Tuesday, December 1, 2020

RP: “In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it.” ― Mitch Albom, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/12/in-order-to-move-on-you-must-understand.html

“In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it.

― Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven


For Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University -- and others -- before I send it to my nearly 200 Political Contacts as well:

To presoffice@uts.columbia.edu presoffice@uts.columbia.edu, info@utsnyc.edu info@utsnyc.edu, jwest@uts.columbia.edu jwest@uts.columbia.edu, kdouglas@uts.columbia.edu kdouglas@uts.columbia.edu, pcooperwhite@uts.columbia.edu pcooperwhite@uts.columbia.edu, ernie.thompson@westpreschurch.org ernie.thompson@westpreschurch.org, info@salastampa.va info@salastampa.va, info@newwaysministry.org info@newwaysministry.org, mystory@velshi.com mystory@velshi.com, scoops@huffingtonpost.com scoops@huffingtonpost.com, editorial@nytimes.com editorial@nytimes.com, info@joshstein.org info@joshstein.org

Cc scott@scottdavidkenan.com scott@scottdavidkenan.com


From an overnight Facebook discussion:

Would you or someone in your dharma community like to pursue Buddhist spiritual leadership or chaplaincy within an interreligious and socially engaged context? 🙏

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Union ceased to be Theological back in the early 1900 apostate
  • Haha
  • Reply
  • 1d
  • Michael Joseph Orr
     You have a high school degree and apparently suffer from one of the TOP CHRISTIAN SINS: Gluttony. What do you base your expertise on???
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    • 1d
  • Scott Kenan I have a master's degree from a rather prestigious university, if you'd like to compare credentials. Michael is correct; Union was pushing boundaries with neo-orthodoxy way back during the inter-war period. They've since drifted away from anything even adjacent to orthodoxy. Why not address Michael's position rather than attack him based on your perception of his character?
    • Like
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    • 22h
    • Edited
  • Scott Kenan
     you are perceptive...I do need to lose a few pounds around the middle but what I don't need to do is go to a Seminary that doesn't teach the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ I will bet you an adult beverage that U.T.S. openly denies the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his deity the centrality of the Christian faith is the person and work of Jesus Christ and this Seminary left that many years ago.
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    • 2h
  • Michael Joseph Orr
     Sorry about my cheap shot about your weight. I could stand to lose a few pounds, too!!! I would LOVE to have a drink or two with you and discuss Theology/Spirituality!!! If you -- or anyone -- doesn't agree with what U.T.S. teaches -- then ATTEND A DIFFERENT SCHOOL!!! I bet Roman Catholic (my beginnings), and Episcopal Seminaries believe in the resurrection of Jesus. But they ALSO have Cannibal Communion (Transubstantiation)Rev. 
    William J. Barber, II
     is the MOST GLUTTONOUS well-known Christian Preacher who is from my own (now -- I'm 69 and have lived all over the eastern USA and western Mexico), North Carolina

    I'm going to answer you and 
    Zachary Trent
     on my political blog that's gotten over 1.9 million hits so far -- and then I'll give you both a link to what I write since it will be longish. Facebook has blocked links to my main blog ever since I posted the Letter in which NC Atty. Gen. 
    Josh Stein
     asked me to keep sending him info on how my Kenan Family with both Political Parties and Christian Churches runs worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families as well as the Blackmailed Homosexual, Barack Obama (whom I've had to deal with too). You can google "scott kenan the weather continues" to find me writing to you online -- and leave comment there or on this FB thread as I write and I will respond to that as well. THANKS!!! (No one did.)
    • Like
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    • 21m
  • Zachary Trent
     I will address you both in my blog and then send you a link to it as I noted to 
    Michael Joseph Orr
     as well.

Dear Messrs. Orr and Trent,

Just this minute I heard the MOST BLASPHEMOUS thing come from the mouth of President-Elect Joe Biden (whom I support except in his hateful Christian/Roman Catholic Theological Clap-Trappery): In nominating Janet Yellin, he ended, "May God bless you, the USA, and protect our Troops!!!"

