEVER been physically violent in my life -- but reading it NOW I sort of wish I HAD SAID IT -- LOL!!!

Just to SCARE the little bugger --

Anyway, for some reason, ONLY Dustin's calls do NOT cause my phone to ring when he calls, and he leaves a voicemail message. Then I call HIM right back and have to leave a message This is how the DRUG MAFIA operated when they were giving me HELL several years ago.

I ran into Dustin down on the river nearly a week ago, and happy to see he was ALIVE. His other two buddies he hung with then were so BAD WITH DRUGS, I'm certain that by drugs or just SEVERE CRIMINAL LIFESTYLE they are dead by now.

I brought him home, fixed him a meal, washed his clothes (he's jumping between different friends' sofas for sleeping at night). He has an outdoor painting job -- but could not work much of last week due to the rain. He ALSO has gotten on Disability for ADHD, Tension, and Stress -- but not paying in enough, only gets about $730.00/month benefit -- rather than TWICE THAT, which is the FULL BENEFIT.

He does NOT have Benefits Management Court-Ordered to pay out his money weekly, so gets it all at once early in the month -- and gives too much away so ends up broke, despite the alleged painting job.

This was HALF of Dustin's stash of STOLEN PROPERTY that he hid on the side of Gold Walker's OTHER apartment that I rented downtown then.

Now, I think he thinks I will LOSE my current roommate (likely), and take him on -- but he BLEW HIS OPPORTUNITY already. I gave him $20.00 five days ago -- glad he is alive -- but NO MORE FROM ME!!!

And today, he has been calling me repeatedly to see if I want to buy a used Dell laptop from him. I'd bet my BOTTOM DOLLAR it is STOLEN PROPERTY!!!

Of course I won't do it for him and last told him I won't do ANYTHING for him again.

My temperature has been up and down so many times the last three days (100.0 - 101.5, and at the high side two hours ago), that I have been taking the Oxycodone as prescribed, and it lowers my temp, and I take to my bed to SLEEP (more than half these days, it seems), and then he keeps waking me trying to sell the damned laptop!!!

I don't want to get into too much detail about my roommate. His first name is Scott -- same as mine, he comes from parents who BOTH suffer Major Mental Illness and are in and out of Mental Hospitals frequently, he has a four-year Religion degree from UNCW, and served in the NAVY for four years with Honorable Discharge.


His many Christian Clergy Ministers who ENCOURAGE HIM in mixing Roman Catholicism, Evangelical Lutheranism, "The Anchor Independent Christian Church", and WICCA (witchcraft -- LOL!!!), need to figure out what to do with him if he can't get his act together

So I've written THIS to give to him as well as his representative Joni at Benefits Management, Inc. -- and/or one of the ministers at the above listed churches to GO OVER IT so with LUCK, THEY can get him to know I am SERIOUS!!!

Notes on behaviors when living in my house for Scott Rich from Scott Kenan:

“Your home should be the antidote to stress – not the cause of it.” ~ Peter Walsh

1. All food must be stored in the kitchen (except things like candies), in cupboards or the refrigerator.

2. Foods (meals), except snacks like cookies, chips, etc., should be eaten at the dining table in the office, peninsula in kitchen, or with care from a snack table while sitting on the living room sofa in front of the TV.

3. Your bedroom has medium pile shag carpeting so must be vacuumed at least once per week or more often as needed. We do NOT need to have problems with bugs.

4. All rights are moderated by respect for other people’s rights, and while it is one thing to play music that is diverse (like a radio station), playing the same one or two CDs repeatedly is annoying to other people, so wear earbuds or earphones in that case.

5. Methodical, repetitious penny-whistle, harmonica, and similar instrument-playing can be irritating to others, so keep the volume very low – or play and compose your “Penny-Whistle Symphony” outside – or at the churches you say pay you to play it.

6. Your rent is extremely low at $433.00/month – ONLY because I wanted to do you a favor. I had no idea you had more income than I do and could easily afford the proper $600.00/month. I might raise the rent soon, but my biggest concern is that you have little understanding of how to share living space with others – or that living in a camp outside is different in living-habits than living indoors.

7. I know you suffer Schizophrenia and Dyslexia (that came on later in life after you got a four-year degree at UNCW and had four years in the US NAVY) – and I am empathetic to those who suffer major mental illnesses – but I am NOT a trained psychiatrist, nor is my house a psychiatric-care facility. You do NOT take psych meds now that might help control your conditions, and maybe you should see a Psychiatrist and get on meds that would help you.

I know several good Wilmington Psychiatrists I could recommend.

8. You have lived outdoors in a camp for at least the last five years, because living inside was not important enough to you (you have enough income to do that), but living inside MY house requires that you act with more of what most people call reason and sanity. I hope you can understand this and handle it. Otherwise, we will have to part ways. I would be HAPPY to discuss this with you and one or more of these people you associate with and have respect for:

A. Joni at Benefits Management
B. Rev. Philip Chryst of the Anchor Church
C. The Priest you know at St. Mary’s Catholic Church
D. The Reverend you know at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

The important thing is that you completely understand these rules, and adhere to them, although I know that due to your illness, I might have to remind you from time to time. You grew up in a home where your blood parents divorced, and then your Mom and step-dad (who you still have contact with), ALSO have separated – and you have told me they BOTH are frequently in and out of Mental Institutions – so you might not ever have been brought up understanding normal family/home life. The only reason I still am willing to have you live with me is if you are willing to learn and do live without ruining the Peace of my home – the MOST important thing to me.

