Tuesday, April 21, 2020

RP: IN MEMORIAM for Haston Lavern Caulder, Jr., Hard-Drug Trafficker, "Dick Tease", and Female Child Molester -- Who Was Apparently (according to his roommate, Tom Car), Killed in South Carolina by a POLICE CAR!!!:

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/04/in-memoriam-for-haston-lavern-caulder.html

Haston Lavern Caulder, II's Charlotte, North Carolina MUG SHOT from November 2018 -- for molesting young girls. I have NO IDEA how "Shake" escaped THIS ONE, do YOU???

The photo I am using to represent Tom Car -- unless he sends me a photo he prefers that I use

I will post in our conversation in the order it occurred:

>>> Re: Haston Caulder

-----Original Message-----

From: tom car <tomcarnc@gmail.com>
To: scottdkenan@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Apr 20, 2020 6:20 pm
Subject: Haston caulder

I'm contacting you to let you know that Haston has passed away. I know you two weren't exactly friends, but nevertheless, everyone who's ever met him has liked him for some reason or another, despite his many problems.

He was certainly troubled person but he was a great person to me. He saved my life and I'm better for it. 

He was struck by a car crossing the road, here in South Carolina. Near Carowinds, on Carowinds boulevard. We always figured one of us would get hit by a car because they don't have any f****** crosswalks or sidewalks over here despite there's a f****** theme park.

Anyway I just thought you should know, you seem to be the last person on the list.


Tom, Haston's final roommate

>>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2020, 9:46 PM Scott Kenan <scottdkenan@aol.com> wrote:

Hi Tom -- and thanks for letting me know. My relationship with Haston (sometimes called "Shake" or "Shaky-Puddin'"), was far more complicated than I bet I he told you. Before he moved in with me, he called me two THREE times offering sex for $20.00 -- and while I could have afforded that then, I refused, and never did have sex with him, despite his being the BIGGEST GAY TEASE I've ever met -- and he got Rev. Philip Chryst's "The Anchor Church"http://anchorwilmington.org/, to send male whores for me FIVE TIMES -- and I refused them all, including the HOTTEST ONE they sent to me the morning I came home from sex and discussion with George Bush's cousin, Bill Toups (in Carolina Beach by The Lazy Pirate), and we discussed how my Kenan Family that controls Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, etc., had been partnered with the Bush Family and their CIA in running Hard-Drugs worldwide -- as well as White Supremacy -- for DECADES!!!

Anyway, I do have fond memories of Haston, too.

I had a benefactor, Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr., who lives in Manhattan and between the end of 2011 and June of 2016, gave me well over $65.000.00 -- but also took a shine to Haston Caulder, and in one month gave him a new computer, about $7,000.00 cash and a few boxes of sexy clothes. This while Haston was making $18.00/hour UNDER-THE-TABLE in construction, working 40 hours, so did NOT need it. Later I learned he was buying a lot of 14-year-old female WHORES with it, and in fact, there are MANY arrest warrants out in North Carolina for him for Child Molestations.

Joseph Faulk was so enamored of Haston he made an ART PIECE of and for him (and one of me as well), that is TOTALLY VULGAR -- and funny as hell. Standard brown-paper grocery bags opened out into crosses that Joseph drew on with a few markers and some Wite-Out. I've always hung them on my bedroom wall until I started having a Home Health Care Nurse look in on me and check my wound from the Scrotal Abscess that I nearly died of, that as of today, two months later is only 3 cm long and 1/3 cm wide and deep, so nearly healed. I was afraid it would FREAK HER OUT -- until I got to know her and she is TOTALLY COOL!!!

I can't find my photos of all parts of this one that Joseph made for Haston -- but in THIS posting you can see Haston standing in front of it in his bedroom in my apartment, which as you can see was signed by "Jesus Faulk" (and Haston left it behind, so I still have it):

So soon after I got your email, I called Joseph Faulk (and Haston sent a photo of his erect member for Joseph and me -- right after he disappeared to me), but Joseph won't speak to me, so I left a long message, including that I would copy his two email addresses and also let you know his cell phone number, if you care to speak with him. He's very generous to people like you, but no longer me. That was well over an hour ago, and Joseph hasn't called or emailed me asking me not to, so he must want you to have it: (212) 866-5453.

