Mayor "Bill" Saffo
Wilmington, North Carolina City Council: Mayor Pro-Tem Margaret Haynes, Charlie Rivenbark, Kevin O'Grady, Neil Anderson, Pastor Clifford D. Barnett, Jr., Kevin Spears, and Secretary to them all -- as well as Charlie Rivenbark's live-in lover -- Dawn Grants
Cc: NC Gov. Roy Cooper, NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein, and selected News Media
December 22, 2020
Dear City Leaders,
In the interest of Wilmington, let's set down our religious and political and money-grabbing interests for a moment. Kenan Memorial Fountain needs to be dealt with:
I am not descended from the wealthy Kenans who gave Wilmington the fountain -- so I CANNOT speak "officially" for my Kenan Family on this, but only as a LOGICAL PERSON.
And this is not MY original opinion, but one I read more than a year ago online -- but it makes sense. First, let's assume the fountain is NOT to be moved to another location, as some have recommended, and thru-trucks are already banned from that part of downtown, so REMOVE a couple of parking spaces closest to it on all sides, and place speed bumps on all four approaches -- possibly with bands of those small humps that shake a car and make lots of noise before them.
I spent nearly five years living in Mexico in Political Exile (by help of Colin Powell's people), and there, they use these remedies EVERYWHERE. You might "fly" over these things ONCE, but after that, drivers take them seriously -- unless they are too high or drunk -- or as I read speculation about the guy yesterday, have had some kind of seizure.
I found no follow up on that poor guy in the Press, and hope he's recovering OK.
The OTHER MATTER concerning the fountain is its dedication. Paid for by William R. Kenan, Jr., to Memorialize his rabid, White Supremacist parents. I've seen talk of re-dedication to William Rand Kenan, Jr. -- like UNC Chapel Hill did with Kenan Stadium.
But there is also a problem with that. WRK, Jr. -- ANOTHER HOMO KENAN, like Thomas S. Kenan III and I, "Will" Kenan's nice but horsey wife died early without issue, and then he moved in for the rest of his life with his life-long secretary Schuyler Beatty, controlled the stock of Standard Oil of New Jersey (marketed as ESSO and later EXXON), and contributed 39% of all funds used to elect Adolph Hitler Chancellor of Germany. Then he bought the land and built the Oil Refineries that produced the MAJORITY of fuels and petro-chemicals to run Hitler's WAR MACHINE -- and including Pervitin (now called Methamphetamine or Adderall), which several of Donald Trump's former advisers claim Donald Trump "Hoovers-Up" after crushing the tablets, daily.
And as I've let everyone know, when George Bush's somewhat distant cousin Bill Toups found me here and we spent the night together in October of 2016, after the sex, we discussed how our Kenan and Bush Families have run worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy -- with the Christian Churches, of course -- for MANY decades now.
If you think BEYOND WILMINGTON, this one-time denizen of Wilmington was largely responsible for the deaths of so many of the troops of the ALLIES, the destruction of so much of Europe's landscape, cities, and Arts and Cultural Treasures -- as well as EVERY WILMINGTON WWII CITIZEN who fought and died in the European Theater.
UNC Chapel Hill will be FORCED to once again rededicate their stadium -- but Wilmington can GET A LEG UP on UNC, doing it SOONER!!!
I propose, rededicating it to "The Kenan Family" in general. ALL of us are not TRAITORS, and even some who WERE, have given Wilmington important gifts. Sarah Graham Kenan, who died painfully of "Lues" -- another name for Tertiary Syphilis -- that Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler, Bingham WOULD have died of -- if Robert Worth Bingham had not MURDERED Mary Lily to get the $5,000,000.00 Codicil to her will in 1917. In 2020 dollars, that would be $1,016,520,000.00.
And that was only about 10% of Mary Lily's Estate, that she left to her near Kenan relatives.
And as anyone who's ever actually read and studied the Judeo-Christian Bible knows, it claims that Jesus ascended from THREE SEPARATE PLACES, and with different witnesses to a physical Heaven that Science and Logic prove don't exist -- and then the tombs opened and partially decayed ZOMBIES arose from their graves and entered the Holy City.
And with Wilmington's Christian Churches running the Hard-Drugs with Politicians of BOTH PARTIES, we would do WELL to throw them all -- BOUND AND GAGGED -- into the Cape Fear River -- but we CAN'T do that, and they can just keep sending their CHRISTIAN FARTS (prayers) to NOWHERE.
Fortunately, Donald Trump has singlehandedly (if you don't count his Republican and Democratic Allies -- like the Kenan, Bush, Cheney, Clinton, and Obama Families -- and Joe Biden as well), has DESTROYED CHRISTIANITY as having ANY MORALS OR ETHICS AT ALL.
We now have GREAT VENUES made from the Catholic Church on Dock Street near Third, and St. Andrews Presbyterian on Fourth Street. Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian on Market Street recently permanently closed.
The City should ENCOURAGE all of the dying Christian congregations to CONSOLIDATE so they can afford the upkeep on the properties -- WITHOUT WHOLESALE, HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING!!!
And finally, on a personal note to Councilman Kevin Spears, I'd like him to tell his MOTHER, that I think of her often, and truly enjoyed sharing that meal with her in Wendy's -- about two years ago!!!
Mayor Saffo and Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, you will soon PAY THE PIPER (through Legal Action), for having murdered my friend Evan Fish:
As well as TRYING to murder ME -- when I was only trying to get the STILL UNRELEASED FULL POLICE REPORT on Evan's murder -- the ABBREVIATED one you gave me had Evan's first and middle names reversed, and his former girlfriend Eleanor "Ellie" Schwaner, whom Wilmington Christian Police used to force Evan to jump to his death, had HER NAME totally botched.
Google in my blog to find far more details.
All Best and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to ALL on Wilmington City Council -- with hope of a RETURN TO ETHICAL GOVERNMENT in Wilmington -- and that the Christians have the GOOD SENSE to FLEE WILMINGTON -- like so many Black Folks had to do during the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat -- ANOTHER CHRISTIAN HATE-FEST.
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