Friday, April 24, 2020

RP: Christian Trumpers Go HOG-WILD in Harris Teeter (an upscale supermarket), and Walmart -- Here in Wilmington, North Carolina -- and the DEMOCRATS I Spoke With WON'T VOTE for SENILE JOE BIDEN, and the Drug-Trafficking "Clinton Democrats". Praise the LORD!!!


Like SO MANY Americans, I've been waiting for Donald Trump's performance this afternoon (which as I write this is already 9 minutes late to begin) -- OH, he just began speaking!!!

What ELSE can he say, today???

THIS  might be "Old News" -- but the following is FRESH THIS WEEK!!!

To begin with follow-up on my LAST POSTING (that is getting tons of hits)

TodayNC Policy Watch listed my acquaintance Tom Fetzer's CRIMES and INTIMIDATIONS on behalf my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill as their SIXTH-MOST important story of TEN -- THIS WEEK!!! 

My day began with a half-hour call to my mother -- a life-long "Straight-Republican" voter, who thought that Donald Trump (despite his UBER-VULGARITY), was snuggled up close to Jesus Christ, Mom's Lord and Savior. 

Today, we LAUGHED TOGETHER that Trump has TOTALLY LOST HIS MIND -- and also that Joe Biden, the PAWN of the Pharmaceuticals Industry, and ABSOLUTE FOE of "Medicare for All" or similar:

Mom and I LAUGHED that Joe Biden is ALREADY as Senile as Alzheimer's-Afflicted Ronald Reagan was when his second term ENDED, and Nancy had to keep him out of Public View. 

Neither Mom nor I can vote for EITHER Trump or Biden, and we ALSO joked that WITH LUCK, BOTH of them will fall to COVID-19 (or other natural ailment), and DIE SOON, so that the Parties can come up with BETTER CANDIDATES before this fall's election.

I also filled Mom in on MY adventures of this week, including hearing of Haston Caulder's death (, and my writing about Tom Fetzer's CRIMES, and how my Letter to him (that every member of the Board of Governors or the UNC System has RECEIVED), and that I was TOTALLY BLUNT, can be read here: 


So, I had major grocery shopping to do, and wanting to take advantage of their foot-long subs for $3.99 -- CUSTOM-MADE to ORDER at Harris Teeter, I went there first, and before I got to the Deli Counter, a white man of about fifty passed me wearing a TRUMP HAT!!!

I just started laughing, and asked him if he wasn't terribly embarrassed by it -- or was he there to buy some LYSOL TO DRINK

He said that Donald Trump was sent by JESUS CHRIST to fix our country -- and that he is an ORDAINED MINISTER, and I told him, "Stick your DAMNED JESUS right up your ASS, sir!!!" And he responded that I "CANNOT take the Name of Our Lord and Savior in VAIN!!!" 

I replied that I ALREADY had done that and began doing it some more, and he first brought up his dukes as if to punch me, but then dropped them, and then yelled at me to "Fuck (my)self" as he walked away.

There were at least a dozen people who heard it, and no one reacted to it at all.

Soon, I was in Walmart, and in the "Fresh Meats" section, a man was with his wife and wearing a Trump T-shirt, so I asked HIM if he wasn't horribly embarrassed, and if he'd injected Clorox into his body yet. He was about 35 and sporting "Jesus Tattoos" -- ALWAYS a bad sign as the Bible CONDEMNS tattoos, and the Roman Catholic Church of my youth (whose values I still love), has always taught that to get them is a MORTAL SIN.

HE got so angry he REALLY got right in my face and said he was going to "PUNCH (MY) LIGHTS OUT!!!"

I calmly told him that if he TOUCHED ME, I would have him in JAIL, PRONTO, and then he backed off. The dozen or so observers were not as quiet as their well-heeled townspeople in Harris Teeter, and THANKED ME for telling him off.

And as I left the store, I told the Walmart employee at the door that I had narrowly escaped a FIST-FIGHT with a guy in a Trump T-shirt. "Oh, the one that says, 'Trump, Jesus, and GUNS' with a photo of an AK-47???"

I said no, a simpler shirt, and he said the WHOLE STORE -- all the employees and management as well -- was SICK of the DAMNED TRUMP SUPPORTERS and all the HATE they spread in the Name of Jesus Christ -- but they can't really BAN THEM.

NEVER, EVER thought I would be CHEERING FOR WALMART -- but I'm into HEALINGS, so YES, I AM!!!

And they are FILLED with poor, poorly-educated, and mostly Evangelical Customers, so it says something about EVANGELICALS finally seeing the LIGHTno???

And THANK GODthat more and more Democrats are now REFUSING to vote for Biden OR Trump. 

And JUST for the HELL of it:

This for "The Weather Up Here" -- the following for "The Weather Continues":


Click image to ENLARGE.

Of course you could just STUDY SCIENCE (a Gift of God), to KNOW THAT, but CHRISTIANS HATE TRUTH!!!


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