I will be blogging about all of this -- probably tomorrow morning. If you would like me to include a nice photo of you, please send me one (or one of your dork!!!). Whatever. My blog: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com.

Thanks again, and I suspect we will be even more in touch, as I knew Haston's life and all the rest of it so well that I could write a BOOK about him!!!

All best, and THANKS AGAIN,


-----"Original" Message-----

From: tom car <tomcarnc@gmail.com>
To: Scott Kenan <scottdkenan@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Apr 20, 2020 10:13 pm
Subject: Re: Haston caulder

I am aware of Joe, and your blog, anyway, my intent was not to fuel your excessive need for controversy.

Shake was my friend. Now I believe this may have been a mistake for even contacting you. 

I only ask that you be delicate, a man is dead after all. As for Joe I am very worried about him, he has not responded to emails or texts. He is not a f****** ATM, he is a person, one could say he saved my life. Even if it was just by responding to an email or a call. 

As for anything else you say, none of it matters anymore man. Let It go, it's over. No matter what shake did before, he did nothing but want to help people in the end. He still has a family, people that care about him, and the people whose lives he impacted.

Believe it or not he never really had anything bad to say about you, other than your unusual writing. I have read your entire blog, and yes it is unusual. However that's your freedom of speech. I have no problem with it I might even read your book. You are a fascinating character.

However, as I said before, a man is dead. If you are to post some elaborate story on your blog, please do it without dragging a dead man's name through the dirt, for your own self gain.

Ultimately he was one of the most selfless people I've ever known in my entire life. He sacrificed everything to help people. Only to get hit by car crossing the f****** road. The police know it's their fault, there are no crosswalks, no sidewalks except for in front of one gas station, and terribly dangerous places you have to walk around, which place you in the road. Yet there is an entire theme park here. 

Anyway, if you hated shake, fine. Take solace in the fact that he is gone. And leave it at that. You won, you outlived him. 

But if you do decide to sully his name, you and I will have a problem. 

Thank you for your time,


From:  Scott Kenan scottdkenan@aol.comHide

To tomcarnc@gmail.com tomcarnc@gmail.com

Cc kimberly.n.overton@nccourts.org kimberly.n.overton@nccourts.org, benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org, emcmahon@nhcgov.com emcmahon@nhcgov.com, officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov, bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov, scott@scottdavidkenan.com scott@scottdavidkenan.com, jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com, faulkjoseph6@gmail.com faulkjoseph6@gmail.com

Good Morning Tom Car!!!

Thanks for your second missive, and as you can see, I was CORRECT, and we ARE having a lot more interaction. I learned a lot more about you from your latest (if not about Haston), and it is clear that you were well-educated or self-educated, because your use of the English language (including construction of complicated verb forms), gives that away. WHAT is your story to be living a life partnered with Haston as roommates and for a long time??? I hope YOU will write a book!!!

I can see that you, also, have been in contact before with Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr., and here is his physical and mailing address in New York, should you care to mail or visit him: 

14 W. 95th Street, Apt. 5
New York, NY 10025

And you are right, Joseph is NOT an ATM, but he has refused to speak or write me since long after I gave up expecting that he might send me any money or other thing. He is a wealthy RECLUSE, living in squalor, because he can't beat the rent of about $750.00/month now, he having lived there about 50 years under rent control. The apartment under him rents for $6,500.00/month. 

MORE herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2016/10/clearing-air-with-joseph-crawford-faulk.html

Also, since you sent me no photo of yourself, I've chosen one that I HOPE you look like -- a handsome man with a blessedly hairy chest. I will use this (see attached), if you do not quickly send me a photo you PREFER I use. I'm not upset with you at all!!!

I cannot sully anyone's name by publishing the truth about them. THEY sullied it, and I only reported it. If your "problem" with me if you don't like what I publish compels you to visit me for further discussion, intimidation, etc., I currently have an extra bedroom you might be able to stay in for a few days -- although I would ask you to raise an arm before allowing you in, to see if you have a nice healthy man-smell that is not too strong, first. You'd have to pass my "Sniff Test".