Anyone who has ever studied the nature of This Thing We Call God, knows that it is ALWAYS blessing ALL OF ITS CREATION and cannot stop.

"God" doesn't give a rat's fanny what anyone does or does not worship -- nor does it care about anyone's Theology. God invites us in every moment to align with God's Law of Truth, Fact, Reason, and Love, and then we MAKE REAL in the material world God's GOODNESS!!!

Pope Francis made this clear recently -- although in many ways Francis speaks with the "forked tongue of the Devil":

And the following meme cracks me up:

OK, let me explain that I grew up devout Roman Catholic and early on wanted to be a Jesuit priest. I got over Catholicism before senior high, and Christianity shortly after I began attending Denison University on partial scholarship in 1969. In the 1980s, I found Science of Mind and studied under Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz, then President of Religious Science, International, a close friend of Mother Teresa, who invited him and several other Heads of Denominations to help her locate the perfect place for a homeless shelter near the US Capitol Building -- which they successfully did.

He also had his good friend Elisabeth Kubler-Ross give a several-day seminar in Atlanta, which I attended. And I have had five courses in the Bible and Comparative Religions.

But FUNNY, is that when I moved to Wilmington, NC about the first of 2011 -- after my FIRST period of Political Exile in Mexico by help of Colin Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman -- I was curious about First Presbyterian here in Wilmington. That was PARTLY because I'd been allowed to read parts of 300 year old books in the Library at Liberty Hall -- the Ancestral Home of the Kenan Family -- and Presbyterianism was JUST LIKE SCIENCE OF MIND -- with an added veneer of Christianity.

Also, my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr., as an Elder there, had been a major leader in the ONLY successful Coup d'Etat in the United States, the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 -- gunning down Blacks indiscriminately with a "Gatling Gun" mounted to the back of this wagon -- for JESUS CHRIST, of course!!!


THERE -- where I was a member for half of 2011 because Pastor Ernest Trice Thompson told me HE wasn't fully sure that Jesus was the literal Son of God either -- and for half a year I never missed church or participation in the Discovery Class there, and half, there, were Deacons or Elders.

I blogged quite a record of it -- you can check the second half of 2011ONLY available on my Original Blog


But that church harbors White Supremacists and Hard-Drug Traffickers -- including many in local government. Some of these people have completed their terms and are no longer listed: https://www.firstonthird.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/2020-21-22-Officers-by-Class-for-Web.pdf



Republican District Court Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther:



Democrat District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- whom I know well and who convicted me FALSELY on several charges here (all of which I've forced him to REVERSE), and Ben David worked with Fox News Chicago, Wells Fargo, Chicago, and Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama -- and stole copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams -- which Ben has promised several times to UNDO -- but he has NOT!!!



I also know Ben David's wife, Stephanie David, a TOP FUNDRAISER and STRATEGIST for Mitt Romney and Lamar Alexander -- as well as his now former long-term male lover, Lee -- LOL!!!

CORRECTED: https://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2013/04/repost-da-ben-davids-boyfriend-lee.html

And -- CURRENTLY their Elder and a District Court Judge -- Robin Wickes Robinson is the ONE JUDGE who openly welcomed my return from my SECOND period of Political Exile in Mexico in June of 2015 -- and their Deacon John Stike, not only was partnered with lawyer David A. Nash 
(a First Prez congregant), who filed the INITIAL FALSE CHARGE of Cyberstalking against me in 2011 -- because I blogged about all the Hard-Drug Trafficking I witnessed in their Costello's Gay Piano Bar -- that closed about two years ago now.


John Stike borderline RAPED ME in about 1984!!!


John Stike:






That is enough wrestling with the Devil for today -- so I will post in what you MUST ANSWER if you want to discuss Theology with me -- as well as a couple of my other favorite memes -- and I will email this ALSO to some people at Union Theological Seminary -- since we seem to have A LOT IN COMMON!!!

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