Friday, December 6, 2019

RP: SHOCK!!! The Return of Mitch Bossanna (lost since 2012, except for a few cryptic words from his hiding place in central Mexico -- about 2015), with MAJOR CLAIMS against Kimberly Overton Spahos and Celia Rivenbark (most Wilmingtonians already KNOW that Celia is the "Christian/Methodist Bitch from HELL"):


"Mitch Bossanna" in 2011, a self-described "Italo-Jew" then from Hampstead, NC (where my parents lived 1980 - 1982), who was THEN a "Ron-Paul Republican"

Anyway, this afternoon -- and completely out of the blue -- I got an email from Mitch who is NOW (he claims), living in the United Kingdom -- using special email from Switzerland. 
I need to SLEEP on his claims, and then in the morning I'll have more energy to research what I can, so I won't really comment on it now, BUT: because it was Drug-Trafficking District Attorney Benjamin R. David who sent Prosecutor Kimberly Overton (who since then married a Spahos), to work with me prosecuting Jonathan Deputy on July 23, 2018 for Cyberstalking. 

I first reported this here:, and then in several other postings, and Kimberly was SO FLATTERING OF ME -- telling me it was an "HONOR" to meet and work with me, I had NOT brought ALL my evidence against Mr. Deputy (who since then, Democrat NC Representative Deb Butler has SEVERAL TIMES admitted she Hard-Drug Traffics with -- he a Republican), and we had to go immediately to trial when I'd NEVER, EVER seen a Court case go to trial before that in New Hanover County Courts BEFORE a couple of pre-trial hearings. 

Deb Butler with her wife Anni Parra BEFORE Anni died of a DRUG OVERDOSE on December 28, 2018.

Anyway, I SO WANTED to believe that Kimberly Overton was working for ME -- I glossed over what was happening. The BIGGEST THING I learned was about my former next-door neighbor, Oliver Carter III:

Oliver Carter is in practice with James Oliver Carter -- almost next-door to Kenan-built Carolina Apartments -- and the two of them had SPONSORED a table at the 2015 Democratic Party Unity Dinner I attended.

Sad to say (for Oliver's wife), Oliver is about as GAY as a male can get -- even if he HAS impregnated his wife -- so has Ben David impregnated Stephanie THREE TIMES despite preferring HANDSOME COUNTRY-BOY GAYS!!!

Stephanie David in pink (years ago -- she's now FAT and slovenly), and a TOP FUND-RAISER and STRATEGIST for Mitt Romney and Lamar Alexander. I have NO IDEA who that red-headed woman is -- but I've always referred to her as "JAWS".

I knew Ben David's long-term lover Lee very well. He looked MUCH like this, but had beefier muscles and his chest hair would have shown in this photo:

Anyway, I'm too tired tonight -- and too horny -- and I found this MEME today that I have no place to properly use, but I DID use it on my old crushee of 2010 and then when I returned to Puerto Vallarta 2012 - 2015 as well, Peter Hardy (with the hardy peter), an Atheistic Canadian from Alberta Province!!!
So, Peter Hardy, this is what an Albertan Canadian (where my family's Kenan Advantage Group is truly HUGE in destroying the environment), thinks is a typical Midwesterner-in-New-York-City experience

You must have some GOOD WEED and LIKKER to push this!!! 

That said, Americans who see this 1985 photo of you after graduation claim you are a lifelong Homosexual -- which of course is what I had hoped for when I met you in Costa Real Estate in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco (before you let your body go to hell), in 2010!!! 

Oh well, what would life be if I didn't have you to wistfully wish you had been easily seducible!!!

If you're from New York or the Midwest or have a good general knowledge of America you will get a good laugh out of this... Have a great day

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Midwest guy in NYC... from Manitowoc Minute host Charlie Berens For more Manitowoc Minute click here:

Peter Hardy in 1985. And that MEME I placed elsewhere on his Facebook, today:

So tomorrow I will comment on all of this -- and MORE!!!



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