North Carolina Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry won election to HEAD the Episcopal Church, USA, very recently in an ENORMOUS landslide. He had already been performing same-sex marriages BEFORE his denomination approved of them, and that Church overwhelmingly approved Marriage Equality at the same confab.
1. This morning, I see that SOMEONE (or ones), has been googling my name followed by Testosteroni's ACTUAL last name -- which could be either him looking at where in this blog it is listed (once, a couple of months ago -- and he's been FINE with that remaining there), or it COULD be my Special Forces Guy (whom I've decided to call "Opssey", as he is CLEARLY on a very SPECIAL Special Operation to mine me for info, no???
Given the SAVED RECORD of Testo's "psychological terrorism" of ME -- especially during my move to Wilmington which he pulled out ALL STOPS to talk me out of doing -- the US Government might need to talk to him for some kind of explanation. I HOPE so, to tell you the TRUTH. I APPRECIATE his financial support and his CONSISTENCY in it, but his seeming HATRED of me is mystifying to me.
But I prefer to remember that unsolicited, one of his FIRST gifts to me was a copy of
I HIGHLY recommend it:
So DESPITE his trying to PREVENT me in getting to the bottom of the corruption of the US Government, he is ALSO completely into UNDERSTANDING IT.
I guess between his years as a recluse and his addiction to unneeded Testosterone injections, his mind is a MESS (and full of "bipolar contradictions"). Having "been there/done that", I am both empathetic and sympathetic to his plight, now.
At 81, Testo is not likely this ripped.
2. With all the super hot not-just-white-people, but blacks and others as well -- here in Wilmington, I QUICKLY got over my lust for my apartment neighbor, as recently reported. In fact, the poor overworked guy flopped on my sofa last night just to relax -- away from his several girlfriends, and Jenny, who told him LIES about me (and I disclosed to him her lies to ME about HIM, too)!!!
Anyway, he loves to write, too, and wants my opinion on his writing, as well as being interested in sharing some prepared Costco foods (portions being TOO LARGE for a single person), and in watching some movies here.
You see, I SORT OF screwed up -- due to the sensitivity I have to good audio/video equipment -- and when a 49" LG Ultra-HD TV was on sale for the 4th at $719.00 at Target (and I first googled its reviews -- all five stars -- and its typical price -- ON SALE at Best Buy for $1,099.00), I simply couldn't resist -- knowing I'd LUST for the better picture all too soon, and be stuck with an inferior TV.
The 49" TV looks as large as my mid-50 inches TVs of the last twenty years -- in this small apartment -- and the picture is to DIE FOR!!!
I had actually planned to use my very small TV, which I'd bought as a monitor for an old box computer, but can use it as a second screen for my laptop -- the way I LIKE to write -- one screen for writing, one for research.
BUT, I thought I had CAREFULLY checked finances and it was possible, but soon after purchasing, discovered that was NOT the case, so today, I empty my "cushion" at Benefits Management, and STILL don't have enough money to fix my car's cracked or broken windshield and side window -- necessary to get it inspected -- and then the costs of inspection, registration, etc.
And I haven't begun to shop for food yet -- except for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cereal, and YES -- I have ALREADY boiled up a pound and a half of PEANUTS!!!
Checking an old NC Inspection sheet from 2012, I see they DO check tire tread, so I likely will have to replace ONE tire, the one with the very slow leak.
2. The LAST posting,, has zoomed to the most-hit of the week, and the second most hit of the week is this: -- ALSO pretty amazing considering these are my two most recent posts, all the others of the last week having had FAR LONGER to rack up hits!!!
3. Neither Ryan Burris (on behalf Cape Fear Equality -- regarding my WEEK AGO inquiry about WHEN and WHERE they meet, since their calendar on-line is ENTIRELY BLANK), nor Carolyn Foland,, have had a THING to do with me or responded to personal messages. Carolyn had INSISTED she wants to video-record my story as SOON as I arrived in town!!!

Carolyn and Ryan, together
BOTH seen consumed with juvenile behavior -- Ryan goofing in clown noses, etc., and Carolyn posts to Facebook using animated cutsy-images that I associate with Snoopy-loving junior-high girls when I was that age in the late 1960s!!!
NOT exactly "Leadership", no???

Scott Kenan shared a link.
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