Saturday, April 11, 2020

RP: Well, ENJOY Your "Religious Holidays" -- the Rest of Us Are LAUGHING AT YOU -- and Here in Wilmington, NC, Christian Republican Woody White Wants to END COVID-19 Restrictions, PRONTO to Encourage MORE DEATHS (to profit STOCK-HOLDERS)!!!


The CLASSIC dichotomy of Christians vs. EVERYONE ELSE!!!

>>> BREAKING: Woody White, Julia Olson-Boseman, and Rob Zapple -- all members of the New Hanover County Commission -- BLOCKED THE EMAIL OF THIS -- LOL!!!

* * *

First, I should tell you that I'd hoped to write Harvard University President Lawrence Bacow today -- explaining how the Episcopal Church (specifically The University of the South/Sewanee), with the Republican Party, elements of the FBI and CIA, and encouragement of my relatives Frank Hawkins Kenan and James Graham KenanSTOLE Tennessee Williams's Estate from Harvard -- after MURDERING Tennessee

This EXACTLY as Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned us would happen at George Plimpton and Jean Babette Stein's party on January 11, 1982. Since then, Jean Stein committed "CIA-assisted SUICIDE", jumping to her death:

Jean Stein when I knew her in 1982.

AT THAT TIME, but nearly three years ago, Jean Stein mysteriously JUMPED TO HER DEATH from her apartment balcony. I don't believe that for a SECOND, because when she DID -- it caused TV Stations across EUROPE to break in with that story as BREAKING NEWS -- but in the USANBC/MSNBC, etc. -- as well as other networks never owned by Ms. Stein's father, Jules C. Stein and his MCA -- DID NOT EVEN MENTION IT!!!

ONE of my takes on it ALSO excoriates Port City Daily Editor Benjamin Schachtman and now-HEAD of New Hanover County Commission Julia Olson-Boseman:

Lawrence Bacow with his wife, Adele Fleet Bacow

On March 24, it was first reported that President Bacow and his wife BOTH tested positive for COVID-19, and after significant symptoms, four days ago, it was reported that they both had COMPLETELY RECOVERED.

Drew Gilpin Faust

My purpose will be to let him know what transpired when I contacted previous President Drew Gilpin Faust, and got the word that because Thomas S. Kenan III and the GRANDDADDY of Kenan Charitable Trusts, the William R. Kenan, Jr., Charitable Trust give Harvard SO MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS EACH YEAR, she did NOT want to ROCK THE KENAN MONEY BOAT!!!

So, I -- this time -- only want him and Harvard's LEGAL DEPARTMENT to know what I know about what happened. Tennessee Williams is TOO DEAD TO CARE, and the MAIN person still alive who ALSO can prove what happened, writer Dotson Rader, let me know that HE is OK with leaving things as they are,  

Dotson Rader's book -- in which he claims that University of the South/the Episcopal Church MURDERED Tennessee.

That time I first met Dotson Rader working for Tennessee Williams:


1. Before I contacted President Faust, I'd been in contact with Nancy Armstrong, the admin in Harvard's Legal Department, who had been there when all of this happened, who told me no lawyers from then still remained, but what I told her MADE PERFECT SENSE. Nancy retired soon after that.

2. After Tennessee FIRED ME, I had a sexual affair with Dotson's LONG-TERM lover, Richard Zoerink, who was DROWNING IN ALCOHOL, and Dotson gave me a check for $100.00 to drive Richard to a DRY-OUT TANK up the Keys -- which I DID -- but the check BOUNCED -- and I still have it -- HA!!!

3. Since I have recently contacted both Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry -- plus Sewanee's TOP LEGAL COUNSEL -- AND Sewanee's RETIRED Legal Counsel Donna Pierce (who STILL MANAGES Tennessee's Estate, called "The Walter Dakin Fund"), about all of this, I think President Bacow should be able to get the Episcopal Church to SPLIT the Estate's Proceeds!!!

Those Lawyers told me that the Estate -- valued at $10,000,000.00 when Tennessee died in 1983 -- had GROWN to be worth ONE THIRD BILLION DOLLARS -- that in 2009, when the GREAT RECESSION was at its WORST, so now AT LEAST TWO-THIRDS BILLION DOLLARS.

The several Sewanee Alumni who were (are still???)ATTORNEYS in Birmingham, Alabama, who noticed THIS BLOG and contacted me near the first of 2009, to say that Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, then Archbishop of Atlanta and titular Head of Sewanee, had USED the Walter Dakin Fund to COVER for the fact that Alumni donations had fallen WAY OFF since in 2005, when they were FORCED BY POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ONLY, to hide from public view the CONFEDERATE EPISCOPAL MACE!!!

I don't have the energy tonight to write President Bacow -- but will do so SOON.

(W) Kentucky Gov. Beshear announces mandatory quarantine for anyone who gathers for Easter, warning that the state will record license plate information of people seen attending mass gatherings and turn that information over to local public health officials.

But LOOK how New Hanover County Republican Commission Member Wood White wants to REVERSE Wilmington's Restrictions RIGHT NOW -- he HAS TO BE HOPING to make MONEY off the care of everyone who will UNNECESSARILY BE INFECTED!!!:

I know THREE people in Wilmington who had COVID-19 and recovered (plus my sister in PA). Two in Wilmington never needed hospitalization, and the other one was hospitalized twice with it -- December and early January -- before the hospital knew what it was

NONE of the three are counted in cases, and I bet we have LOTS of cases, mostly mild, that are NOT being reported

It's too EARLY to back off on Distancing!!! 

See how I blogged about it 2/3 the way down here -- my blog has gotten over 1.7 million hits so far:
Commissioner Woody White has been a vocal critic of the restrictions, saying they go too far and will have detrimental economic consequences that outweigh the social distancing benefit.


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