Friday, December 20, 2019

RP: BUSTED AGAIN by Facebook (and removed from "Weird Secondhand Finds" group for JOKING) -- Facebook COLLUDED with Vladimir Putin and the Christian CIA in Putting Trump into Power -- LOL!!! / Other Things:


The original posting from here

I responded with THIS:

Then Chris Graff replied joking, so I posted THIS -- that got me BUSTED!!!:

This is actually a photo of me at Pine Valley Church of God's monthly "King's Breakfast" in Wilmington, North Carolina, February 2012 -- when I was homeless -- and RIGHT BEFORE I contacted the Pastor there that I had caught 'Whitey" cutting Heroin into tiny bags in the men's room!!!

Whitey was a long-term resident at the Good Shepherd Center (the BIGGEST distribution place of HEROIN in Wilmington -- supported especially by First Baptist -- on Kenan Plaza -- St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox, and First Presbyterian)

First Prez was where the Leadership including D.A. Benjamin R. David, Judges Lindsey McKee/Luther and Jeffrey Noecker had all VIOLATED MY RIGHTS in Court -- because I had BLOGGED about their White Supremacy and Hard-Drug Trafficking for Jesus Christ their LORD!!!

But that is NOTHING -- as when I confronted Katrina Knight -- Executive Director of the Good Shepherd Center then and still, now:

Katrina Knight

Here is the LETTER I was not afraid to send that Christian Bitch

THEN, Katrina -- using Good Shepherd funds to pay an EXPENSIVE LAWYER -- so everyone knows how they use donated funds -- SUED ME IN COURT, trying to get the Judge to FORCE ME to remove all of my reporting of their HUGE CRIMES over the years -- and to FORBID ME to ever blog about them again.

The Judge LAUGHED THE CASE OUT OF COURT!!! -- just like Judge Richard Russell Davis had LAUGHED out of Court D.A.s Benjamin R. David and his brother Jon David, and Jon David's "Drug Court Coordinator", Carrie Menke, PhD.'s attempt in 2011 to commit me to Cherry Hospital, put me in a STRAIGHT-JACKET -- and inject me with DRUGS until I could appear in Court -- LOL!!!

Christian Bitches and C*U*N*Ts (like Carrie Menke, seen here) -- ALWAYS SMILE because they SCREW YOU FOR JESUS!!!

As the Judge NOTICED, I had been appearing in Court JUST FINEnearly weekly for MONTHS!!!: 

Here is the result of Katrina Knight's MUZZLING ATTEMPT just this past June, 2019:

We gather around the Word and Table this Sunday night at seven to know more deeply the presence of Immanuel, God with us, in the broken parts of our lives and the lives of those we love. Please join us to lift up your prayers by sitting in silence, lighting a candle, or singing a carol.

Image may contain: fire and night

Scott Kenan Well, since you Presbyterians put Donald Trump into power from your Church -- Y'all can GO TO HELL -- whether in a hand-basket or not -- LOL!!!

  • George Ervin Williams Scott Kenan. As bad as Trump is, The Lord put Him there, because the Lord knew in his heart that he would stand for christianity and Israel, and oppose the atrocities of abortion. What did you stand for sir.

  • George Ervin Williams The Lord loves you brother

  • Scott Kenan George Ervin Williams Jesus Died nearly 2,000 years ago, and even the Evangelicals now claim Trump is TOO EVIL to remain in power. I'm afraid you are going down with the Christian Ship -- PITY!!!

  • Scott Kenan So, George Ervin Williams, everything BAD -- as you admit Trump is -- was put there by GOD -- LOL!!! YOU don't know what is in anyone's heart but YOUR OWN -- and you are just an auto-glass worker (nothing wrong with that, but not the highly-educated type that usually one finds in Presbyterian Churches), and you live in HENDERSON, NC, so no idea about THIS specific congregation in any case. (My error -- I thought this was the Presby church in Wilmington near the several Kenan Family mansions.) I stand for the Constitution -- and my White Supremacist Kenan Family that CAUSED the 1898 Insurrection (killing Blacks in Wilmington for Jesus Christ) ENDOWED much at this congregation. My Kenan Family controls Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan (Thomas S. Kenan III BELONGS to the Klan), and put Trump into power. YOU might think my wealthy relatives are GOD (for doing that), but many would not agree with you, sir -- LOL!!!
Scott Kenan George Ervin Williams I haven't yet completed this blog posting, but you are highly featured. Every blog posting of mine is emailed to top Press, Law Enforcement, and Politicians in Wilmington, Raleigh, and many FEDS, and I've gotten over 1.6 million hits so far. WHAT have YOU done to get your "wisdom" out???

The only other thing I wish I had actually sent to Mr. George Evan Williams is that when Roe v. Wade came down MOST Christian Churches supported it (NOT Roman Catholic and a few others) -- because ABORTION has been around FOREVER and SUPPORTED in using natural herbs that induce abortion!!!  

Also, Mr. Williams lives TOO FAR from Mt. Airy, NC to be a member of the congregation at First Presbyterian, there -- so he can't SPEAK for them -- LOL!!!

But SOMETIMES, it must be TOUGH LOVE!!!


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