Tuesday, April 28, 2020

RP: DRINKING with Meryl Streep (again) / Message from John Cusack (cast member from "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil") / Email from Caleb Crain / and FINALLY, the "Progressive Press" Tears Joe Biden a New A-HOLE -- Praise da LORT!!!

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/04/drinking-with-meryl-streep-message-from.html

Funny that when I had an appointment this morning via video-conferencing with my Urologist over my wound from the Scrotal Abscess of nine weeks ago (it's down to 2/3 inch in length and weeping little serum and less blood), the pre-screening tech asked if I'm still drinking two drinks a day. I told her it is more like THREE, and she said MOST of their patients are drinking more lately, too!!!

Also, that it and smoking a little "Leafy Green" are NOT a PROBLEM.

I spoke with Mom after that appointment, and my cell phone was so CORRUPTED this morning, I had to take the battery out and re-boot it to make the call. SOMEONE is VERY ANGRY with me -- because I published my last posting -- and I'd BET my BOTTOM DOLLAR it is the CIA!!!


John Cusack and The Lady Chablis in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
NY state cancelled the presidential primaries - thus declaring electoral college “inconvenient” to their political ambitions - a disastrous mistake by DNC for allowing it to happen - if the Dems intend to behave like Trump Sanders should un-suspend his campaign immediately -

>>> Writer Caleb Crain sent me an email full of nature photos (including the one below):

Caleb Crain's LATEST ARTICLE appeared in The New Yorker:

Caleb titled this "Muppet-Mouthed Tree", but I call it "Sapling Releases Rusty Old Fence-Rail".


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