Novant CEO Carl S. Armato with TOP Lower Cape Fear Democratic Party Addictive-Drug Trafficker and CHRISTIAN Hollis Briggs, Jr. -- who threatened my life after I confronted him with his DRUG TRAFFICKING!!!
Devout Christians Julia Olson-Boseman and Hollis Briggs, Jr., when Hollis was ON JULIA'S PAYROLL as an EMPLOYEE.
>>> Open SESAME!!!
Ambassador Rahm Emanuel FIRST -- but it is JOE BIDEN who will be the SCAPEGOAT for Rahm, Brett McGurk, Thomas S. Kenan III, etc.
Joe must CHOOSE whether to stick to supporting the Republican Party and Christian Democrats with Vladimir Putin, their Swastikas, Klan Robes, and PAGAN IDOL JESUS.
He could worship GOD, instead, and HONOR Jesus's Teachings -- like POPE FRANCIS!!!
Anyway, Joe Biden might CHOKE ON HIS CUD when he gets HIS copy of this -- LOL!!!
I bet NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein has ALREADY CHOKED -- since he already got his copy:
I've blogged about this TOO MANY TIMES and sent it not only to North Carolina's Attorney General Josh Stein, but EVERYONE in the TOP of the US Justice Department, State Department, FBI, etc., but the FACT IS that after Josh Stein totally SCREWED another county in western NC several years ago -- and let the Christian Politicians and Churches STEAL another Citizen-owned Hospital System, Stein got TOTALLY CRITICIZED by NON-Christians of either or no Party -- and then he DID IT AGAIN, letting Novant with the CIA and top CIA Agent Kevin Maurer, the Cameron Family and their Live Oak Bank, nearly EVERY Politician who is a Christian -- and every Presbyterian and Episcopalian Congregation in New Hanover County.
But New Hanover Regional Medical Center was not only rated one of the BEST systems in the USA for medical care, it was ALSO TOTALLY FINANCIALLY SOLVENT -- but CHRISTIANS like MONEY and ADDICTING PEOPLE TO DRUGS as well as WHITE SUPREMACY, and Josh Stein just GAVE IT TO THE CHRISTIANS!!!
A month ago, he recommended buying Crypto-Currency because it is the CHRISTIAN thing to do, but Crypto has fallen TOTALLY INTO THE TOILET, since then!!! Now, Greg's eldest son, Tom Lernihan, is doing this -- LOL!!!:
ALSO, I'm THRILLED that the MOST HITS to my blogs are concerning my Kenan Family's TOTAL CORRUPTION of all of Texas, but especially Uvalde, and ALSO to my PROOF that HYPER-CHRISTIAN Cedric Alexander, D.Psy., who is ALWAYS on MSNBC and CNN giving his DRUG-TRAFFICKING OPINIONS -- and how it was HE who screwed all my Legal Records in Dekalb County, Georgia from when my parents, siblings, and employer were trying to MURDER ME -- both in 1990, and in 2010!!!
TWO Christian Devils Descended on Uvalde, Texas, Yesterday. Gov. Abbott was TOTALLY BOOED, and NO ONE Believed HYPER-LIAR for Jesus, Joe Biden!!!
Mick Jagger is taking a break after testing positive for COVID:
But ALL THE BEATLES and the Rolling Stones used to have SEX WITH EACH OTHER -- and OTHERS!!!:

Between today and a week ago when I visited several Labs that are part of Novant, I spoke privately with about seven different employees who were NOT Physicians or Nurses who attended me. ALL KNEW that CEO Carl S. Armato and the Christian Churches and Politicians STOLE THE HOSPITAL.
And JUST LIKE four employees of the actual Hospital I spoke with BEFORE the possibility of a sale was even discussed PUBLICLY, said they DEFINITELY signed contracts that they would be FIRED -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED -- if they DARED to criticize Hospital Management -- true both BEFORE and AFTER the THEFT!!!
And ALL OF THEM THANKED ME for taking the New Hanover County Citizens' Plight to the TOP OF THE US GOVERNMENT so that Josh Stein and his "Christian Coalition" can be CHARGED and CONVICTED -- ASAP!!!

ANYWAY, my Doctor said my BLOGGING and sending ALL PROOF via Secured Server Forms to EVERY Supreme Court Justice, PUTIN/KENAN/EXXON-MOBIL/BANK OF AMERICA-BOUGHT Joe Biden, Brett McGurk, Rahm Emanuel, David Plouffe, Mark Zuckerburg, Thomas S. Kenan III, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, THREE Dem Presidents and LOTS OF PROGRESSIVES in CONGRESS has LOWERED MY STRESS tremendously, so I should CONTINUE THAT as long as it helps my TENSION!!!
I've lost 25 pounds and now plan to lose another 15. My LUNGS ARE IMPROVING, and ALL of my tests came out GREAT!!!
And AGAIN, the Democrats I speak with and the Dem Orgs I hear from DEFINITELY HATE JOE BIDEN MORE THAN DONALD TRUMP!!!
As the Press has reported REPEATEDLY, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Manchin, Jon Tester, and nearly EVERY CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT is OWNED by Thomas S. Kenan III and HIS TOP ALLIES, Rahm Emanuel and Vladimir Putin.
If Biden doesn't CANCEL his trip to BOTH Israel and Saudi Arabia to RENEW Donald Trump's COALITION to distribute ADDICTIVE DRUGS and spread WHITE SUPREMACY, then DEMOCRATS might LYNCH JOE BIDEN!!!
REMEMBER: That S&L Scandal was caused by Neil Mallon Bush -- ANOTHER BUSH ATROCITY !!! -- He disappeared ENTIRELY from Public View after the Scandal, but is only 67 today and lives in Midland, Texas!!!
That time I met President Reagan at a White House party in late 1981:
EVEN OSAMA BIN LADEN wanted the CHRISTIAN FOOLS to put Biden into the Presidency -- and Obama KNEW THAT WOULD BE A DISASTER!!!
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