Thursday, April 16, 2020

RP: Letter to Harvard President Lawrence Bacow, Copied Also to "The Harvard Crimson" and "The Boston Globe":


Lawrence S. Bacow and his wife, Adele Fleet Bacow

Harvard president and wife, both recovered from coronavirus, boost scientists’ effort with blood donations

By Jonathan Saltzman Globe Staff, Updated April 14, 2020, 6:52 p.m.

Office of the President
Harvard University
Massachusetts Hall
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

April 16, 2020

Dear President Bacow,

My name is Scott David Kenan and I first want to thank you for your long and impressive career in education, as well as congratulate you and your wife for having survived your COVID-19 infections. I’ve been thinking about writing you since I first noticed you had taken over from Drew Gilpin Faust as Harvard’s President, but now is better as I’ve come to better understand what I have learned, not only about the disposition of Tennessee Williams’s estate. I was his last assistant, and Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned Tennessee at a party we attended on January 11, 1982, that the Episcopal Church/Sewanee or University of the South, would murder him and then steal his estate from Harvard for that Christian Church. This with the help of the Republican Party, and elements of the FBI, and CIA. Later, I came to learn that my relatives Frank Hawkins Kenan and James Graham Kenan (both deceased about 1996), encouraged them.

My last name might ring a bell for you, as various Kenan Charitable Trusts are large supporters of Harvard. And I’ve been to hell and back several times since I began trying to tell the truth of how Tenn was murdered – including two periods of Political Exile in Mexico by help of Army Col. Dorothy Newman who is the retired Chief Protocol Officer to Sect. of State Colin Powell (my best friend in 2010, when I still lived in the Atlanta area), after my own family with my employer, Patrick Stansbury and his Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA, the Republican Party of Georgia, and the CIA, tried – and failed -- to commit me to a Mental Hospital five times in one month after I first blogged in early 2010 that my parents were the literal top NAZIS in the USA.

What I soon learned, is that my family – immediate, and my somewhat distant wealthy Kenan relatives associated with the co-founding of UNC Chapel Hill, as well as leading the only successful Coup d’Etat in US History, the Wilmington, NC Insurrection of 1898 (when the white Christians rose up and killed many blacks, stole their property, political offices, etc.), and then in 1913, Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler and her siblings inherited Henry Flagler’s entire estate, which included control of Standard Oil.

Today, the descendants of these Kenans control Exxon-Mobil, Rex Tillerson, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, Republican Party, and “Clinton Democrats” like Joe Biden – and much more. And they were the biggest force putting Donald Trump into power to destroy Democracy -- and to kill Obama’s sanctions against Russia so that the contract Rachel Maddow has documented between Tillerson and Vladimir Putin can be activated.

Kenan companies Exxon and Bank of America (which profited more from the Trump tax cut than any other bank), are to be in charge of that, and the contract is worth $HALF-TRILLION.

I had contacted Drew Gilpin Faust’s office about the fact that I can prove what actually happened to the Williams Estate, after I spoke at great length with Nancy Armstrong, who was the Admin in your Legal Department when that happened, and then retired soon after I spoke with her. She told me that what I said made perfect sense, and that Harvard’s lawyers had been bamboozled by the speed of what happened, but none of them then remained in your university’s employ.

Today, I am not so interested in trying to reverse that, but you should be aware of what happened (if no one has briefed you on it), and if you are interested, I believe a friendly agreement could be worked out to more equitably share the proceeds of the estate. About the first of 2009, lawyers in Birmingham, AL, who were Sewanee alumni, chanced on my political blog, and contacted me to tell me that Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, then Episcopal Archbishop of Atlanta and titular head of Sewanee, had been using funds from the estate to cover for the fact that alumni donations fell way off after they were forced by Political Correctness in 2005, to hide from view the Episcopal Confederate Mace. Then only 1.5 years ago, Sewanee also removed the Seal of the Confederacy stained-glass window from their All Saints Chapel.

Those lawyers also told me that Tennessee’s estate, worth $10,000,000.00 when he died, had grown to $1/3 Billion then, at the worst of the Great Recession, and so I estimate about $2/3 Billion now. Tennessee’s Will and its Codicil specify that the money was to go ONLY to support “writers of an experimental nature”, and Sewanee uses it to support their Writers Conference, and who knows what else. 

That’s enough money to choke Donald Trump!!!

