1. It is now late, and I've spent MOST of today letting many Facebook Friends know that I intend to write and electronically deliver this Letter not only to Ben David, but to MORE TOP PRESBYTERIANS so they can straighten out Little Chapel on the Boardwalk, First Presbyterian, and St. Andrews-Covenant, and other Presbyterian Churches in Wilmington, NC -- BEFORE they are SUED as part of my soon action against D.A. Ben David (that, perhaps overstated -- I only have cause to SUE First Presbyterian), and Judges Sandra Alice Ray/Criner, Lindsey McKee/Luther, Jeffrey Noecker (and Judges Chad Hogston and James Faison III -- all Hard-Drug Trafficking or protecting, but "Christians" of a different denomination).
Every one of them conspired with D.A. Ben David, and his co-Christians Mayor "Bill" Saffo, City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, Republican Jonathan Deputy, Democrat NC Representative Deb Butler, County Commissioners Julia Olson-Boseman, "Rev." Jonathan Barfield, Jr. (whose campaign cash came almost exclusively from Republican "dark-money" slush funds), Bishop Tony McGee, Pastor Robert Campbell, and Pastor Campbell's BIGGEST co-trafficker Sheriff Ed McMahon.
If you missed any of these, you can read-up here:
2. Robert "Rob" James McKinney came to my apartment today to say that he will SOON have what he promised me a week ago -- and it will include a "Christmas Bonus" because I have been so NICE to him and his father -- LOL!!!
I guess he got my MESSAGE from last night:
3. This BOOK finally arrived today after being in the mail from Indiana for OVER TWO WEEKS!!!
4. My sister's friend Jim of Michigan is now back in Michigan, so I can mention his being who was with Jane and me this TUESDAY when we explored Ft. Fisher to Wrightsville Beach, and much of downtown Wilmington. Jim's Jewish half ancestors nearly all perished in Adolph Hitler and William Rand Kenan, Jr.'s GAS CHAMBERS, while his other half has left him a significant Otis Elevator Heir.
After practicing for five years as an attorney, Jim has mostly enjoyed his money and shared it for MANY YEARS with Jane, treating Jane to two two-week international trips per year -- as well as helping her buy cars, giant TVs, etc.
Jim CAN'T WATCH TV News -- because he goes into APOPLEXY if he sees Donald Trump!!!

District Attorney Benjamin Randall David
316 Princess St, Suite 543
Wilmington, NC 28401
December 10, 2020
Dear Ben,
I saw the report of your having tested positive for COVID-19 -- something I would not wish on anyone -- including you. And I was VERY HAPPY to see that you are USING IT to EDUCATE about the importance of WEARING MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCING!!!
Like me, you seem STRONG ENOUGH not to suffer serious symptoms and then have a full recovery, and reportedly you have none at all -- but if you are CORRECT about how you got it, it is too early for symptoms AT ALL.
Now, since you are still fine and not even fatigued, I figured I'd better get this to you before you WORSEN -- if you do. As you can see in the top material in this Letter/Blog Posting, I think we have all of the evidence for your CONSPIRACY with other "Christians" (Politicians of BOTH Parties and Christian Pastors of MANY Churches), to build a SOLID CASE under RICO LAW to put you, your brother D.A. Jon David and others into Prison for MANY YEARS!!!
It is EASY to prove the conspiracy that also includes Wells Fargo, Fox News, and even Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama:
Also, I am reminded of my dear friend Imran Anwar, a Fox News and CNN Talking Head for ten years straddling 9/11/2001, and he swore to me that EVERYONE at both of those networks KNEW WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING that George W. Bush with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield and others had PLANNED 9/11 with the Bin Laden and Saudi Royal Families -- but the REASON Bush looked so STUPID was that he knew they planned it for 9/12 -- but moved it up one day because the Bush Family had assassinated Osama's older brother years before that -- and the Bin Ladens played it COOL -- until Osama PUNKED BUSH by changing the date!!!
And REMEMBER, by chance I met Martin Lamb -- George W. Bush's TOP DRUG MONEY LAUNDERER -- in a sushi restaurant in Colima, Colima, Mexico in 2012 -- and when he heard I was a KENAN OF CHAPEL HILL, he ASSUMED that I TOO had tons of Drug Money he could launder -- and SPILLED THE BEANS!!!
Now, as you know, the Wilmington Star News recently reported that NC's Attorney General Josh Stein has ALREADY taken Drug Cases and Major cases of violence OUT of your hands -- and transferred them to FEDERAL COURTS -- because of your being a large part of the Drug Problem here -- and asked me to keep sending him my reports of CRIMES of my Kenan Family and Politicians and Churches in Wilmington, so he MIGHT want to prosecute you under North Carolina Law as well.
You know all of this -- since you get emails of my EVERY BLOG POSTING and have never BLOCKED THEM. So I will ADD MORE Presbyterian Pastors in Wilmington and send this first to all of THEM -- including the ones I sent to last night that includes the HEADS of the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina as well as of in the USA. They will include also:,,,,,,,,
SADLY, although my STUDY of Presbyterian Thought found it the BEST THEOLOGY of all Christian Churches -- the PRACTICE by Presbyterians is MORE HYPOCRITICAL than that of any other Denomination -- because you believe TOTALLY in THIS BULL SHIT!!!:
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