Some additional notes about your recent behaviors:

1. Sorry that I told you to help yourself to any of the food while I was in the hospital, but did NOT think to tell you to stay out of my “special treats” -- ice creams for after my surgeries. I could NOT AFFORD these things in recent months, so was really looking forward to having them when I got home. But it was NOT that big a deal, and I already apologized to you for hollering at you about that.

2. When I got home from the hospital, you said you had eaten so much because you are Schizophrenic and AFRAID to be alone overnight – yet the last five years you have lived outside without protection of walls and doors. That made NO SENSE to me.

3. You had placed a “special talisman” over the inside front door to the apartment (a packet of Kleenex brand tissues), that you said would protect us from evil – and I have found pennies balanced on light switches, tissues tied into bows, special sticks, acorns, and other items placed about the apartment (but especially your room), to protect us. I don’t doubt you believe that to be true, but most people consider this to be delusional, and I am STRICT in making myself FACE FACTS, and expect you to face them too. You cannot continue to leave these things around my house.

I have had my OWN bouts of mental illness, and DISMISSING DELUSIONS is the best way to get better from ANY mental illness.

4. Friday morning at midnight, I got up to use the bathroom – which because of my meds I typically do 2 - 3 times per night – and you came out saying you thought you “heard a noise” – then went back to your room. At 2:15 that morning I was up again for the same reason and you immediately came out again. I asked if you were suddenly turning paranoid about sounds you have been hearing all of the several weeks you have lived here. You said no, but that you had to use the bathroom.

But you returned to your room WITHOUT using the bathroom – and we have TWO BATHROOMS. Therefore, I was concerned and could not get back to sleep. I never heard you go to the bathroom, but at 2:45 AM you went out the front door. It is nearly a day and a half later and you have not returned, nor have I heard from you – but knowing you survive very well, I have not yet filed a “Missing Person’s Report” with the Police – but might soon do that (or I might have done that by the time you read this).

5. Before I went to the hospital, I explained I would be feeling terrible and stay mostly in bed when I got home, and would like a day or two of near silence (your penny-whistle playing the same short tune over and over, is annoying – and if I’m not up doing things, I hear it louder), but although you AGREED to that before I went to the hospital, THREE TIMES Friday I asked you to stop playing it inside for the day, but you continued playing it – BREAKING the agreement you made with me, and DESPITE my reminding you.

In fact, I have run a temperature between 100.5 and 101.6 since I returned from the hospital, but it is down to 100.1 now (Sunday, late morning) – the lowest yet.

6. This morning, since you had not been here for over 24 hours and not told me you would be away for an extended time, I entered your open room, and cleaned out several bow-ties made of tissues to ward against evil, three bags of empty food containers – the mashed-potatoes/meatloaf container was especially dirty -- which could attract bugs -- removed several food items of mine and my can opener, cleaned out two clear plastic containers and one glass jar that contained only used tissues (but one also had a dead beetle). Yet you ALSO have a lined trash can that had NORMAL bedroom trash items in it.

I also took your olive oil, and two spice jars and put them in the kitchen, where I have made a place for you to store just your own food in the cabinets.

And before I went to the hospital, I found you had taken a container of my New Orleans beans and rice, and left it OPEN in a plastic bag, 1/3 full, lid off, and spoon in it – overnight. This is not acceptable, but I hope that by explaining these things for you in detail, you can understand, and we can work things out. Let me know if you want to discuss these things -- the two of us plus one other of your friends listed above.


Scott D. Kenan

July 14, 2019

I've HAD IT and need to heal from these LEECHES as much as from my operation that actually went VERY WELL!!!

>>> ADDED @ 8:45 AM JULY 25, 2019:

Although my roommate Scott finally returned home about 9:00 PM last night, he did NOT want to discuss what I had written and had already sent his counselor at Benefits Management about what is going on and what I propose.

This morning, I found he had "broken" the seat fastener of the one toilet, spread several twisted lengths of toilet tissue on the kitchen counters, kitchen and living room floors -- and his own -- as well as several coins -- all of which are Wicca Good Luck Talismans that I will NO LONGER ALLOW. I've TOLD him this, but he has REFUSED to read my notice documented in this blog posting.

And then I discovered that two of my four tablespoons have disappeared overnight as well (???).

I heard Scott leave the apartment at 8:10 this morning -- and he has NOT answered my call-then-text of ten minutes ago, asking WHEN he wants to meet at Benefits Management.

See how SKEWED the toilet seat now is -- and that he did NOT bother to flush -- and there APPEARS to be NO SOLID WASTE that requires toilet paper!!!

Two of the seven or eight 8 - 10 inch toilet tissue talismans he left -- and NO, after seven years of these speaker wires on my floors, NO ONE HAS TRIPPED on them!!!

And President Trump seems to have gone on PEYOTE this weekend -- but NOT FROM A GOOD PLANT!!!


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