In any case, the actual conspirators in Tennessee Williams's murder included Sewanee’s attorney then, Michael Remer (now deceased), Tennessee’s last attorney, John Eastman of Eastman & Eastman, a Jew who had converted to Episcopalian, and whom I knew well, and who is still alive – the first brother-in-law of Paul McCartney, who handled McCartney’s wealth and Legal Representation until just a few years ago, and Maria St. Just (nee Britneva), a Russian native who managed to marry Peter Grenfell, the second wealthiest man in England who controlled Morgan-Grenfell Bank, that Maria inherited about 1989, and it was sold to become the core of Deutsche Bank, the biggest creditor of the Trump and Kushner Families – as well as conduit of cash to them from Vladimir Putin and Russian Oligarchs.

Also, rather troubling to me was when several years ago, it was widely reported in the press that Charities controlled by the descendants of Standard Oil Heirs, had been using their gifts to Harvard to SILENCE scientists at your university that believed in the destruction of our environment by carbon energy pollution. The Rockefellers and their Foundations all got OUT of carbon energy about ten years ago, while the William R. Kenan, Jr., Charitable Trust and other Kenan Charities DOUBLED DOWN in investing in oil, coal, gas, etc. -- why Donald Trump was their choice for President.

I hope this is no longer the case that Kenan Charities are meddling in Harvard’s Academics.

I know many of the wealthiest Kenans, and have dated Thomas S. Kenan III’s ex-boyfriend, Curtis “Robby” Anderson, in 1985. In 1990, after I documented the huge Hard-Drug Trafficking running through Stone Mountain Park two blocks from my home then, and reported it to both CNN HQ in ATL as well as Newt Gingrich’s Congressional Office, I was promptly arrested on a false charge of Trespass, and held in Dekalb County, GA jail for fifteen weeks until my parents made a deal with Judge Linda Warren Hunter (now on Superior Court), to charge and try me – after I sued Sheriff Jarvis Writ of Habeus Corpus, and not knowing how to defend myself, pled Nolo Contendere.

Judge Hunter, gave me House Arrest for a year, and I had to test 0.7 Lithium Carbonate level (that served as a “soft lobotomy” -- and Lithium is not allowed for more than a couple of months in most countries of the world, except the NAZI countries like the USA), every week or go to jail for another year. My mother, who raised us with Swastikas on our dinner plates and daily beatings, had forced a false diagnosis of Bipolar I in 1978, as well as that I sell my 25% stake for far less than it was worth in, which I had co-founded with friends from Denison University after graduating in 1973 with a BFA in studio Art.

I had had the highest College Board scores at my high school in Math and Science, and attended Denison on partial scholarship, but changed my major to Art midway through Sophomore Year. I then won a contest by the US State Department before graduating, and my prints are now hung in 30 US Embassies and Consulates. My point being that I am well developed in both right and left brains.

I am also a trained Practitioner in Science of Mind, studying eight years under the then (1980s), President of Religious Science, International, Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz, as well as under Elisabeth Kubler-Ross of Germany – and others. I was contacted by Jonathan Reiner (who was about to graduate high school then, and who now has his own Emmys – as well as Jonathan also being trained as a Practitioner of SoM).

And then in early 2010, when I first blogged that two top people in Atlanta business who are Jews, had told me in 1990, that my parents were America’s top NAZIS, he made me an “Honorary Jew” – something that does not exist – but in recent years, I’ve been in contact with his first cousin Rob Reiner, to help him and his friend David Frum, in their attempt to get Trump out of power.

I also now work directly with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’, after meeting with him twice at the 2015 Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival – Russel knowing ALL ABOUT how my Kenan Family has corrupted governments worldwide, while polluting the world via Exxon-Mobil and Kenan Advantage Group – and run the Hard-Drug Mafia of Atlanta, like they do here in Wilmington, NC, my current home, and internationally with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families. My last date (about three years ago), was with a Bush cousin, Bill Toups, and we were up all night discussing how the Bush Family and their CIA with my Kenan Family run worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy.

When I blogged about my parents being the top NAZIS -- some of their close friends while I grew up included Sen. Jesse Helms (my father claimed responsibility for initially getting Helms into office), Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman (whom I knew well in Atlanta in the early 1990s), Coach Lou Holtz and his closest co-conspirator John Boehner, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, etc., all hell broke loose, and Col. Newman had to get me to Mexico.

I have been estranged from my immediate family since then – until recently. Dad died in 2014, and Mom, now 97, is retired as a NAZI, and is no longer trying to shut me up, commit, jail, or have me murdered. Mom got her orders to set up Drug Mafias directly from Pope John-Paul II when she used to visit him in Rome.

I should also tell you, that in 1990, when I sought Legal help from James Graham Kenan in Atlanta, he sent me to his wife’s nephew Gregg Loomis, who told me that the wealthy Kenans hate only JEWS more than they hate “Niggers” – and in the last year, I have confirmed that is still true today. The Kenans are the biggest support of KEEPING “Silent Sam” on UNC’s campus, but they have now lost that “Confederate Battle”.