What you are completely correct about, that Shake was generous and tried to help people all the time, was what got ME into trouble with my landlady, Gold Walker (who is my landlady in my new place, as well). Shake was forever bringing home stray street-people in need. I was only allowed ONE roommate, and he had one guy sharing his bed, one in the overstuffed chair in his room, and a third one sleeping on a mat in our living room. ALL were drug addicts, except that one was a drunk. And the funny thing is that after Gold Walker gave me an Eviction Notice, she soon rescinded it (but moved me) -- because like HER, I am a pushover for people with troubles. 

Some of the TOP DRUG-TRAFFICKERS in Wilmington were then renting from her: Sa'ant "Sam" Samuel Celia, Jr., downstairs from me, who told me he had supplied with LSD from his lab in his apartment: Gerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead (Sam's personal friend), and Dr. Timothy Leary and his male lover Theodore Druch, who later married a Christian woman, was a HUGE CIA Drug Trafficker with the Governor then of Nayarit State, Mexico, and a member of my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group.

HERE is more on my "Three Gay Chickens" -- that also included Tom Ford, a hairy-chested, muscular white guy, whose wife kicked him out for about a week, and he slept in the chair in Haston's room (and refused to allow me to sniff him): http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2016/08/my-two-gay-chickens-and-mother-hen.html

I THINK Sam, who also worked for Slice of Life Pizza downtown, then, has moved on. This past week, I noticed that Madison "Maddy" (Holland) Rose -- who is now the Third Vice Chair of New Hanover County Democrats -- and her "dick-tease" (and lightly hairy!!!), husband Steven Rose have moved on. She claimed they trafficked Hard Drugs with Roy Cooper, and was the top paid Cooper-for-Governor paid staffer in Wilmington!!! 

People came and went from their apartment ALL NIGHT LONG to buy drugs. I haven't seen their cars on that block of S. Fourth Street in months, and last week one of Gold's carpenters, Ben-the-Atheist, had his table saw set up and was working to renovate their old apartment.

MORE herehttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2018/12/bad-news-for-steven-rose-madison-maddy.html

But what I must also say it that you could NOT have read my "entire blog", which has 5,507 mostly essay-length postings going back to 2008, or you would not have claimed most of the things you claim about me. But at least you find me a "fascinating character" -- like I also find you!!! 

Here are my biggest problems with you, however. Not only did you claim Haston has a family that cares about him -- when he told me many times how MOST of his immediate family died in HOUSE FIRES when drunk or drug-addicted males TWICE set all on fire by smoking in bed, and one killing two other family members besides himself. The other is that you obviously APPROVE of Haston's raping LEGIONS of young girls -- he liked them about 14 years old -- and I heard from TWO of them telling me about that!!!

I must assume you do the same thing, but if you send a nice photo of you, I will publish it.

I don't know if Haston told you I took him to Court for "Communicating Threats", but not wanting to add to his legal troubles, I agreed to use a Negotiator, and we agreed to stay completely apart. Because of Haston's Crimes and your APPROVAL of them and your thinly veiled THREAT to me, I am copying this to my friend and TOP North Carolina Prosecutor with whom I've worked before (she's also an International Speaker on Justice), Kimberly Overton Spahos, as well as D.A. Benjamin R. David, Sheriff Ed McMahon, acting Police Chief Donny Williams, and our mayor, "Bill" Saffo.

I wish you LUCK as you are still alive and Haston is not. You claim that the two of you always said one of you would be hit by traffic there, and Shake was the one hit (and you make it sound like it was by a POLICE CAR, so I wonder if it was SUICIDE, as cops really don't try to hit people unless they are BLACK). Also, here, even the saddest of homeless people who are killed or found dead make it into the local news by name -- and I can't google up a THING associated with your name, PERIOD, but also no reports of Haston or anyone being killed by a motorist anywhere near Carowinds.

Well, let me know if you are coming to visit me, and I will prepare to give you the SNIFF TEST!!!



SOME men's pits smell like SOMETHING ELSE!!!


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