Wednesday, June 15, 2022

RP: DETAILS of How My Last Posting Has Been FAKE-BLOCKED to COWARDS, only, by the CIA or Vladimir Putin -- but ALL in the TOP OF THE US GOVERNMENT Got It ANYWAY -- HA!!!


What EVERYONE from Rahm Emanuel, SCOTUS, Three Dem Presidents, and Dems in Congress DID RECEIVE -- NO ONE BLOCKED ME!!!

So much TOP SECRET INFO -- the CIA is trying to BLOCK THIS!!!

First: Ambassador Rahm Emanuel -- GOOD NEWS -- while the CIA FORCED Google/Blogger to put a SCARY WARNING on BOTH of my blogs over this -- only CIA Republican Drug Trafficker Todd Dillon was so WELL PROTECTED by the CIA -- or perhaps Mr. Putin -- BEFORE!!!

SEE 3/4 the way ownhere

Todd Dillon ALSO sent me a VALENTINE's DAY card -- this year -- the FIRST communication from him of ANY KIND -- in YEARS!!!

And there is NO CORRUPTION of electronics, so NO FEAR in hitting the button to actually VIEW IT. AND all of you at the TOP of the US Government have GREAT SOFTWARE to protect you -- even if it was INFECTED.

It is ONLY infected by the NEW VIRUSbedeviling corrupt Governments, WORLDWIDE !!!



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