When I explained all of this that I knew then to President Faust’s secretary, which I also put into a long Letter to President Faust, her secretary said that Drew had decided NOT to pursue trying to undo that action to get Tennessee Williams’s estate, and I could only conclude that she did NOT want to rock the Kenan money-boat, since Thomas S. Kenan III and his charities funded by Exxon-Mobil give Harvard too many millions of dollars per year.

Today, I think it could be revisited, and with the idea of a more fair split of Tenn’s money, I have in the last half year already written Sewanee’s current Head Counsel, as well as Episcopal Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, and Sewanee’s previous, long-time Head Counsel, but now retired -- but still managing the Williams Estate (called the Walter Dakin Fund – named for Tennessee’s grandfather who had gotten his Divinity degree there), Donna Pierce, letting them know of my intention.

But that is up to you and your Legal Advisors, and of course the Kenan Charities might cut Harvard off completely if you decide to act. I do think you needed to know about it, and I’m only scratching the surface of all I know. My Political Blog (as it has become),, has now gotten over 1.7 million hits, and I email every blog-posting to my List of 100 Political Contacts, which can be seen here:

Since I followed your recovery from COVID-19 via both the Harvard Crimson and the Boston Globe, I will send a copy of this Letter to them as well as you – and will drop a hard-copy in US Mail to you. Your entire community needs to know what criminals my Kenan Family are – and how that might have affected Harvard – to say nothing of their complicity in stealing Tennessee Williams’s estate from you for the Episcopal Church.

And one other funny thing, is that my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams, Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams, was scheduled to be the featured release in hard-cover of 30 books in spring 2010, by Alyson Books, but was CANCELLED at the last minute due to Politics (which there is virtually none of in my memoir), so I first self-published and sold it on Amazon – but then the local District Attorney here in Wilmington, NC, Benjamin R. David, with Jamie Lee Sutherland (then a Wells Fargo Advisor’s Exec in Chicago), and Daliah Saper (an attorney in Chicago who frequently was a Talking Head then on Fox News), sued me on a false charge of LIBEL (for blogging about Jamie’s $24 Million/month average drug trafficking for Wells Fargo Bank that he repeatedly bragged to me about -- and whose Chicago office was fined $200,000,000.00 that year for Laundering Drug Money).

I was never Legally served, and then they tried me In Absentia in Cook County Courts. Jamie had asked ONLY for $50,000.00 – but was given HALF A MILLION, copyright to my memoir, and also ownership to my blog – and all emails and letters I write until I die on this subject, and that INCLUDES THIS LETTER!!!

I call this a NAZI GAG-ORDER!!!

But Amazon didn’t believe the order, and demanded more proof it was real. They continued listing my memoir until they got proof, which was never sent, so they dropped the listing half a year later, and sent ME all the royalties. Google/Blogger refused to honor it, and I still control my blog, but Kenan-controlled Bank of America sent them my $800.00 I had with them, and my Letters to President Brian Moynihan in protest were never replied to.

In defiance, I soon published my memoir in blog format so that anyone can read it for free, and included the Professional Reviews of four Williams Scholars (including John Lahr, whom I also met later at that 2015 Williams Fest in NOLA), and eight Amazon Customer Reviews. If you will excuse some needed minor editing and minor formatting problems, you can read all of that here:

I have written a lot of Letters about all of this to many people -- and some of them have responded. Here is a small sampling:

And this one, that while local to Wilmington, NC, has a lot of details about the Kenans who first landed here in the 1730s:

I hope that you and everyone else who reads this is entertained by my story. I am irreverent regarding Religion and the FALSE story of the USA that is promoted by both Political Parties and the Christian Churches. I even have had several friends who saw Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel in Chicago’s Man’s Country private gay bathhouse several times when Obama was an Illinois State Senator (but Michelle knew all about it before they married – Jesse Jackson and Rev. Jeremiah Wright arranged that marriage-of-convenience).

I don’t know if that’s common knowledge in Boston or not, but here is Wilmington, it is the BLACK PEOPLE who have known about it for YEARS!!! Still, if that was what it took to elect our first Gay-Mulatto President, I’m cool with it, as I think Barack Obama was our BEST President since JFK and Eisenhower.

So, I wish you the very best, and hope I will get some kind of response from you, the Harvard Crimson, and/or the Boston Globe. My physical address will be on my Letter via US Mail, and both of my email addresses will be on my email. My cell phone: (910) 200-XXXX.


Scott D. Kenan

Previous Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust


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