Saturday, April 4, 2020

RP: A BORING Day in Wilmington, North Carolina -- as the CRaZy ChRisTiAns Sell More SNAKE OIL (or try to) -- LOL!!!


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Grace United Methodist Church - Wilmington NC

Grace UMC Pastor Tal Madison REFUSES to stop trying to sell SNAKE OIL on my Facebook feed, so as I PROMISED HIM, I'm putting him back on my List of 100 Contacts to whom I email EVERY blog posting -- despite his protest

He can do like Pastor Dan Lewis of the Kenan Cathedral to White Supremacy and Hard Drug Trafficking has done:

Pastor Dan Lewis

Dan Lewis of First Presbyterian, Wilmington, NC harbors not just Drug-Trafficking D.A. Benjamin R. David and his wife Stephanie and their children (while Ben David ALSO dated my friend Lee several years ago), but MANY Judges and is considered the TOP CHURCH in Wilmington for Public Officials to pay homage to WHITE POWER.

Dan had his church BLOCK all of my emails, and is the ONLY Pastor in Wilmington who does so. I have OTHER Pastors on my list, and they read my emails because they are THOUGHT PROVOKING.
LOL!!! No surprise here!!! According to religions, GOD rules the world, so only GOD could give us COVID-19 -- and did it because he is PISSED at ridiculous RELIGIONISTS who WARP Love into HATE!!!

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Dina Jacobs

But that said, I ACCEPTED a Facebook friend's CHALLENGE -- and here is the result:
EXCELLENT and TRUE -- especially since I don't BELIEVE in all this "Christian Crap"!!!

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Which Bible verse did God write for you? "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31~'

1. Isaiah was a JEWISH PROPHET -- like Jesus, and "the Lord" was CLEARLY not referring to Jesus, who was not yet born when this was written -- and simply means "That which is IN CHARGE -- or MOST POWERFUL".

The self-existent singularity which created everything out of itself in a process of Contemplation of Its Own Nature -- called "The Word". It is the seat of all Intelligence, Reason, Logic, and Fact -- powered by Infinite Love.

There, my definition of "God".
WHOA!!! In 1985, I dated the ex-boyfriend of Thomas S. Kenan III, Curtis "Robbie" Anderson, in Kenan-built Carolina Apartments here in Wilmington, NC -- while the sign was switched to "Deep River Apartments" while Blue Velvet was filmed there partially. Tom Kenan is head of the Kenan Companies (Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, Coca-Cola, etc.) and was HUGE in putting Trump into power

See my blog for details: In comments is an older cover of Blue Velvet that I've always loved:

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AA Art

Click image to EXPAND.

OK, what made today BORING was that everything that happened (not much), happened in LOW ENERGY: 

1. Rob McKinney woke me from a nap to try to sell me more Marijuana, and while I didn't NEED IT, it was a gram for $20.00, but was ACTUALLY EXCELLENT POT -- and 2.5 grams!!! 

Rob is so STUPID, he'll never make a profit off of me, and he INSISTED on coming into my apartment despite Social Distancing -- because he now only elbow-bumps instead of shaking hands -- and it's not like I was gonna KISS him, and I'll BURN everything he touched (but not my door knob).

2. At Food Lion it took me and two others in line 30 minutes to get checked out -- because the handsome, fit, trim 22-year-old white man who was first (and his jeans were falling off his ASS), had a HUGE LOAD, and then it had to be RE-WRUNG after it took ten minutes to get an approval, and then he kept pulling things out he did NOT want -- and then putting them back to pay for them.

In the end, we learned that he had been SHORT by $1.76 -- that ANY of us in line would GLADLY HAVE PAID to avoid all the delay. As I led the WISE-CRACKING CHORUS, I began by saying this is WHY I smoke my pot AFTER I do my shopping!!!

3. I'm completely over Dewain Joseph Hall today. I wish him very well, and will speak to him about a lot more if I ever run into him again. But MY taste in men and interest in taking on those in need of REFORMATION, has GREATLY WANED!!! See halfway down here:

If Trump ADMITS IT -- then he will FIGHT TO THE DEATH OF MINORITIES AND POOR PEOPLE to be sure Republican/Christians CONTINUE to restrict voting!!!
My old buddy Russel Honore' has been CHAMPING AT THE BIT to get appointed to head the Coronavirus Response of the Nation

I'm HONORED to have worked with Gen. Honore' in exposing my Kenan Family's Crimes -- especially of Kenan-controlled Exxon-Mobil!!!

Russel Honoré on Friday made crystal clear what he thinks of Jared Kushner and his role in President Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force.


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