Friday, March 28, 2014

RP: At the Continuing Suggestion of, I Salute a Native North Carolinian (now in Puerto Vallarta's Writers Group)!!!

REPRINTED from here

This image is a link to its page on Amazon and I'll get back to Mr. Winborne, shortly.


1. Bing search engine FINALLY found my new blog:, yesterday for the FIRST TIME, although Google found it RIGHT AWAY, after I initiated it January 1, 2014 because Saper Law and Jed Clampon DID get copyright ownership of my first blog (2008 - current): in an illegal and unconstitutional court decision -- to protect Barack Obama from my posting about his being gay.

Blackmailing Obama to protect the CIA/NSA control of worldwide hard-drug trafficking, is how Cheney, the Bushes, Bill Clinton, the Republican Party, and the Episcopal Church keep Obama IN HIS NIGGER-PLACE.

ALL these politicians are part of the DRUG PROBLEM, and Rahm Emanuel and Al Gore are part of it too.

2. Early this week, I called the American Civil Liberties Union in Chicago -- after doing the battery trick with my cell phone before a call would go through. Then yesterday, I tried it again, but no matter WHAT I did, I got a Spanish recording that it was NOT a working number (312) 201-9740.

I'd almost forgotten that I DO have a TelMex land-line phone as well (that came in a package with their Internet service), but had unplugged it after only a few days more than a year ago -- because when I googled the phone numbers of the HARASSING CALLS (en Espanol), they all were from numbers the Internet claims are used by MEXICAN DRUG MAFIA to harass people -- LOL!!!

So I called yesterday on the Land-Line and GOT RIGHT THROUGH!!! Unable to catch either Denise in "intake", or the receptionist, I was forced to leave Denise a voice-mail, saying I'd try her today -- or she could try calling me AGAIN (we actually spoke a couple of weeks ago after she called me -- so she KNOWS what I am dealing with).

And THIS morning, the call went RIGHT THROUGH from my cell phone -- NO TRICKS REQUIRED!!! But it was her lunch hour, so I'll try later.

3. I have gotten NO RESPONSEstill, from the following people:

Jim Watson and his helmet-haired bride, Vicky. Something is usually WRONG with helmet-haired women (frigidity).

Thomas S. Kenan III, OR the lawyer his former employee in the Atlanta area, Jim Watson

told me would be helpful
. Just pasting in this narco-trafficking-supporter's email address has SCREWED with my formatting here (which has never happened before -- just from pasting in an email address).

The lawyer is Carl Kirsch of the greater Atlanta area: See, Carl's address being dropped in caused NO PROBLEMAnd Carl never had the COURTESY to email back to my long, thoughtful missive to him -- like a DAMN FOOL COWARD.

Same is true of Thomas S. Kenan III, whom I wrote directly -- about two months ago, now.

I am not CERTAIN what to make of all this -- are YOU???

Thomas S. Kenan III

>>> REMEMBER: Jim Watson and Thomas S. Kenan III were having an ACTIVE correspondence during the time that Jim Watson tried to DIRECT ME!!! (I deleted Jim's name from the blog -- but the text remains there, regardless.)

4. Yesterday, the John F. Kennedy Library announced:

George H.W. Bush To Receive JFK Profile In Courage Award

You might be surprised, but I LIKE this, because it is for his RAISING TAXES APPROPRIATELY, which led to Republicans ABANDONING HIM for the MORE corruptible Bill Clinton!!!

And don't forget, George W. Bush was philosophically opposed to his father in many ways, and WAS NOT SPEAKING TO HIM during the first years of Sonny Bush's Presidency. LATER, the last two years of it, George W. Bush was not speaking to his Vice President, Dick Cheney.

If you were in contact with ANY mainstream media in the early oughts (2000 - 2009), you remember WELL how Daddy Bush said the idea of invading Iraq was stupid, immoral, and UNCONSCIONABLE!!!

YOU make sense of it!!!

5. I just PURGED email addresses that have newly blocked me withing the last month. I thought it would be FUN to publish them with comments on more interesting ones:

"" ,
 "" ,
 "" ,
 "" ,
 "" , (my publisher at Alyson Books who screwed me -- and probably Thomas Elliot Keith, as well),,,,, (That big homo -- I've SEEN scans of his arrests in Atlanta Parks right after college for soliciting sex with men)
 "" ,,
 Montgomery Caldwell ,,
 Thom Goolsby ,,
 Rita Johansen ,,
 Mormon Channel ,
 primary ,
 "" ,,
 "" ,
 Becky Brett ,
 "" ,
 Luis Melgoza (CIA agent with home office in Virginia -- he was previously the TOP lawyer for the PRI PartyMexico, in the days BEFORE Presidente Vincente Fox was elected, breaking the PRI Party's 60-YEAR-GRIP on Mexico)
 Rick Catlin ,,


From here

"I'm a US citizen living in Mexico. I grew up in North Carolina following World War II, and witnessed times of great change. I studied history and philosophy at the University of North Carolina in Wilmington, where I also spent a great deal of my time outside, hunting and fishing.

"I enjoyed a rather short career as a potter until an injury, and the need for money, sent me into the commercial real estate business. (Where he got to know my wealthy Kenan relatives WELL, both in business and socially.)

"In 1978, having no real business skills, I jumped into the real estate waters and for the next thirty years, I bobbed around achieving various levels of success. I met many fine people. Also, I encountered an amazing cross section of shills, cons, thugs and other sociopaths. They form the trove of characters I draw upon in my writing.

"In January of 2009, following the self-induced economic collapse of the US, my wife and I moved to Mexico, a country not without its problems, yet not at war with or on anything. We lived in the city of Guanajuato for four years, and moved to Puerto Vallarta in the spring of 2013. Since living in Mexico, I have started writing about the strangeness of this wonderful life.

"Over the course of my life, I have traveled across the US, to Europe, and to many parts of Latin America. Always awed by nature's adaption to this earth's varied environment, I continue to be especially interested in humankind's impact on our beautiful planet.

"I have written numerous works of short fiction based on my own take of US culture and events. I am especially interested in the transitions and interactions between fact and fiction, good and evil, and success and failure."

4.0 out of 5 stars Modern American tale October 11, 2013
By Bo
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
Enthralling contemporary story of right and wrong paths - a modern American hero/anti-hero... It could be that young neighbor you knew...
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Although this LOOKS like my vehicle of entry from another planet, it is actually the "Futuro House" in Buxton, North Carolina.

So just remember this PROMISE:



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